Demyx stood in the center of a spacious room where bookshelves formed two of the walls. The books seemed to be for a college student who wanted to major in math or science, and none were worn down from use or enjoyment. The windows were covered with a heavy drapes cutting out the light and the bright colors made the room seem empty and lifeless rather than cheerful, No pictures hung from the walls, the bed was perfectly made, and no clue of any kind to who lived here. It was like the person that lived in this room had just moved there.

Opening the door, he came upon a long hallway, and it too was bare except for a few portraits on the walls of a blond man with cropped hair and striking blue eyes in a military suit. Walking down the hallway he by two rooms on either side of him, Demyx making his way toward what looked like the living room at the end of the hall. But when he heard muffled voices in the room on his right he knocked on the door. After waiting for a few minuets, the voices still hadn't changed so he decided to let himself in.

"Umm, Sir?" Demyx said hurriedly as the door opened, "I know this might sound weird, but I just found myself in your house, I mean I didn't break in or anything…" His voice trailed away as the two people in the room completely ignored him. The boy standing in front of the desk had long blond hair bundled into a ponytail at the nape of his neck. He wore a black school uniform with white trimming, and stood with his head bowed as the man, Demyx assumed it was his father, berated him without stopping. The father sat with his hands folded on the desk, and looked as if he had just jumped out of those photos.

"Son," the word sounded so cold and unfeeling in those lips, "These reports from your school are unacceptable. Your grades are decent but you are continually sullen and rude during classes. This is your second conference that I have been called into for this! This takes an unbelievable amount of time that should be sent on my clients who pay for the food on your plate and the cloths on your back. If you feel as if you can provide these essentials for yourself, feel free to leave and do so, however do not expect to be welcomed back.

"Sorry sir.." The boy mumbled without raising his head, "I'm promise I'll do my best to change." Demyx continued to stare at the small blond-headed boy, he seemed so familiar, but Demyx just couldn't place him. Standing there, Demyx thought for a little while before shrugging, there were some more important matters to attend to like where he was at the moment.

"That is not enough for either them or me!" The father rested his head into his hands before continuing softly, "I only wish you could be more like your brother Barid…" Glancing at his watch he continued, "It's four o'clock now, so why don't you go meet Barid out in the courtyard a quick spar. After that I want you to head strait to your room and continue studying for the physics test that you have tomorrow. If you do not make an A on that test, we will both know why. You are dismissed."

As Demyx started to rush past the boy to get to a room that looked it might be a living room the boy turned around slowly facing Demyx, and his face was twisted up between an emotion that looked either like disappointment, rage, or a mixture of both.

Demyx decided to make one last try at getting some one to recognize him then and shouted as he approached the desk, "Sir? Sir! Umm, Can you hear me? I just was wondering whose house this was." Demyx even tried waving his hands in front of the mans face, the man still didn't acknowledge him, so Demyx decided to try after the boy.

Running out of the room, his black cloak swirling dramatically behind him as he turned the corner, Demyx spotted the boy still trudging down the hall way. He reached down, and grabbed the bottom edge of the boy's sleeve. The boy flinched away and he turned around with tears ready to spew out of his eyes. As soon as he saw who it was however a haughty look of scorn covered his features, "What the hell do you want?! I'll call my father and he'll have you arrested for tresspassing if you don't leave right now!"

As Demyx opened his mouth to ask for the third time whose house this was, he realized he had started falling backwards. Or was it that the room started falling upwards. Either way, Demyx braced himself to hit the floor: tensing his muscles, shutting his eyes tightly, and twisting his arms back in an effort not to get hurt. But the expected crash didn't happen and he kept falling. Opening his eyes he saw black swirls like those that accompany the heartless engulfing the room… or maybe it was just the floor he was standing on, and now he was viewing it from below. But either way it inspired a primeval terror in him and as he started screaming he realized that no sound flowed forth from his lips.

As the darkness flowed away and hyperventilating, Demyx awoke to see Axel shaking his shoulder and shouting his name with a frantic look in his eyes. The fear that had made him scream out during the dream slowly dissipated till it seemed as if that had happened to someone else entirely as he recognized his surroundings. Axel was drenched in water, as if he had just taken a swim, and his hair hung limply against his shoulders with small drops occasionally falling onto Demyx's forehead.

"What did you think you were DOING?!" Axel shouted as he noticed Demyx awaken and walked to the foot of the bed to start pacing back and forth, "First I wake up to you SCREAMING your lungs out, and then, when you didn't respond I finally portable into the room and I find myself DRENCED by a sudden rainfall! The room stays perfectly dry while, I am being PELTED by water!" Demyx shifted up so he sitting and rested his head on to of his knees, watching Axel.

Demyx started to smile, almost forgetting his dream completely, as he watched the man throw extravagant gestures about the room. His fury seemed over done for just the little amount water that had somehow gotten on him. The smile turned into outright laughter as Axel started steaming, with water vapor rising from his shoulders and his hair.

The laughter didn't last long, for as soon as Axel heard it he pounced on Demyx forcing the air out of his chest. Thrown back against the pillows, he felt more than saw, Axel's fist slam down into the headboard, and heard the sickening sound of skin being torn when Axels knuckles began to get bloody, as Axel continued to yell, "Mother of Darkness, I thought you were being ATTACKED! Why the FUCK are you laughing?! You could have been DIEING for all I could tell, and then when I to be nice an' come in an' try to see what's up you DOUSE me in some Gods forsaken water! And then you find it FUNNY?!" Axel continued punching the pillows to either side of his head emphasizing his words.

Demyx let out a yelp and tried to curl up in a fetal ball, tears starting to form in his eyes, but with Axel on top him the best he could manage to cover his head with his arms. "I-I-I-I'm sorry! Please…Please, I didn't know what was goin' on! Can't you just LEAVE ME ALONE?!"

He felt a pressure growing in his chest, pressing against his lungs, his heart. Demyx wouldn't have been surprised to find himself becoming the newest example of spontaneous human combustion. Demyx let a yelp as the pressure suddenly let up, his eyes rolled up as he almost passed out in relief. Alertness gradually returned to him and he was shocked to find that a water clone formed itself between Demyx and Axel. Axel threw a wild punch at the clone, but as he did so Axel felt the 'fist' of the clone connect with his abs and was thrown and into the door. Axel gave a small grunt as the air was knocked out of him and narrowed his eyes, holding out his hands summoning his chakrams to appear in a twirl of fire. Demyx scampered off the bed and into a corner of the room, watching with wide eyes and ready to dodge if something came at him.

The water clone launched an arm at Axel who sliced thorough it like it was… water. The arm fell off and changed into regular water hitting the carpet with a wet slap and was soon soaked up. Axel grinned and backed up waiting for the water clone to attack again, in a complete relaxed position allowing his arms to alternating swaying back and forth. Obviously he was an experienced fighter, just caught off guard by the suddenness of the clone's appearance and attack. However the battle wasn't over just yet. Another water clone had formed behind him while he was concentrating on the first and threw him over it's 'hip' and at the door once more. Axel expecting such a maneuver, allowed his feet to hit the door, and bent his knees. Pushing off with great force, he sliced right through the clone that had thrown him.

Now the first clone was alone, but it was rapidly gaining substance. Axel glanced at Demyx for a moment who had was slithering against the wall making for the door. Unfortunately this gave the clone a chance it had been waiting for to dissolve the distance between them and reform itself around Axel, covering him completely with water. As he struggled to escape, to breathe, the water clone allowed him to move about but never to tear it apart. Axel started chanting slowly in words that seemed to writhe around and escape so no one could understand them, and as he did so the chakrams still clenched in either fist disappeared. The room's temperature quickly rose to an almost unbearable degree and then all at once the clone exploded shooting water in all directions soaking the surrounding furniture.

"Today. You are going to learn how to control your powers today." Axel got off him and made his way to the door and with perfect timing Demyx stomach gave a loud growl causing him to blush furiously, "Fuck. Okay. Why don't you get ready for breakfast and I'll take you to the kitchen, if you just get ready. Wait in the hall for me as soon as you done. I, for one, need a change of clothes." Axel looked down disgustedly at his ruined designer boxers, this would come out of that non-existent-paycheck. He could just tell.