
Dedicated to my Best Buddy Irene!!!! Thnx for being there and helping me out with my Fanfic!!!! You really have encouraged me a lot and that's why I'm dedicating this to you!!!! Thnx so much .

Thnx For The Reviews From:

me- Lol Thanks so much I hope you like it!

The Lost Tear- Lol! Don't worry! I just wanted to twist the story around!

Baby's Breath- Thnx bud!! Look at the dedication lol! Wink Wink!! . I hope you like it!

Ashley- Thnx Buddy! Hope you like it!

DramaQueen Of The Moon- Thnx so much! I hope you like it!! .


Chapter 5 "Fading into the Darkness"

The girls were working their magic for nearly 4 hours when they finally rescued Seira. They only had one hour to find Lucia and escape.

"Let's all split up and look for Lucia!" Seira cried as she had an uneasy feeling. She knew something wasn't right.

"Alright Hanon, Coco and I will go this way. Caren, Rina and Seira go that way and keep in touch." Noelle spoke fast as she started to swim away with her little search party.

They all went into 2 groups and went opposite directions, but only one group will find the spot Lucia was last at.

Seira decided to follow her gut instinct and with that her group swam towards the last spot Lucia was located in. Once they reached it they found Lucia's transformation bracelet.

"Oh no!" Seira shrieked as she saw Lucia's bracelet.

"She's must have been captured because she would never leave her bracelet." Rina spoke with a sad tone knowing that her friend was gone.

Suddenly someone appeared and then another person. One of them was a boy who Rina recognized. But it was the other that had everyone puzzled, she looked like someone they knew……

"L-Lucia???" The 3 girls all spoke at the same time.

The mysterious girl that had appeared was none other than Lucia! The thing was that she was Lucia and yet she wasn't, her physical appearance was basically different! Lucia had faded eyes that seemed lifeless but one of them contained her normal eye (so she had faded eyes and one had the normal eye mixed with the faded one), she had black nails on one hand and the other was pink. Half of her singing out fit was black the other half was pink (half of her outfit is normal). She also had half a black pearl and the other half was pink. The only thing that remained of the old Lucia was her blonde hair and the ring that Kaito had given her. She seemed to be half good and half evil.

"You remember Lucia don't you; well her appearance is only a little different as you can tell. You see it's rather hard to convert a good heart into an evil heart. But it won't be much longer! Now Lucia be a good girl and attack them." Daisuke laughed with relish as he ended his little speech.

Lucia raised her arms when suddenly she clasped her hands over her eyes. She was struggling to control herself. She felt like she couldn't resist any longer.

"Y-you guys…….." Lucia struggled to speak………..

"We have to save her………" The girls spoke frantically and fast……

"It's already too late" Someone appeared out of the shadows behind them laughing hysterically.

"Daisuke we should start the procedure right about now." Ryuu spoke as began to become nervous.

"Alright I'll take her. You deal with these impudent losers." said Daisuke.

After all was said Lucia disappeared with Daisuke. She was on her way into the darkness.


"Scarlett get the serum ready!"

Ryuu was doing his best to concentrate on what he was doing and after about and hour or so he had finally finished the procedure.

"Finally it's done! Welcome to the dark side my dear!" Daisuke spoke with relief.

They had finally done it!

Lucia's pink nails faded into black, her pink half of her outfit faded into black and her pearl faded into a deep dark black. Then her eyes were lost to everyone…..her eyes had turned lifeless, they were a deep dark cold blue. She had lost the battle between herself and Daisuke.

"Now go and defeat your little friends!" Scarlett ordered Lucia as if she was the boss.

"No one bosses me around, especially not losers like you!" Lucia laughed evilly as she spoke while cuddling up with Daisuke.

"Now now girls lets not get off on the wrong foot!" Daisuke spoke and then kissed Lucia.

Right about now was when Scarlett was booming with jealousy and envy. After that Lucia disappeared.

"Why her? She's not even cold-hearted…….." Scarlett whined as she spoke softly to Daisuke.

"Because I like her and I only think of you as a friend…….sorry but she's my kind of girl and to be honest she has more potential then you will ever have. She was already cold-hearted to begin with she just didn't know it!"


Seira, Rina and Caren were worn out by the time Lucia arrived on the scene.

"Hey there girls! Long time no see!"

With that Lucia threw her arms into place and her black microphone appeared.

A dark bleak beam came from her microphone and threw itself at Rina, Caren and Seira.

They were all hit and the only thing they could hear was laughter coming from Lucia, there friend Lucia!

"Ohh I'm sorry did I hurt you……..that's too bad but here let me help fix that!" Lucia laughed hysterically as she spoke and then threw another beam at the girls.

Just then Coco, Hanon and Noelle arrived. They were almost as shocked as the other 3 mermaid princess' were when they first saw Lucia.

"Here let me explain so you don't have to waste my time asking your pitiful questions." Lucia now spoke with an annoyed tone.

"You see the simple thing is that I realized that I was alone from the beginning and my boy-friend Dai-Chan simply pointed that out too me and he showed me what my fate truly is! He relived me from my pain. None of you cared about me one bit! No one did! And now I'm going to finish you all off."

"Lucia…….your not alone, why would you think that? You're our friend and we love you!" Hanon started to shed tears as she spoke.

"Yeah and besides what about Kaito? Huh you guys love each other…… don't love Daisuke you love Kaito!" Rina shouted with frustration as she spoke.

"Now I get it…… guys she's been poisoned by Daisuke and his little minions. They have been telling her lies and he has managed to turn her against us." Coco spoke in an angered tone.

"Wrong again! You see if I had a heart I would really care what you are saying but since I Don't have one you're just giving me a headache. And to tell you the truth I don't love Kaito anymore because he never really cared about me and besides it's my fate! Now it's time to finish you girls off!" Lucia yet again laughed after she spoke.

She threw a few more beams and blasts at them until they couldn't take much longer and then she decided that she would finish them off another day.

"Well I guess I better be off girls! But I can guarantee that I will see you soon! But before I depart I will show you proof that I love Daisuke and later on I will show that I don't love Kaito!" Lucia did a little summoning sign and Daisuke popped up.

She showed the girls by cuddling with him and then kissing him then they disappeared with the faint words "We will meet again very soon, just you wait!" and then Lucia was gone.

She had given up and because of that she faded into the darkness where no light dares too go! Will the rest of the Mermaid Princess' be able to save Lucia from her fate? Will Kaito be able to save Lucia from Daisuke?


So I wonder how did you guys like this chapter!! Sorry it took me sooo long to update!! I have exams coming and stuff so I haven't been able to update but my next chapter will be uploaded sooner than you think!

Anyways this chapter was a little long! Sorry! But I like the way it turned out! Let me know what you think!!

Ohh and I should warn you twists are gonna happen lol! XD .

Thnx again for all the reviews! And I hope you review after you read this chapter!!! Bye-bye!