Marcellous: (walks in) Alright guys, let's do this shit!
Ginyu: (jumping up and down) Oh, I'm so excited! I thought we'd never do this!
Marcellous: That's what she said!
Jeice: (laughing) Good on ya, mate!
Burter: Oh man, I can just imagine what we're gonna do this time!
Marcellous: That's what she said!
Jeice: (laughing harder)
Guldo: You guys are making this too easy, use a little imagination.
Ginyu: That's what HE said!
Frieza: (still in his cage)...It's true, I did say that one time.
Dark Iced Coffee
Ginyu, Guldo and Frieza: (erases from time same way as in chapter 43, erases loopholes, blah blah blah)
Jeice, Burter, Recoome and Marcellous: Meh (gives 1 million pancakes each) They aren't burned.
(If Frieza ever comes back, cuts him into millions of bits and fries him)
bye! (teleports to random area on Earth using a transerver)
Ginyu: If it's a black hole, it better be attached to an ass! (erased)
Guldo: (erased)
Frieza: It's like Ginyu's ass after a strap-on! (erased) loopholes, huh? (sigh) Drag out the cloning machine.
Ginyu-Bot 3000: (drags out cloning machine) Remember me?
Marcellous: weren't you raped into scrap metal by Ginyu?
Ginyu-Bot 3000: Lies! I have become a successful Hollywood actor.
Marcellous:...then why are you here?
Ginyu-Bot 3000:...(explodes)
Marcellous: Thought so.
Jeice: Pancakes go to my thighs!
Burter: Cholesterol won't make me faster!
Recoome: WAFFLES! (devours pancakes)
Ginyu: (cloned back)
Guldo: (cloned back)
Frieza: (cloned back) Well, that was unplea- (fried into bite-sized cubes that fall into a conveniently placed serving platter)
Goku: (walks in) Howdy guys, just wanted to stop by for the Anni-hey, finger foods! (takes the platter and leaves)
Marcellous: (sighs and starts up the cloning machine)
I have one thing to ask of Jeice- marry me? I have cookies and boobs(:
Jeice: (convulsing) INHFFBIUSDBGIUSDBGBOOBS? (runs at the door and attempts to unlock it) NOOOO!
Marcellous: You run a porno company now, you think you'd have nipped (no pun intended) this addiction by now.
Jeice: I can't trust the girls I hire, they might have STDs!
Marcellous: Don't surprise her, plug your geyser!
Vegeta: (walks in with a sledgehammer) Hello, Marcellous.
Marcellous: Vegeta, what are you doing here?
Vegeta: Something I've been meaning to do for a very long time. (walks over to the stereo and puts in a CD)
(Ode to Joy by Ludwig van Beethoven starts playing)
Vegeta: (goes around smacking everyone with the sledgehammer in tune to the music)
I just have some questions... and a few comments for the Ginyus.
Ginyu: So when did you first learn that you were Gay? And WHAT do you see in Frieza?
Guldo: ... You are not worthy of a question from me (waves him away like a fart)
Jeice: So were you like, born with white hair? What color will it turn when you get old? Why are you such a suck up?
Recoome: I want you to, as slowly and carefully as you can, count to 5 for me. can you do that?
Burter: How much money you wanna bet that Sonic is faster than you?
The whole Ginyu force: Why are you guys so obsessed with chocolate? And why must you do those poses? AND WHY'D YOU HAVE TO GO AND TRAUMATIZE POOR GOHAN INTO BEING SAIYAMAN?
(Knocks #3 of them over the head with a plank of wood. turns to Jeice and Burter) I think you guys aren't THAT weird... Chocolate? (Hands them a tub of chocolate icecream... its empty...)
Lml, awesome story!
Ginyu: I first discovered as a teenager, but I was in the closet up until Chapter 4...I love Frieza because he loves me, he's so nice and caring and he just doesn't want sex...(turns to Frieza)...he completes me...
Frieza: (tearing up) Oh Ginyu...I love you babe!
(make-out session)
Piccolo: (walks in) Hey Marcellous, I just wanted to sa- (sees Ginyu and Frieza) Don't you get tired of 5 years of this shit?
Marcellous: Tolerance. It makes the world go 'round.
Piccolo: Damn straight.
Guldo: (gets shooed away) Aww man...(cries in the corner)
Jeice: It's not white, it's platinum! It'll get gray when I age, I guess. I'm not kiss up.
Marcellous: Yes you are.
Jeice: Suck my dick!
Marcellous: Eat my shit!
Jeice: Yes sir!
Marcellous: See?
Recoome: IT'S TOO HARD! (jumps into moving traffic)
Burter:...That's...that's happened before. (sobs)
Jeice: Chocolate's good as shit!
Ginyu: The poses increase flexibility!
Ginyu Force & Marcellous: (group high-five)
Akatsuki: (comes in)
Pein: Where did you want us perform again?
Marcellous: (points at a nearby stage) Over there.
Itachi: (sigh) Kakuzu, you really are an idiot.
Kakuzu: (counting money) Do you have any idea what the Zeni-Ryo exchange rate is?
Konan: Come on guys, this sounds fun!
Tobi: Tobi wants to do Halftime Show!
Kisame: This is pretty demeaning.
Sasori: At least you have a dick. Stupid puppet body...
Jeice: Hey, this ice cream is empty!
Burter:...Halftime Show?
Marcellous: (turns on the stereo)
(It's Not Unusual by Tom Jones starts playing)
Akatsuki: (doing the Carlton Banks dance)
Pein: Stupid 90's sitcom shows!
Konan: Ow, my boobs hurt from jiggling so much!
Jeice: (watching Konan intently) I love this show!
Itachi: (trying not to smile)
Kisame: (way too into it) Go Kisame, it's ya birthday!
Hidan: Imagine doing this shit at a fucking club!
Kakuzu: The last time I was forced to do this dance...(glares at Marcellous) I got a new heart.
Marcellous: I'LL ROCK YOU, BITCH!
Oracle of the Stars
this looks awesome I think I'll have some fun (smiles evily and gets out a pen paper) Ok my first question is how do you feel of Teamfourstars take on all of you? I find it was pretty accurate and the voice acting was incredible Captain Ginyu never sounded so sexy. And the Jeice and Burter voices were top notch to me, but let's here your opinion shall we?
Now to individual questions
Jeice: (holds mic to face) How's it feel to be so far away from home? I mean Space Australia is a long way's away right?
Burter: How much did it suck to find out you really are not the fastest in the universe? I mean slower then Guldo? That must have sucked but hey he can stop time so...
Guldo: If you can stop time...why not kill Freeza and become overlord? I mean come on you couldn't buff up? Geez you know what you suck you are so completely stupid and ignorant that I can't stand talking to you right now. So (throws dog treat at him and gets Vegeta to kill again) take that.
Recoome: So tell me what is your IQ level? And also do you enjoy wrestling like your abridged counterpart? Or too find it far too fake for you tastes? And if you even know what I"m talking about here you can have a cookie.
Ginyu: So did you come up with those moves yourself? Also what is your reaction to gohan stealing them for the Saiyaman Saga? And is there really a ceremonial dance you perform for Freeza on every successful mission?
Ok this last question is for all of you, (clears throat writes last few sentences and walks to a door. Puts notebook away and opens revealing Super Saiyan goku, super saiyan Vegeta and Super Saiyan Gohan. smiles evilly while whispering*)I told them you all said that Super Saiyan makes them look weak and that you could all take them on with your eyes closed. Which ticked of Veggie as for Gohan and Goku meh I promised Chocolate and finished homework for a week. So...have fun (sits back and watches the torment with popcorn offering some to Marcellous) Ahh nothing like the sound of spilling blood and a happy Super Saiyan. Well that's it for me bye!
Ginyu Force: (about to speak)
Marcellous: (pushes them out of the way) FUCK TFS! WeeklyTubeShow's where it's at! (WTS Piccolo Voice) I'll smack you in the face with mah dang-a-lang!
Jeice: Uhh...home's not that far away, I'm something of a celeb over there.
Burter: I was crushed, it hurt too bad!
Marcellous: That's what she said!
Guldo: I can only hold my breath for so long! Oh, a doggie treat! (ducks to pick it up)
Vegeta: (air charges and missed Guldo) OH FUCK- (goes out the window)
Recoome: (holds up a plastic championship belt) DO YOU HEAR WHAT STONE COLD RANDY ORTON IS BAKING?
Ginyu: Why yes, actually. It comes from an ancient battle dance to the gods of buttsex after a ceremonial rape session!
Ginyu Force: (Super Saiyan Fuck-up)
Marcellous: (eating popcorn) I kinda miss these days!
Jeice: (trembles in fear)...OH SHIT!
Recoome: IT CAN'T BE!
Ginyu:...NOT HIM!
Burter: KILL ME NOW!
Raditz's Son
(Wipes dust off of himself. I walk in wearing shorts, a t-shirt and overshirt and a fedora. I wipe the hair from my eyes and give a goofy smile)
Your leader has returned! I Raditz's Son and I am ready to give you guys a hell of a time!
Burter- You've fled south have you? Tell me, are you still fast enough to outrace me...while I fire rockets at you? (Fires a small missle)
Guldo- Guldo... (Cuts head off with a katana) God i missed that
Recoome-...Are...are you Arnold's special cousin? And...please...say I must break you...
Jeice- (High fives) You wallabies down unda got them wanker sin yur mits aye? Gotta keep them sheela's from runna away with your mates if yah know what yah mean and keeping them dingos from eating yah baby! Here's a boomerrang!
Ginyu-... Once again you are 1 step forward and two steps back for the gay community. (Sigh)
Frieza-...Have you heard your new voice by any chance?
Marcellous-I'm staying here for the chapter. Deal
Burter: (tries to run but the missile gets lodged up his ass) OH GOD NO- (explodes)
Guldo: (turned into a blood fountain)
Jeice: Ya know mate, keep them shrimps on the barbie or give 'em the loo water and a case of Steve Irwin, ay mate!
Ginyu: (sigh)
Frieza: Well, actually I- (gets knocked out by Marcellous)
Jeice: looks like this is it for a while.
Ginyu: It does, doesn't it?
Burter: (starts crying) I'm gonna miss you guys!
(group hug)
Marcellous:'s been due since chapter's time.
Ginyu Force:…...REALLY?
Marcellous: Really. (smiles and turns on the stereo)
(Sentai music starts playing)
Recoome: RECOOME! (pose)
Burter: BURTER! (pose)
Jeice: JEICE! (pose)
Guldo: GULDO! (pose)
Ginyu: CAPTAIN GINYU! (pose)
Marcellous: THE ULTIMATE SAIYAN! (pose)
All: AND WE ARE...