Last Hope

Disclaimer: Not mine, cause if they were Jack would wear a lot less.

Author's Note: First one didn't hit the spot but this one is much better. Please review, how I do love reviews.

He had done it for his father she thought but the look William Turner gave her when he surrendered himself to Davy Jones to save Jacks life let her know it was for her. So as soon as Jack started drinking again, for it was then they knew he was healthy, they had set sail to save Will and defeat Jones for the last time. She knew Jack only agreed to do it because he would get to kill Jones and get his precious Pearl back, but when he answered he had the same look in his eye that Will had the last time she had seen him like he was really doing it for her. All of the events of the past two weeks floated through her mind as Elizabeth stood leaning over the railing staring into the water.

"Love, I refuse to carry you to our cabin. It would make the crew feel a wee bit jealous." Jack said putting his hand on her lower back. Ever since she had found him the only man on board she could trust he had referred to his cabin as their cabin because she was staying with him. It always amazed her how she had made the Captain offer to sleep in the floor.

"Jack, you know you want to carry me," she said as seductively as she could their banter was all that could keep her mind off of things, "and a few more things too."

"Aye Lizzie, but dear William would not approve and it is terribly late."

"I will be fine just don't block the door."

No sooner than she finished her sentence he had picked her up and headed for his cabin.

"Jack, put me down!"

"Never a pirates gotta get his booty one way or another."

There was that smirk again, how she hated and found it endearing together. Finally she gave up as they reached the door she knew he had only done it because he was going to bed and did not trust the new crewmembers.

"Night, Lizabeth."

"Good night, Captain Sparrow."

When she woke in the middle of the night it couldn't have been more than 30 outside and Jack's shivering form on the floor confirmed it. She could have just covered him up but instead did something that she knew she would regret for the rest of her life. Slowly getting out of the bed she crept over to his sleeping form and shook him gently.

"Jack, it's awfully cold come get in the bed. Just come and sleep I promise I won't tell the crew."

"Tell the crew all you want but if I don't get in that bed I am going to freeze to death."

After crawling back into bed after Jack had fallen asleep Elizabeth found herself thinking about things she never thought she would. As she lay there tracing every line on his face with her eyes she smelled him for what she realized was the first time and to be a dirty pirate she found he had light intriguing smell, a smell of the sea and rum. Slowly she rolled over and backed against him because he was her friend and her protector whether he knew it or not.