We come in to find Team Seven coming back from a mission...


Sakura said as the three tired Genins and their sensei walked against a setting sun.

"That was such a easy mission, right Sasuke-kun?"

"Puh-lease Sakura!,"Natsuki said.

"You know that all that work was hard for all of us! Why can't you just act normal like Naruto and Sasuke and admit that even though it was D-ranked it was strenuous work?

"Hey, hey," Kakashi said.

"Please don't get into a fight now. We just finished a bunch of tasks and you all must be tired. Your lack of energy must be making you cranky. Or maybe its puberty."(lol)

"WHAT-TT !!!!!??" ohmy.gif ,They all said in unison with shocked faces.

.In response, Sakura received a nosebleed because she was thinking (aloud)

"I wonder what Sasuke's (A/N Fill in the blanks) looks like..."

Naruto barfed on Sakura sandals and she hit him. Sasuke blushed a rainbow of colors. Natsuki just hid in a dark corner trying to forget what Sakura said.

"Oh, um.. I didn't mean to say taht, It just slipped.,"

Kakashi said. Team Seven breathed a sigh of relief.

In a couple of minutes of heated debate about ramen between Naruto and Natsuki, Kakashi dismissed them.

Sasuke was heading towards the Uchiha Compound when Sakura asked him if he wanted to train with her.

"Get stronger then Naruto and then maybe you'll be able to train with me. Wait, I actually mean never."

Sakura just moved far away from Sasuke because she didn't want to get here feelings hurt anymore by him. Naruto and Natsuki saw Sakura distant from Sasuke, which was odd because she was usually clinging to him, basically attached to him like some human parasite. They tried to cheer her up, but to no avail.

Since Sakura was depressed, they left. Naruto decided that he would walk Natsuki home. They were running hand in hand (even though they weren't dating) like there was no care in the world. Both of them had there eyes closed until they hit something hard. They crashed into a person. Natsuki still had her eyes closed when she felt something lift her up by her shirt. It was a Sand-nin, identifiable by his forehead protector. Naruto backed away in fear and yelled at the attacker to let go of Natsuki, saying that they did not bump into him on purpose. He replied "I hate little brats like you!" He held her so high that he was choking her, and in a few seconds, she passed out from lack of oxygen and the assailant dropped her, letting Natsuki hit the ground.

He dropped her because of something thrown at his wrist, a pebble, apparently by Sasuke. Sakura had apparently gone to the scene, probably because she recoved from being mocked and was stalking Sasuke yet again. Sasuke was high atop a tree. Sakura cheered him on while Naruto was annoyed because nobody as tending to the unconscious Natsuki. Kankuro got annoyed too and started unwinding a puppet named Karasu. But then someone told him to stop. A red headed boy appeared upside down on a tree branch and everyone, including Temari (the team member of him and Kankuro (the person who Naruto and Natsuki bumped into)), is stunned by his sudden entrance.

Gaara appeared from out of nowhere and scolded Kankuro for his behavior. Kankuro's tough guy image wass gone completely as he weakly tried to explain himself and apologized. Gaara in turn apologized to Sasuke and Natsuki, who wakes up after being addressed, for Kankuro and Temari's behavior.

The Sand village ninja were about to head off when Sakura stopped them." What are Sunagakure ninja doing here?" she said, considering the peace treaty between Konoha and Sunagakure, that said that neither will trespass in the other's territory. Temari flashed a pass stating they're there for the Chunin exam. Naruto does not know what they're talking about. Natsuki and Sasuke have to explain that the Chunin exam is a promotion for Genin to a higher ninja status. Excited, Naruto declared he wanted to go for it.

Sasuke hopped down from the tree and asked Gaara his name. Gaara introduces himself as Sabaku no Gaara, or "Gaara of the Desert" and Sasuke formally introduced himself as well. Natsuki tried to introduce herself too, but Gaara doesn't care. She looked into his eyes and realized that he looked very cute, sort of like a baby, but didn't not see the killing intent in him.\


What kind of trouble will she get into trying to seduce Gaara? Come and see in the next chappy!

Natsuki Out!!!!!