Chapter Four


Reanna sat on her bed thinking 'What?' and 'Why?'. How could her father do this to her? She's only eighteen. She's too young to get married...Isn't she?

'Well, the law of the Light Kingdom does say that any maiden that has reached the age of eighteen may be wedded. But I'm not a normal maiden. I'm a PRINCESS!'


Six days have passed after the proposal. Reanna still felt shocked about it. She was at the dining hall eating dinner. Christopher sat infront of her while her father was sitting beside Christopher. He was too busy reading scrolls while eating his dinner to notice that Christopher was winking at Reanna. Reanna just ignored. He was starting to get annoying. He really changed after the first two days staying at the palace.

Reanna stood up. "I'm not really hungry. I'm going to go to bed"

"Mmm..." was her father's response.

Reanna went to her room and closed the door. She sat on her bed and burried her face in her hands. She heaved a sigh.

A moment later, Christopher came in, locking the door behind him with a 'click'. "Hello, princess" he said in a seducing voice.

Reanna looked up and stood up. "Christopher, what are you doing here?"

"What do you mean what am I doing here? You gave me a signal"

"What signal?"

Christopher moved closer to Reanna and held her arms. "I you Reanna"

Reanna was swimming in his ocean blue eyes to even think of what Christopher was really up to. "Mmm..."

"And" he continued "I think you're a beautiful maiden. You deserve the best" He slowly untied a ribbon on her dress.

Reanna, realising that her dress was feeling loose immediately backed away. "What are you doing, Christopher?" she quickly tied the ribbon back.

Christopher grinned slyly. "You gave me the signal ; the one I have been waiting for. 'Go to bed'? I've been waiting for you to say that"

Reanna's eyes widen in horror. She knew what Christopher was up to. "I don't know what you're talking about. Please leave"

"Trying to play innocent? You know you want me" he said as he moved closer to take of Reanna's garments.

Reanna slapped him. "How dare you! Get out of my chamber room now!"

Christopher tried to kiss her but Reanna ran away, chased by Christopher. She felt tears rolling down her cheeks. She ran to the throne room, thankful to see her father.

"What's wrong, Reanna?"

Reanna wiped her tears away. "C-c-christopher...he...he tried to..." She couldn't finish her sentence but her father already knew what she was going to say. He stood up when he saw Christopher running in.

Christopher stopped in his tracks when he saw the king. "S-s-sire"

"How dare you! How dare you!" the king shouted. Reanna silently hid behind her father.

"Sire, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?!? The wedding is cancelled!"

"But sire-"

"How dare you hurt my daughter! HOW DARE YOU!!!"

Christopher was feeling very frightened.


Three guards came trooping in. "Yes, my king?" asked the first one.

"Take this rat to the dungeans(sp?) and never let him out! Keep him there until he grows old and dies!"

"What? No! Please forgive me!" Christopher begged.

The three knights grabbed Christopher and pulled him to the dungeans(sp?) Reanna leaned on her father's shoulder and cried. She was shaking.

"Don't worry, my daughter. You will never have to see him again"