It was Draco's birthday and Harry wanted to get him something and tell him how he felt but he was a little nerves because he had never done anything like this before. The biggest thing that scared him was the fact that Draco will most likely reject him, but deep down and I mean deep down he thought that maybe Draco liked him and the teasing of him and his friends was just his way of flirting. He so wanted to believe that the one he loved, loved him back. So he decied that he would send him a note in potions and tell him he needed to talk to him and only him. So he set out and wrote the note because potions was his next class.

Draco had just walked in the room and the first thing he saw was the object of his affections. The one and only Boy- Who- Lived, Harry Potter himself. Draco thought that he was weird but in that cute way. You know the way that they always seem to screw up and then turn it around and everything is better. It was just cute to Draco. He made a few marks like there was something about "Scarhead, muddblood, and red headed weasel" the usual. Then he sat at his desk next to Blaise and Pansy, when a little peice of paper landed on his desk. He looked around and he saw Harry motion to the note for him to read it. His heart fluttered when he realized it was from Harry. He cautiously opened up the note and it read


I have something I need to talk to you about and I was wondering if you would meet me in the Room Of Requirements after dinner? Well sorry to take up your time.



Only you leave the goones in the Great Hall. It will only be me this is something I need to discuss with just you.

Draco couldn't help but wonder what is was that Harry had wanted to talk to him about. He thought about it all through his next couple of classes. He thought that Harry had called him to hex him, then that mad eno since to him, then the thought that made Draco smile then frown instantly was the one where he thought Harry could like him back. 'Hell would have to freeze over before that would happen' Draco thought to himself. He couldn't wait so he left dinner early just cause he wanted to know so bad he lost his appitite. He was anxious.

Harry caught on and he got up a little after Draco did, so nothing seemed suspecious. He walked quietly down the scarecly lit halls that he knew so well. He was at the door to the Room Of Requirements in no time flat. He knocked on the door lightly before walking in. The room had a roaring fire and it looked like the living room in one of them older vistorian houses. Draco sat there staring into the fire not even takin notice Harry walked into the room til' he sat down next to him on the couch.

"Happy Birthday, Draco." Harry said in a happy tone. Draco nodded and said "Is that what you called me here for? Cause if it is I will be leaving now, I have better things to do than sit in a room with you." Harry felt a little hurt by the words but he knew that he couldn't just use small talk with Draco so he had to get to the point, and now before he left. "Draco...ummm...I wanted to say that ...umm...Ilikeyou." Harry said the last part very fast hoping Draco wouldn't catch it, but to his misfortioune he did. His eyes got big and he didn't know what to say to this. I mean who would, he was suposed to be his enemy not love interest.

Draco looked wide eyed for a moment then broke out into a gentle smile and walked up next to Harry and kissed him on the cheek and whispered "I like you, too." in his ear. He watched in amusement as Harrys' eyes got big then he broke out into a goofy grin and grabbed Draco's hand and spin his aruond so he was faceing him and not standing next to him, and lightly put his lips to Draco's in a sweet but loving kiss.

Draco watched as Harry closed the space between them. He was going to act like he didn't know what to do. Like he didn't know weither kiss back or just stand there. He decied playing niave would be a little fun. Finally as the lips got closer, he closed his eyes and he waited for Harrys' lips on his. When Harry pulled away he had a light blush on his cheeks. He looked absolutally aborable.

Harry contemplated what he should do next. He didn't know if Draco would want him to kiss him again, but he wanted to kiss Draco again. He didn't know if he should just kiss him and see how it went or just stop there before he scared Draco away. He really didn't want that, but before he could do anything else lips were on his. He was shocked at first then realization dawned on him Draco was kissing him. Slowly Harry licked at the blondes bottom lip asking for enterance. Draco played as if he wasn't sure what to do but he slowly opened his mouth knowing that was what he was supposed to do, and he had esure he did it slowly to make him seem a little on the shy side. Harry delved his tongue into the waiting mouth. They fought for dominance which Harry won because of Draco's "innocence." When they broke the kiss both where both panting heavily.

Draco decied to stop playing innocent and take this a little further so his kissed the darked haired boy agian but this time he brought his hand up the front of the white button up shirt his soon to be lover had on. Harry stood still wondering what he should do, he never thought Draco would do that. "I want you inside" Draco said all this with lust dripping from his voice. It was turning him on. So he decied to do what Draco wanted him to but he asked "Do you really like me or is this just for a free fuck?" before he did anything. He wanted his first time to be special. Draco walked over to him and draped his arms around the dark haired boys neck and said in a hushed tone "Harry, I want my first time to be special, and with the one I love. I know what your thinking I did it with every slytherin girl, no I didn't I didn't even date one of them. Plus girls discust me."

Harry was a little shocked at first and then he smiled, Draco hadn't slept with everyone and he was just as inexperienced as him. Draco was willing to give his pureness to him, and if he heard him right he said and I quote "Harry, I want my first time to be special, and with the one I love" Draco just said he loved him. Draco the slytherin ice prince loved the Boy-Who-Lived.