Okay!! So this is going to be my first SasuSaku story, like ever. I did a GaaSaku story and a one-shot for NaruSaku, yet for some reason, and it eludes me, I have reframed from making a SasuSaku story. The reason probably was that I was terrified at the thought of terribly massacring the couple with my horrid talents.
But alas, I have decided to make one because of my dear friend, and sister, HPBabe91. Love you!
So thus I bring to you, a crack fic all in it's own, and you know the Disclaimer: Don't own, and enjoy.
When the wind stops…
In the end, it's the what ifs that really hurt the most.
It was a marriage of convenience, He never did. I never did…
One may come to wonder, how one gets caught up in a situation like this. Life. When it becomes so exceedingly demanding, so demanding that there's no notice of the change in weather patterns, in friend's lives, and ultimately in one's own life.
We never did…
…Did we?
X – 1 year go.
"I never want to eat Ramen again…" a groan of discomfort was heard from the overly filled petal flower haired kunoichi as she slid off the stool to her friend's favorite restaurant, a laugh was heard as she groggily tried to take two steps outside into the fading rays of sunlight.
"Carry me home…"
"Sure!" Came an enthusiastic response.
Of course, she was kidding.
But Naruto never knew any better.
Picking up his best friend, and obvious crush, he placed her firmly within his strong and capable hands, bridal style (to which did not go unnoticed by the people aimlessly walking the streets), and started to jog home.
"Narrrutoooo!!! Put me down this instant! Baka! What are you doing???"
"Demo-ah!-eek!-oww! Stop-hitting-ah!!-me-Sakurrrra-chaaaaan" Finally with one major clonk to the head he released one hand from holding her to aid his throbbing head, giving Sakura the chance to jump away from his grip and place her hands furiously about her hips in an reprimanding gesture.
"Eh…heh, Ano-Sakura-chan, you asked me to carry you home! I thought-"
"Ugh!!" Frustrated she gave up, throwing her hands into the air and stomping away; Naruto sighed and scratched his head in confusion momentarily before jogging up to catch up with her.
"Eh…heh, Sakura?" She merely glanced at him before turning her attention back upon the road. "I-uh, well, I forgot to do grocery shop-…eek!" He huddled down with the shield of his body as she spun towards his cowering frame instantly.
"Gomen! Gomen! I'm sorry, really! I just- well, I was caught up with giving in my mission report from my last-"
"Naruto the stores are closed by now! What will we have to eat for tomorrow!..For tonight?!!"
"But Sakura…you just had dinner…" He smiled at her when she flushed; she had just complained about being full but now she was concerned with not having anything to eat tomorrow or later on tonight for that matter.
"Also…Sakura, I thought you were trying to watch your figure, you said you were-"
Walking away, slapping her hands together, a gesture that she just finished a job with glee, she continued on her way to her apartment with Naruto lying unconscious on the floor. Didn't guys ever learn?
Never insinuate that a girl is fat.
He woke up to some poking, he scratched at it absentmindedly for a few brief seconds before it started to irritate him a lot more, with each poke becoming more and more harder.
"Hey…cut it out-trying…to…sleep-Hey! I said-"
"Nar-Naruto-kun…are you okay?" Sitting up fully, he blinked out the blurriness upon his eyes as he saw a girl come into view, she blushed when she found him staring at her for more than a minute.
To Hinata it was a sign of hope for reciprocated feelings.
To Naruto he was merely confused as to where he was, and who she was.
"Hey, wake up you dork!" Kiba, with Akamaru right behind him smacked Naruto on the forehead with his trusty stick, again.
"Owwwiee…that was you, I oughta-"
"Naruto-kun…have you seen Sakura? She hasn't been picking up her phone…"
"Eh? I was just with her, I remember her angry…really angry…" He grimanced.
Kiba laughed alongside Akamaru despite the silent glance from Hinata that said to cut it out, patting his knee in humor he turned to Naruto. "Never gets old does it, you put her through blind rage and then well-you're down for the count eh Naruto?" Naruto sighed momentarily, for it was true.
"Yeah well, how long was I out?" The two ninja shrugged and Naruto finally stood up, with help from a blushing Hinata and an eyebrow quirking Kiba, jealous at the contact, they continued.
"She hasn't picked up the phone, and Shino and Ino, both of whom were out with us tonight said they'd check by the house…we heard some, rumors Naruto… circulating around the leaf village about a reported sighting of…" Kiba turned to Hinata whom looked down in concern.
"Sasuke Uchiha."
It didn't take longer than a second for Naruto to spin around and run in the direction he thought the Uchiha would most likely be. Hinata and Kiba looked onward with worry, considering whether or not to chase after him, serve as backup. When Kiba made a move to go forward, a black gloved hand stopped him in his tracks. Hinata looked up shocked, not being able to have seen the approach coming.
The crinkly mask gave way no hint of an expression, but the one eye told them, with a mere glance before disappearing again, that they were not to interfere.
For Naruto knew, wherever the Uchiha was, Sakura was with him.
What a hallow night she thought, the wind hitting viciously against the trees, against all the inanimate objects within her surroundings, she shivered against the cold touch of her hands wrapping itself around her body to try and seek warmth.
The tiny paper within her hand being crumbled even more so due to the action.
Hoping on one leg, she couldn't help but think this was all a joke, maybe being played by Ino-pig, for she had heard they went out tonight.
Or maybe Naruto regained consciousness and with his playful demeanor wanted to get back at the apprentice of Tsunade-sama whom was quickly exceeding her master when she herself was of Sakura's age.
Ugh this is so pointless!!! Why in the world am I standing here like an Idiot, I'll make that Naruto pay! Cha!! No ramen for a week!!! Hahahahaha!
The sound of a twig breaking stopped her inner thoughts of revenge and quickly her senses picked up. For some reason the wind started to quicken it's pace as it brushed against Sakura's skin. She quickly surveyed her surroundings; it was a dimly lit area, being that the walkway out of the village was for the most part vacant, during the night at least.
She hesitantly drew her hand up, looking amidst the folds of her palms at the small note crumbled within it.
Meet me the moment the sun dies down and where the wind blows fiercest.
Meet me at the place where it was decided there was no going back.
She crumbled it once more, for there was a reason why it was almost tattered in pieces before then. No, she thought, Naruto wouldn't be so cruel to ask her to come to the place where she cried her eyes out and begged him to stay. To the place where he thanked her, but for what? Still there was no comprehension, no reasoning in her mind that gave her hope that he would return one day.
All that false sense of hope died when they saw him again, when two years had passed and he was steadily…if not exponentially becoming the person he wanted to be, powerful and unstoppable. It has now been three years since that night, that night where he left her with tear stained cheeks on a cold stoned bench, it was the night that tortures her endlessly.
She was scared she would admit, upon seeing him again, seeing the threat he posed to both her and Naruto. Sai and Yamato included. She was scared that this time, Naruto would be taken away, killed at the hands of Sasuke…but he spared them then.
But no amount of fear consumed her before as it did right now.
When the wind stopped.
"Sakura…" The tiny note fell to the floor as her hand dangled loosely by her sides. She dared not turn, dared not respond to the voice that haunted her ever thought, her every dream, awake or asleep. She couldn't bring herself to move any muscle within her body as she felt the form of the man she so desperately wanted to punch…or kiss, she couldn't decide, get closer to her.
She willed herself to concentrate on her flow of chakra, to generate the insane strength she possessed and punch a hole right through him, through his heart specifically, like he did to her…so many times.
But she never did.
She merely closed her eyes as he placed his hand on his blade noticeably, his chokuto.
One thousand birds current she spoke to her self softly, trying to awaken from her stupor, knowing the risks of being so defenseless in this man's capable hands of destroying her meaningless life form with one slice.
Why was he here? Why did he send the note? Why would he solely kill her during this time? To kill Naruto little by little? No… No! She won't let it happen, she won't!
The wind picked up again.
This was the moment she chose to lightly turn on her heel, her body ducking to the ground, her feet swinging vertically at a sixty degree angle, her left hand steadying her form upon the ground as her right fist soared up to try and do double the damage against her opponent.
She gasped as he merely caught her leg as if it was a toy, halting it with the back of his left hand, being raised to block his face before capturing it within his palms. His right hand caught her fist after a moments pain, taking in the full force of her strength before he spoke out momentously.
Well, not that momentously.
Glaring, her eyebrows scrunching together in fury, she flipped backwards, grazing her fingernails into the rough terrain below her before dashing towards him again, a roundhouse kick after a flip in the air behind him, a punch and then two, easily dodged, she panted as she quickly jumped back.
His body still never showed any signs of movement in an attempt to make an attack.
In all this time she hadn't uttered a word to him.
She analyzed the situation and immediately regretted leaving Naruto unconscious on the floor. Damn my anger!
It was funny how, in her musings, the wind decided to die down once more. It was funny how, in this moment, he was behind her…once again. She could have laughed, with suppression of tears at how it was happening again…one final time.
There were some changes such as their height; no down streaming tears on her part, no thank yous; no pleading, just silence, for not even the wind would blow as it looked on upon the spectacle before it.
She wondered; what if she never laid eyes on him, what if she never teamed up with him, what if she never…loved him…
Another difference…his hand, his fingers were slightly making its way across her shoulder. She thought he would choke her then, and knew she wouldn't fight it. The only thing she wanted to resist was following the movement of his hands, his beautifully calloused hands…as they slowly inched their way up her body.
And she couldn't even refuse that.
She turned her head slowly, acutely, her eyes downcast but able to see, feel, as his hand was now just below her chin, making it's way around her neck.
Don't touch me…
Not far way, Blue eyes widened in compilation with green.
He spun her around at that moment, a gasp elicited from the girl within his grasps. The firm hold upon her form willed her subconscious form to retaliate, to respond…
But she didn't, she didn't bring up her hands, and she didn't return the hug like action, the firm grip he pressed upon her. She didn't respond to the all too obvious soaky feeling of crimson red running through them. Instead, she merely spoke to him for the first time that night. A mere whisper escaping her lips.
Okay! Please be easy on me, I know it's not the best, and I really would appreciate encouraging reviews, but if you feel the need to flame, well I can't very well stop you now can I? I know I have a few grammatical errors; my stories are never beta-ed. So, sorry. I'll update Asap. I am in the process of finshing my GaaSaku story, Sometime's I don't Sleep and other various works.
Also, the 'don't touch me', hug like scene was inspired from FFX-2, so…just so you guys don't think I'm taking claim to it for it's similarities.
:hugs: much love!