Disclaim: sailor moon not mine…..

AN: This is nothing and I do mean NOTHING like Memories of Passions. This is more raw, darker and definitely more grown up. This story will use expletives, crude and crass language. This story is rated M for a reason. There is sex…starting with this chapter! This could be a one shot…probably not since I already started working on the second chapter.

Edited 7/30/07

Now I aint sayin she a gold digger

But she aint messin wit no broke man

Giggles and deep chuckles could be heard by the staff as a pair took to the stairs. A short yet curvilinear woman walked backwards as a man who towered over her followed her up. Their teasing, flirtatious eyes clashed several times and there was no doubt in their minds what would happen once they got behind closed doors.

"You were simply marvelous Endymion." She said with mock haughtiness and with her nose in the air like several other people did when they told him the same thing.

"Was I?" he drawled softly while loosening his tie. He took a step forward while she also took one backward. His eyes, the color of dark sapphire, roamed over her tight as a glove, silver dress clad form.

"Mmm" she murmured and she reached out to teasingly brush back his dark locks. She dropped all pretenses and anticipation grew by leaps and bounds inside of her. Her wavy blonde hair billowed behind her like a beacon and as always demanded her husband's attention.

Darien, who was formally known to the masses as Endymion, captured her hand and kissed the center of her palm. "I thought you would enjoy it," his words were light but his tone was anything but.

His lips seared her palm and she felt tiny electric currents racing all the way down to her pink painted toes. "How could I not?" she asked, the music that he just played very easily recalled.

She knew the last thing on his mind was music but she didn't let that stop her. "I loved the last one," she wet her red painted lips with her tongue, "it was so volatile." She reached out and started unbuttoning his pristine white chemise.

A powerful shudder went through his strong build at the husky tone her voice took when she said 'volatile.' "You were my inspiration for it," he revealed and his eyes took on a seductive hue bent on seducing her.

She smirked and her back was pressed to the door of their bedroom when they reached the landing. It wasn't long before he came upon her, his body a fingertip away.

She looked up and her breath caught in her throat as his imposing figure trapped her between his solid chest and the door. She had no where to go…not that she wanted to go anywhere.

She arched her back and the tips of her breast brushed his chest. Her eyes closed at the contact and she stifled a moan. "I'm an inspiration? Don't tell your sister that." she whispered, her eyes opening to gaze into his.

He placed his hands on her knee and with every beat of his heart; his hand crept higher until he gripped her upper thigh in his large hand. He lifted said leg and wrapped it low on his waist and came even closer.

She gasped as she felt his erection on her pelvis and this time moaned out loud when his tongue dipped into her ear. "Endy….."

"As I wrote the song, I imagined slipping inside you from behind and roughly taking you."

She was in the midst of taking a breath when he said that and her eyes closed as she fought to breath. Behind her lids, she could see their tangled, sweaty bodies and she sucked in a strangled breath.

His lips brushed against the arch of her neck and it was so light she hardly felt it. "A penny for your thought?" His other hand went lightly up and down her side, sending a series of diminutive tumors through her.

She turned her head until their lips were only an inch apart, "Just a penny? You can afford to give more then that…" Ever the seductress, she lifted her other leg and slid her stiletto dressed foot up his ankle.

His eyes narrowed and he brought his hand to the middle of her back, pressing her more deeply into him. He ignored her sighs and leaned close to her ear, "How about a new diamond necklace?"

"ooo" she moaned and arched against him while licking her lips. Her sky blue eyes on him as he said her favorite word. Diamond. "That's more like it baby." She skimmed his collarbone with medium length nail, "do you really want to know what I'm thinking Endymion?"

He stayed mute; his eyes focused on her and her alone. His sensuously, full lips was set in a grim line and the only reaction she got out him was how his hand on the small of back exerted more pressure.

Slowly and seductively she said, "I was thinking of you…inside of me. So hot, so hard and so mine." She tightened her leg around his leg, even more thankful for her 'dancing' abilities. "Can you imagine?"

Stifling a groan, he removed her leg from his waist and turned her so she was pressed to the door. He was presented with her bare back after he moved her hair to the front.

"Going to frisk me now?" she chuckled and she lifted her hands to splay them on the door and just for the heck of it, she spread her legs.

Darien shook his head, a grin on his lips "maybe later." He spanned her tiny waist and pressed his throbbing erection into her firm, rounded backside. He pressed his chest to her back, his hands now on her firm stomach.

She moaned softly and the fine hair on the back of her neck rose as he nuzzled her neck. "What's wrong with now?" she heatedly responded, her stomach muscles tightening in longing.

Serena wanted to feel his touch, feel his lips on her skin. She wanted more then the light caress, she needed something more concrete. More real. After all if they didn't have fiery, passion they had nothing.

He raised one of his hand and turned the knob, opening the door. Serena stumbled in as the door she was pressed into give way. She turned, her eyes narrowing. "That wasn't nice," she wagged her finger in his face as she kicked off her heels.

"Never said I was," He shrugged off his jacket, not caring that it landed on the floor. She grabbed hold of his tie, pulling one out of the other and while holding on to it, she pulled him to her.

"Nice is overrated," she said as they stumbled backwards until she was partially on the bed and he was on top of her. She pushed him off of her and he obliged. She crawled her way to the center of the bed and she then kneeled. She held his gaze as she reached behind her neck.

She undid the snap and the top part fell, revealing her perfectly proportion, coral tipped breast. After she stayed in front of him bare breasted for a second longer, she unzipped the side of the dress and shimmed out of it.

Darien felt he was sucker punched in the gut when he finally saw her naked. Creamy white, flawless skin, breast that would overflow in his hands, slim waist, curved hips and outrageously long legs for someone of her height.

"Speechless, love?" She felt a strong sense of satisfaction at being able to bring a man like Endymion to his knees just by seeing her naked. Especially since he was known as a "connoisseur" of women.

His expression was dark as his did a slow perusal of her nekkid form. "You've been a naughty girl," he said at last, "you didn't wear underwear." If he had known she hadn't worn undergarment, he would have taken her in the car instead of waiting till they were home.

She shrugged as she ruffled her hair, fluffing it up. "I'm always naughty…you know that." Her eyes gleamed with mischief as she caught glimpses of hard, masculine chest as he finished what she started on the stairs.

Tan bronzed skin was taut over nothing but pure muscle. A tattoo he had of a dagger piercing a long stem rose that was thorny was on his right breast. Air tore from her lungs as a zing went through her at seeing his bare torso.

Darien's trouser hit the floor next and shortly thereafter so did his boxerbrief. Any words she might have said died at the sheer male beauty before her. He was all lines, cuts and delicious honed muscle.

She licked her lips, yummy.

"Speechless, love?" he said tauntingly, throwing her words back in her face.

Serena smiled wantonly at him as she got off the bed with a feline grace. She embellished the sway in her hips as he watched riveted. Once she was only an inch away from him, she looped her hands loosely at the back of his neck.

"Do you know what nice girls wont say?"

Amused and hard as granite, "what don't nice girls say?"

Already standing on the tip of her toes, she brought her self up and wrapped her legs around his hips. "Fuck me."

His mouth came down over hers in a clear swoop. He drove her lips apart with erotic intensity, gripping her hips. Fire erupted within her loins and the wetness at the apex of her thighs increased.

Moans of desire passed from her open mouth as his lips rained small kisses on her face and neck. He moved backwards and dumped her on the bed. None too gently. Seconds later he came on top of her, her legs linking at his lower back.

"And that," he said laughing quietly, "is why nice is overrated."

She murmured an agreement as his left hand cupped an overly sensitive breast. Tiny electric tingles ran down her spine with just the touch of his hand. He flicked her nipple and then rubbed his thumb over it. He then did the same treatment to the other one. Over and over. Back and forth.

Serena arched her back repeatedly, her hands digging in his silky black hair. She lost all thought and reason when he bent his arrogant head and took a hard nipple in his mouth, his hand fondling the other.

Her soft sighs and moans of pleasure was loud and she didn't attempt to silent the sound. He moved his tongue across the nipple and then slowly traced the tip of his tongue around her aureole.

"En-dy-mion," she groaned. The heart of her throbbed with every lick of his tongue. She grew slicker and she moved her pelvis against his. "Now. Now." She hoarsely whispered; she couldn't take it anymore.

He ignored her, he liked to torture her. To bring her to the brink, to have her beg and only when he was good and ready would he gave her the rapture she sought.

Darien held her wrists above her head and he lowered his head for a deep passionate kiss, their tongues entwining like vines.

Her legs quivered from the force she was using to keep them locked around him. She wanted to touch him but she couldn't and she struggled lightly against his hold.

She moved underneath him, stroking his erection in the process. Moaning, Serena arched her body towards his; begging him, silently, to take her.

He chuckled darkly; he wasn't done with her yet. He released her wrists and removed her legs from around him, only to descend down her body. He left tiny nips on her belly, his teeth tugging at the skin.

"Oh…." she gripped at the headboard of their bed, her eyes opening to gaze at the skylight which adorned their ceiling. Unlike most guys who would have had mirrors, he had windows so he could gaze at the open sky. The sky was dark and the only light was the bit of moon that wasn't hiding behind the clouds.

She felt his breath on the juncture of her thighs, she tensed.

Smirking wickedly, Darien kissed her ankle and up her thighs, skipping the area she most desired him.

"Please…" she whimpered. Taking pity upon her, his fingers softly brushed across her nether lips and then he spread them open.

A soft moan escaped her lips when he dipped his finger inside, they groaned. Serena from pure undulating pleasure and Darien from how tight and easy it was to slip inside. He moved up her body once more, his finger going into her achingly slow.

"More" she begged. He slipped another finger in, moving his fingers faster and faster with every shift of her hips. She could feel it building, the tension, signifying the blissful moment of climax was only a breath away.

Her hips moved faster against his nimble fingers, seeking the fulfillment he offered. Her fingernails bite into his shoulders, her breath hot and heavy against his body.

He knew she was getting there, he could feel her vaginal walls squeezing his fingers for all its worth. He momentarily thought of prolonging it, but he couldn't hold himself back any longer.

He needed some relief. ASAP. Each time her body clung to his fingers, it shot another dose of desire through him. He groaned, imagining it wasn't his fingers. He suckled her neck, his lips hitting the spot he knew would have her clawing at his back.

She arched against him, his fingers going deeper and deeper into her. Ever so lightly, his thumb went over her clit and her entire body tensed as spasms tore through her body. Bright light flashed behind her eyelids and she heard firecrackers in her ear.

She hadn't even fully caught her breath before he kissed her. The kiss was aggressive and stole any breath she gained back. He bit at her bottom lip, his tongue seeking entry which she gladly allowed.

He aroused her body once more in hopes of seeking his own climax. His hands glided between her legs once more, his fingers manipulating the highly sensitive area and pleasurable nub.

She moaned deep in the back of her throat, their mouth falling apart for air. She heard him growl in her ear once her seeking hand found his thick erection. She moved her hand with quickness over him.

Her eyes closed and she cried out as his finger once again took refuge within her. It wasn't long before she was more than ready; her insides more slick than it had been before.

He removed her hand from him and then opened her legs wider with his knee. Needing the right angle, he cupped her derrière in his hands and lifted her to him. In one hard thrust, he was buried to the hilt.

The sensation overwhelmed them. Darien, ever so considerate, waited a few second so she could adjust to his bigger than average size. She shifted her hips under him, and gently rocked her hips. Groaning, he clasped her hips in his large hands, stilling her movements.

He receded until only the tip was inside her and without warning he thrust into her even harder than before. Filling her up. A gasp tore from her mouth, chest heaving up and down.

Darien stringed together a four letter expletive that was better not said around young children. He braced most of his weight on his elbows as he took her leg and placed it on his shoulder. "Shit…shit …shit" he bared his teeth in her neck as her slick tightness gripped him.

"Ahhh fuck!" she screamed as he found the spot. That sweet spot many people refused to believe existed because they hadn't felt it themselves. Haters."Endy!" her voice was stuck in a high pitch as she gripped the sheets on either side of her.

Not getting the leverage he wanted, he put an arm underneath her and pulled her atop of him. Darien was also sitting up while he controlled her descending hips. The pressure in him built every time she clung to him like a vice.

Groaning and all but out of breath, she scraped her nail up and down his back. "I told you I knew how to ride," she replied while nipping his ear.

"Shut up," he told her, harshly. He slid his hand between them and found the bud of her desire. He rubbed at it none too gently and took a bouncing nipple in his mouth. He bended her backwards a bit as he suckled and swilled his tongue around the harden peek.

Serena came then, crying out his name. Her body tensed up and her eyes flew open before closing again, her hips stilling above his. She left the signature of her nails on his side as she dug them into him deep.

Her body was so tight, too tight as she came and it took all Darien had not to come right then and there. Once again he had her on her back as he continued to piston his way into her while prolonging her "out of this world" orgasm.

She wanted to beg him to stop as pleasure after pleasure came after her within the space of a heartbeat that she was sobbing. She wrapped her legs around his waist and tightened her inner muscles even more. Wrapping her arms around his neck, her lips went to work on his neck.

He growled and fisted his hand in her hip length blond hair. He went rigid still over her and called out one more time before he released his swimmers into her awaiting womb.

It was moments later when his world had finally righted itself did Darien pull out and roll off her. His hand over his eyes as he breathed deeply.

Serena was breathing just as hard as he was, if not harder, and she turned on her side to watch him. "I should ride more often don't you think?"

He chuckled. She should definitely ride more often but he wasn't going to tell her that. "I need a shower," he said instead and got up.

Her brows furrowed, "Are you going to do another concert?" She would love to go to another. She found his performance to be enchanting and she liked seeing him in that element. He was usually so closed off and aloof that when he played the piano, he was an open book.

He shrugged. He picked up his discarded clothes as well as hers and placed them in a bin for the maid to take to the cleaners. "I'm a business man."

She rolled her eyes, "so?" Endymion "Darien" Shield was much more than a shrewd business tycoon. He was a child prodigy with an affinity for the piano.

When he was 8 years old, he wrote the master piece that many critics compared to the works of Beethoven and Mozart. It was called Serenity. It was a deeply poignant, heartbreaking number that often captivated and brought many people to tears.

What made the song shockingly different and unable to forget was there was a break and in the break it was as joyous as the rest was depressing. Despite the fact that he was a groundbreaking pianist, he retired. And devoted the rest of his life to Shield Enterprise at the tender age of 15 but that didn't stop him from holding a concert every so often.

"Want to join me in the shower?" he asked as he stood between the open door that would lead to their spacious bathroom. He raked his eyes over her naked form.

She turned her nose up, "sex in the shower doesn't do it for me love, sorry."

"Pity," he said before disappearing into the room.

Serena stretched and curled up to his pillow and smiled. She had everything she wanted and she would be damned if she would let some one take it away from her.


She sat up as Darien came out of the shower with a towel tied low on his hips. Sexy didn't even do him justice. She almost regretted not taking him up on his offer. Almost but not quite.

He could feel her eyes on him but he went about his business. Suddenly he turned, "I got a letter today,"

And I would care because? She thought snidely. She brought her knees up to her. "That's good,"

"It was from Amy."

Her eyes went wide with disbelief and her mouth fell open for a second before she closed it. AMY???!!!! Her heart beat picked up and her eyes narrowed as she waited for him to continue but of course he didn't.

Darien could practically hear the thoughts and questions running through his wife's mind. He smirked and walked to the clothes he had but in the bin and found the pants he had just worn. Going through it, he found the letter and held it before her eyes.

She saw the letter in his hand and wanted to grab it but she refrained. She lifted her eyes to his and she cursed him. She could see the mocking laughter in his blues eyes and wanted to scream. Ass

She handed out her hand, no longer able to stop herself. "Give it to me."

He laughed out right. "You didn't say the magic word."

Furious and not able to hide, "give me the damn letter."

Not even bothering to hide his mirth, he tossed it on the bed. Rolling her eyes, she scrambled for it, not caring what it looked like. This was matter of utmost importance, fuck self respect.

She paused in opening it, wondering why he had it in his pants pocket. Hands shaking more now as she looked at him, she pulled the letter out of the envelope. A scent drifting to her nose. It smelled like her. What a loser.

Unfolding the paper, she knew it was from Amy from the neat scripted hand writing not to mention the scent.

Dear Darien,

Is it true? I heard that you married Serena. It must be a lie because you wouldn't marry another woman….you love me. It's some vicious lie told by people who hate you. Tabloid trash. I won't believe it but I did see it in a respected paper…How could you do this to me? And with my best friend? I won't be able to leave Britain for a couple more weeks; I would appreciate it if you write to me. Please. I'm sure you have a suitable reason for marrying Serena

Love Amy

Serena scoffed. Love Amy? Didn't the bitch have any dignity? She resisted the urge she had to crumple it up and throw it away. After properly putting it back in the envelope, she held it tightly in her hand.

She then looked at Endymion, who happened to be looking at her with his arms folded over her chest. She looked at him, not sure how to ask him the question on her mind.

After a while of just staring at each other, he went to the bed and took his property back from her. "I have no intention of doing so," he said at last.

Relief went through her and her tense shoulders immediately relax. "I didn't ask you a question," she said defensively.

"Didn't you?" His questing was a rhetorical and he didn't expect nor did he want a reply.

Not liking where this was going and quickly needing to take control of the situation, she used the only thing she had against him. S-E-X.

She smiled suggestively and straddled his thighs. He gave her a questionable look but he didn't stop her. Sneakily, she removed the letter from his hand and threw it behind her while she kissed him. "Let's find out how fast I can ride…."


Some time later

After their passion was spent, Serena lay snug in his arms. He had already fallen asleep a while ago but she was wide awake. The letter Amy wrote to her husband was still on her mind.

She drummed her fingernail over his tattoo and she burrowed closer, loving the warmth he exuded. Endymion was a hard man but he did something that surprised her.

Every time before they fell asleep, he would pull her in his arms. He would hold her tight and stroke her hair. Her head would be underneath his and she had gotten used to it. Who would have thought he liked to cuddle?

She usually didn't like being up on people when she slept. She needed her space, freedom but with Endymion, she didn't mind. Not one bit but then again it didn't hurt that he was loaded!

After she was sure he wouldn't wake up, she slipped out of his arms and bed. Opening a draw, she slipped on his black wife beater and looked around for the envelope she threw.

As she walked out, she didn't see Darien's eyes opening nor the knowing look that crossed his eyes.


Darien's office

Turning on the lamp on the desk, she put the envelop on the desk. She rummaged around the room for were Endymion kept his already stamp, ready to mail envelopes.

"Ah-Ha!" she cried out in victory at finding it and then quickly piped down. She was making too much noise. Going to his desk, she quickly found a pen and wrote the return address from Amy's letter on her envelope.

Serena walked to the fireplace that already had the firewood in there. All she needed to do was add a handful of tinder, which she quickly did, then struck a match along the stone and watched it flare.

She stood for a moment watching the flame catch and slowly grow. A devilish smile slowly overtook her angelic features. Turning towards the desk, she touched her husband's letter and without a second thought nor remorse she tossed it into the waiting arms of the fire.

She gleefully watched as the fire eagerly engulfed the paper. "Burn, baby, burn!" Turning around, she went to the desk and pulled out a blank paper. Picking up a pen, she quickly wrote something down.

Nodding at what she wrote, she placed it in her envelope and put it in the 'ready to be mail' pile. She was more than pleased with herself as she walked out, a haughty sneer on her face.

She quickly went up the stairs and slipped into bed after taking off the wife beater. She sighed as she slid beneath the sheets and quickly took her place in her husband's arm.

"Where'd you go?" his voice was gruff from sleep and he opened his eyes partially to look at her face.

She feign innocent and yarned so she could quickly think of something. "Bathroom," she rubbed at his bare chest and kissed it before saying "goodnight love"

Right before sleep claimed her, she thought over what she wrote:


Your man he told me "that he's tired of the shit you got". He took one hit and said "my good shit keeps him coming back." He likes it tight and said "your shit is just a little slack." Girl, don't get mad at me I'm only telling you the fact.

I've got your man and you can't do anything about it. You may think he is coming back to you but I doubt it.

Mrs. Endymion Shield.

AN: Serena's letter is a part of a song called "I Got Your Man" by Lady Saw.