Chapter Seventy-One: Eulogy

Note: Well this is it. His has been a great story to write and thanks to you all my biggest success. Thanks to everyone who has reviewed and will see you all out there.

One Year Later

The blood stains that once filled the streets of Newtech City have long since been washed away but the memories of the heroes that shed that blood are still fresh in the minds of those who were at what is now called The Battle For Earth. On this day, the one year anniversary of the end of the Psychotic War, the living heroes of the war gather for to celebrate the fallen heroes and mark the new beginning.

"It isn't what it was, but maybe this is for the best." Bridge said with his arm around Miranda.

"So this is how it all started. With a huge war that destroyed countries, killed most of the population of Earth, and caused the extinction of many more species. Not much of a humble beginning is it." Jen said as she stood beside her son looking up at the remodeled building once called the SPD Delta Base.

"No it isn't. But like Bridge said, it's for the best. SPD did a lot of great things, but it is time for Earth to move on." Sky said as he looked on at the large ring that was being placed beside the new base.

"Bridge is right. It is for the best." A familiar voice said from behind the group.

After the group turned around they noticed that the man in front of them was for the first time in there presence not dressed for a meeting or for battle but wearing a pair of blue jeans, a black wife beater, a blue jean jacket, an old red and black Budweiser fitted hat, and a pair of black boots. Miranda walked over to the person and gave them a gentile hug.

"Uncle Joe. How's the new body and rehab coming?" She asked Dickson as he gently hugged her back.

"I'm trying to gain back two hundred years of strength and endurance in a year. Not easy. But the question I have is how is that bun that is residing in your oven cooking?" Dickson asked her placing a hand on her stomach and being rewarded with a kick.

Dickson quickly jumped back and pointed a finger at Bridge. "Boy, I know a baby that strong couldn't be yours." He said before turning to Sky. "Sky. Did you do this to Miranda while Bridge was standing on his head?" he said to Sky who was quick to respond.

"Hell no sir. I fear for my life and Syd would kill me. Sir." Sky said causing everyone else to chuckle.

"No need for formalities Sky. Yesterday was my last day." Dickson told them causing everyone to look at him oddly.

Dickson sighed knowing that probably should have made an announcement. "Over the last year I have been slowly easing Destany into my place. Giving her more responsibility over everyday operations of the planet until she had basically taken command leaving me more as a figurehead and treaty negotiator. As of yesterday I have officially turned authority over Mercury to Destany. I said when I took over protection of the earth realms that I would not be like my father and give my entire life to this cause, to war. I performed a ritual using the Shadow Arts to transfer all of the knowledge of the powers and experience to her. I'm retired and as I leave Mercury in her hands I leave Earth in yours." Dickson told the group.

"Sky. You are the first of many great commanders that will lead the new Time Force in the protection of the planet and it's timeline. Along with your mother and your rangers I have no doubt I am leaving earth in the best hands." Dickson told the group.

"Thank you sir. That means a lot to all of us." Sky said as he stepped forward and shook Dickson's hand before turning back to the big ring that was being locked into place.

"Bridge reached into the cooler beside him and handed everyone a soda. When everyone had a bottle Sky looked at everyone around him noticing in Dickson the end of an era, in the rangers the present of earth, and in his daughter Elizabeth and the baby growing inside Miranda as well as his mother he saw the future.

"A toast!" Sky proposed holding up his bottle which everyone else followed suit. "To the future! To this new age of peace and happiness!" he announced.

"To the future!" Everyone recited before taking a drink for everyone in the small group knew that the future was a bright one indeed.

The End

If you all want to add dramatics to the toast you can go to youtube and look up the song Dreams by Van Halen and listen to it while you read the toast.