A.N.: This is my first ever Naruto fanfic, so yeah, i'm kinda nervous about how it will be received. :-) The title kinda sucks, i know. i welcome suggestions.

Disclaimer: sigh. I don't own Naruto. sigh.

The Returns by Li


Two men were facing each other in a dark clearing in the middle of a forest. The trees and ground around them stood testament to the immense battle that had taken place just seconds before. Both the men had three tomoe in their blood-red eyes. They shared similar facial features, although one looked older than the other. However, the major difference was that the younger man's skin was unnaturally dark, his hair was long, spiky and grey, and he had a black, shuriken-shaped mark across his nose. But what was most startling was that he had a pair of webbed, hand-like wings projecting from his back.

The winged man glared at the older man, despite his heavy panting. The older man was also having trouble breathing, and took a few steps backwards until he was leaning heavily against a tree.

The younger man's hands flashed through a few handseals and crackling black electricity appeared at his left hand. He looked at the man in front of him, hatred pouring out of his eyes. The man looked indifferent. Resigned, but indifferent. He knew this day would come; it was just a matter of time. Riled, the younger man gave a loud shout and charged at him as the sound of a thousand birds filled the air.

As if in suspended animation, the fist with the black electricity punched though the left side of the older man's chest, who didn't attempt to move from the beginning of the attack. He slumped forward into the arms of his attacker.

The young man looked down at the older man in his arms as the colour of his skin went from dark to pale, his hair became shorter and pitch-black, and the wings receded into his back. The older man, like himself, was soaked in blood, deep gashes and wounds everywhere. His black cloak with red and white cloud design, his black hair, and even his ponytail, was streaked in blood.

"Finally, otouto," the ponytailed-man whispered roughly, "enough hate." He looked up into the swirling red eyes of a younger version of himself. The younger man's brow was furrowed and his face was gashed and blood-streaked. He stared down at the ponytailed man, watching the whirling of his red eyes become slower and slower, until finally the eyes in front of him turned black.

"Anikiā€¦" the younger man whispered. The ponytailed man stared at him for a moment, and then gave a small sigh. The younger man buried his face in the blood chest of his older brother, the ponytailed man, sobs wracking his body as the black eyes now became the glazed, fish-like eyes of a dead man. His sobs became louder and louder until he started screaming loudly, tears openly running down his face.

"Aniki!" he screamed.

An hour later the young man stood shakily, ignoring the pain tearing at his body. He carried his dead brother and stumbled forward into the darkness. He made his way slowly into the forest, determined to reach his destination: his childhood home.
So, that's the prologue of my first ever fanfic! hope you enjoyed it, brief as it was. pls pls pls read chapter 1 too, yeah? the story has only begun.

i welcome reviews, critiques and criticisms (if u must :-) ). flame all you want, coz Kakashi promised to use a suiton jutsu to put out any flames, the Yondaime promised to comfort me, Iruka and Naruto promised to treat me to Ichiraku ramen, Sasuke promised to give a katon jutsu back to those who flamed, and Sakura promised to pound any burnt corpses into ash. XD hehehe