Mt. What?

As Blazer drove to Mt. Rushmore, (hitting 6 stop signs on the way) Borci and Angle finished unpacking. As Borci walked up to the front of the bus, he heard Blazer and Kaede talking about how to blow something up. But when he walked up to ask them, they shifted to a different conversion.

"So let me get this straight, you can understand German, but can't speak it?" Blazer asked Kaede.

"Just like you can understand Japanese, but can't speak it. Weird, isn't it?" Kaede said.

"Yeah, it is, isn't it? Anyway, what weapons and explosives do you have?" Blazer said.

"I've got...70 kunai knives...50 mini shuriken...3 large shuriken...20 smoke bombs...4 weapon summoning scrolls...Fluffy...20 flash bombs...100 exploding tags...and a massive electromagnetic bomb. Oh, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Kaede said.

"You handle the FBI, I'll handle Bush W. George," Blazer said, smirking.

"I'm a little scared to ask, but what are you two thinking?" Borci asked.

"Only about how to get the pickles to take over Canada. But don't worry, only 99.9 of it is illegal. Hey, why don't you go hang out with Angle, we won't get to Mt. St Helen's for about 20 more minutes," Blazer said.

"No, no, it's Mt. Everest we are heading to, remember?" Kaede said.

"You're both wrong, we're heading to Mt. Rushmore!" Borci yelled.

Both Blazer and Kaede looked at him and asked, "Mt. What?"

At this time, Borci took Blazer's idea and went to talk to Angle. Although you wouldn't get him to admit it, he thought she was kind of pretty.

"Hey, Corin, quick question, how sane is Kaede?" Borci asked, knowing he wouldn't get a good answer.

"Are we talking when she has Fluffy out, or when she doesn't?" Corin responded.

"There is a difference?" Borci said, beginning to think he should gag the two, and then drag them to the men in white's happy place.

"Oh yeah. When she doesn't have Fluffy out, she rates a 8 on a 10 point scale of insanty. With Fluffy, she is a 9.5. From what I can tell, Blazer is an 8.5, but, when given a weapon of choice, will be a 69." Corin said, looking scared at the thought.

"Well, I found a flamethrower in Blazer's room, with the name 'Aqua' on it, though who names their flamethrower Aqua?" Angle said, holding a pointing to a flamethrower on his bed, one that probably shot blue flames out.

"Well, I couldn't call it Flame, that just wouldn't fell right," said Blazer, who seemed to appear next to Corin.

"Ahhhhhh! Don't do that!" Borci yelled, swinging his arms/wings around so much that he hit Corin, who proceeded to fall to the floor.

Of course, do to the insanity, no one was paying attention to him.

"Who's driving this bus house car thing?!?" Angle yelled.

"Oh, we're already at Mt. St Helen's." Blazer said.

"What do you mean, we're at Mt. Everest," Kaede said, appearing nearly as mysteriously as Blazer did.

"Oh, don't mind me, I'm just lying on the floor, probably with a concussion," Corin said, finally getting up off the floor.

Still ignoring Corin, Borci yelled, "It's Mt. Everest!"

Suddenly, there was a big bang, sounding like about 60 pounds of very high explosives, and a bunch of dust and debris hit the car/bus/house.

"Ah, there she is, Mt. St Helen's, my work of art, the reformed mountain!" Blazer said, looking out the window, tearing up a little.

"How long have we been here to allow you to set up that much explosives?" Windy asked.

"Just about, 13 minutes. Oh look, the dust is clearing!" Blazer said.

In the amount of dust that still hung in the air, you could see what used to be Mt. Rushmore, a statue of Blazer holding a flag on top of a very accurate globe, with Kaede sitting on a throne over Canada.

"Oh, look, the FBI are here. I'll go kidnap them, and then we can negotiate with Bush W. George for what we want," Kaede said, walking out with two kunai in her hand.

As she walked out, Borci thought, 'What explosive did he use to to be that precise?'


Sorry for the late update, but I had trouble with the most common enemy of fanfic writes, school. But, fear not, this won't continue, for, after the first few days, it gets easier. I have only one last wish before I go and let Kaede write the next chapter, and that is that I had more to rant about.