NOTE: I did this one out of pure fun. My friend said you should write about them going to the zoo so here I am writing about a trip to the zoo. I'm going for humor here ha. so enjoy. Hope I don't offend anyone but if I did that would just be so weird…ha.



Edward P.O.V.

"Emmett Cullen! What the hell were you thinking?!" I heard Rosalie snap out loudly at Emmett.

I just snickered quietly trying my best to not burst out laughing with Bella right beside me soundly asleep. We had rented A Tale of Two Cities to watch for our summer reading. That book was way too hard to read for the both of us so we just decided to watch the movie instead.

"Damnit Emmett! No excuses! I let the last one slip but not this time. You know how much I enjoy my cars and you had no right to just pick a fight on my M3 like that! I just put a brand new Turbo on it!" She wailed.

"But Baby--"

"Don't give me but baby! If you wanted another wrestling match with Jasper all you had to do was go out in the damn woods!"

I heard Emmett's frantic thoughts overflow. He was in so much trouble. I heard Alice and Jasper upstairs laughing so hard they fell on the floor causing a loud bang. That almost woke Bella. She turned to her side facing away from me. I just leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Rose, I'll never do it again! You can trust me baby."

"You ignorant slut Emmett! I could count on a promise of you as much as I could count on Edward changing Bella this second!"

I stiffened. That hit a nerve. I swear Rosalie can be such a--"


I heard the booming sound of Rosalie's slap on Emmett.

"Don't you dare try to sweet talk me this time Emmett! The kitchen is closed!"

"Rose baby--"

And just like that she was gone somewhere over in the garage toying with her car. I heard a string of profanities and I was grateful only a vampire could hear.

Only the boom of the slap on Emmett not only woke Bella but caused the Flat screen TV to fall to the floor and crashed everywhere. I quickly pulled Bella up blocking her from the flying glass. Bella jumped up startled.

"Wha—No! Don't do it!"

I chuckled, "Bella its okay, the TV just fell."

She gave me the most hilarious look, "Wha--?!"

"Rosalie was having a fight with Emmett." I explained.

"Oh," she said.

"So, how was your nap?"

"Oh shoot! I fell asleep!"

"Don't worry you didn't miss much. Darnay just asked the Doctor to tell the girl he loved that he loves her."

"OH. Hmm. Well, is there anything special you have planned today then?"


Rosalie's P.O.V.

Emmett is going to die! I'm going to kill him! How dare he!

"My brand new Turbo squashed to pieces! Ugh Emmett Cullen!!"

I started pulling tools out of the garage and went to work at vampire speed. This car is going to be fixed by noon!

Emmett's P.O.V.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit! Ah man I got to get out of this….what to do, what to do! Wait! Edward! Yes he could help me out!

"Emmett don't go there! I'm not getting myself into your stupid immature situations."

"Ah, come on Edward! You can bring Bella!"

"That's just it I'm not getting Bella involved in your stupid ness."

"But Edward I have an idea that might calm Rose down. She's so mad at me."

Brilliant plan mine was. I was going to take Rose to Seattle and visit their zoo. She would have a blast laughing at all the monkies acting like asses.

"Hell, NO!"

"Edward it would be so much fun. Think of Bella, she needs some human moments!"

I knew just where to hit him and I did. Bella, his weakness. I was working on him now cause he slowly sighed and said, "Fine, but if something happens to Bella….I swear I'll--!"

"Don't worry." I said. Now all I had to do was get Rose. I'm going to need Jasper's help first thought…

Bella P.O.V.

What THE HELL?!!!