Title: Never Knew I Had This
By: my lil' cherry blossom
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
Chapter One-The Encounter-
It was a bright and early day at Konoha, the village hidden in the leaf. In front of the light blue apartment, came out a girl in her early 14's that has pink bubblegum colored hair. She wore a konouchi's dress that was red and had a pink cherry blossom on the back of her dress. The girl's name is Sakura, Haruno Sakura. It's been two years ever since her parents were murdered at her house, and today was their funeral anniversary.
(A/N The house that she used to live in with her parents, NOT the apartment.)
-Flash back (two years ago)-
Two weeks ago, Sakura's former crush, had left for more power on that night. He had left her on a bench, the one where she had first talked to Sasuke as a teammate. When two weeks had gone by, Naruto, Shikamaru, Chouji, Neji, and Kiba were all still on a mission. The mission was for Naruto and the others go and find Sasuke and bring him back to Konoha by force if they have to.
That afternoon, Sakura had gone towards her house coming from the hospital. (A/N that was before she moved in the apartment.) Once she was within 10 feet in front of her house, she had since a very dark aura and life threatening chakra that Sakura thought was familiar to her but she couldn't quite put her fingers onto.
She entered the house and smelled a fresh blast of a foul smell. The smell smelled like blood and sweat mixed in all together as one in the thin air in the house.
Sakura was frightened, real frightened. She ran into the family room and didn't even bother taking off her shoes. Once she looked at the bloody ground, she saw two dead bodies that belonged to her mother and father who were covered in their own blood and were bathing in their own puddle of blood.
In the middle of the family room, there was a pair of yellow piercing eyes staring back over at Sakura's emerald eyes.
"Ne, Sakura-san, it's nice to see you again," chuckled the person with yellow eyes.
"Orochimouru," whispers Sakura, but loud enough for the snake bastard to hear.
"I see you still remember me."
"What are you doing back at Konoha?!" shrieks/yells Sakura taking a kunai out from her kunai pouch.
"Feisty as ever, ne?" asks a voice from behind Sakura, which brought shivers down her spine.
Sakura gasp as she felt a kunai against her skin on her neck. She remembers that voice from the chunnin exams, soon the name started too kicked into her mind.
"Kabuto," said Sakura with venom.
"So you still remember me, Sakura-san, I'm quite amused," laughs Kabuto.
"What the do you want from Konoha?" asks Sakura.
Orochimouru spoke up, "Nothing, because we have what we came for, don't we?"
"Do you mean Sasuke-kun?"
"No. Sasuke's probably at the head quarters right now, or even better yet, killing the Kyuubi container."
"No, Naruto," whispers Sakura.
"But the real reason we came for is mainly for you, Sakura-san."
"-gasp-W-what do you want with me?" asks Sakura with shock and fear in her eyes.
"Nothing really, I just want something that is simple from you, and that would be your eyes. Ever since I saw you activate your bloodline at such an early age, I had always wanted your eyes."
"But I don't have a bloodline!"
"Apparently you do but the bloodline doesn't want to show its self just yet."
"What do you mean?"
"All in due time, Sakura-san. Now it's time for me to end this conversation, but don't worry this won't hurt one bit."
Orochimouru's neck started to stretch itself, with the head connected of course. It went over towards Sakura slowly and steadily. Sakura tried to move, but the kunai that Kabuto held next to her neck made a few blood ooze down from her neck, which caused Sakura to stop moving around.
Kabuto ordered, "Move, and you'll die, konouchi."
Half of Sakura wanted to move, while the other half didn't want to move and wanted this nightmare to end. Orochimouru's head went over to Sakura's slender, milky white neck and he bit her neck. The bite made the same snake bite that happened to Sasuke. Soon enough there were three comas on her neck forming a circle like shape on her left shoulder just like Sasuke's curse mark.
"Now you too will be searching for me for more power, my little cherry blossom!"
"You sick bastard!!!" cries Sakura as the curse on her neck starts to activate and burning, making the rest of her curse marks that she has on her neck activate also. (A/N Yes Sakura had other curse marks mysteriously placed on her when she was only one month old.)
Her senses told her that Kabuto was releasing her. He released Sakura and then went over to the snake sannin. In no more than a second, both of the sound ninjas were gone. Sakura fell on a puddle of her parents' blood and let the darkness consume her.
(A/N She was found and ended up at the hospital. She didn't tell anyone about Orochimouru's visit, but later on they all found out about the snake sannin and the curse mark.)
-End flash back-
Sakura took a few steps away from the apartment door, and went over to the Flower Shop store. (A/N She moved out of her house and yes she still has the curse mark, and it's not sealed.) Unknown to her a pair of red eyes and a pair of a shark's eyes were watching her every move. (A/N You all probably know who it is now.) Naruto and the others are back, but they failed to bring back Sasuke to Konoha.
She opened the flower shop's doors and the bell on the top of the door was ringing indicating that a costumer had arrived.
"Good morning! Welcome to….oh it's you Forehead girl!" replied Ino.
"Morning Ino-pig. Of course it's me. How's life with Shikamaru?" asks Sakura.
"Nothing much. Today's our second year anniversary of dating!"
"Really? Congratulations for the both of you!"
"Thanks. So what are you up to?"
"Nothing much. Training with Tsunade-sama and working at the hospital. You know the usual stuff I do every day."
Ino nods her head and went over to a pot of flowers and started to flower arrange them.
A couple of minutes passed, and then Ino asked, "What are you really here for?"
"Oh….can't an old friend say hi?"
"Forehead girl I really mean it."
"Ok, ok, ok. I came here to buy a few flowers."
"Really, which kinds?"
"I think I'll get two forget-me-nots and two golden poppies, if you have any."
"Yeah I have them."
Ino snipped two forget-me-nots and golden poppies and handed them over to Sakura. Ino then went behind the cashier counter and Sakura was in front of Ino getting ready to pay.
"That's five bucks, Forehead girl."
Sakura took five bucks from her pocket and handed them to Ino, then said, "Here you go."
"So what are you going to do with those flowers?" asks Shikamaru who appeared out of no where. (A/N The only ones that know about the tragedy of Sakura parents are only Ino, TenTen, and Hinata.)
Sakura looked down at the floor and let her bangs create a shadow over her eyes to hide the tears that were forming.
Ino went over to Shikamaru and hit him on his head and said, "Shika-kun, you dummy. Forehead girl doesn't like that subject really much!"
"It's okay Ino. See you two around. I guess I'll be going now. Ja ne!" Sakura looked at them and flashed a fake smile and left the couple alone in the Flower Shop.
Sakura headed over to the graveyard at Konoha Cemetery. (Remember, today's her parent's anniversary.)
She set one golden poppy and one forget-me-not on her mother's tombstone, and the last forget-me-nots and the last golden poppy on her father's tombstone too. Slowly she let her tears come down slowly one by one.
Unknown to her, two males came from behind her and the one with red eyes pressed her sensible spot where she fell unconscious immediately. Darkness then consumes her and she fell into the arms of the man with red eyes.
Hope you all like that first chapter….please read and review…