Disclaimer: All these characters are...sort of mine. ;)


Reanna walked along the garden hand by hand with her beloved. She did'nt know how they came this far. Before this, they were enemies but now...

Before love...

Princess Reanna looked at her burnt castle. "Damn them!"

'Them' is the army from the Darkness Kingdom. They came to her dearest Lightness Kingdom and attacked; destroying all that she loved. One of them, was her castle.

"We have a lot of work to do, Re-Re" said her father, King Leo. Reanna hated it when he called her Re-Re.

'For goodness sake, father! I'm not six years old anymore!'

Even though she hated what her father called her, she hugged him "Of course, father. I will also help you re-build our castle"

Reanna, unlike other girls, like to do boy things. She likes to call herself a 'tough girl'.

"Oh no, no, no! Princesses musn't do these kind of things"

Reanna crossed her arms and pouted.

"I'm not going to fall for that one, again"

Reanna heaved a frustrated sigh. "Fine! But I take back that hug!"



Those were the sounds of laughter coming from the Darkness Kingdom castle. They were rejoicing their so-called 'victory'. "Well my son, what do you think?" asked King Amenort to his son, Prince Argo.

Ar, as Argo likes to be called nodded. "Very good father. I couldn't have done a better job"

Amenort pat his son's back. "One day, my boy, you'll feel how it's like"

Ar didn't really like wars. He wanted peace but if he ever told his father that, well, his head will be on a stick.

"For the next attack, you choose the weapons"

"W-what? Is that r-really necesary?"

"Is there a reason why you refuse to-"

"No! The...uh...flaming arrows will do"

"Too weak. I choose the axes"

"Good choice, father"

'If you were going to choose, why bother asking me?'