Hey, Christmas present for you guys! Hope you enjoy it! Sorry I havent updated in so long. Bear with me!

"Ok, remember guys, have fun but drive safe." Were the last words of the go-kart supervisor before the six adults were let lose on the karts.

As Rose climbed into her own kart she couldn't help feeling slightly apprehensive of what was about to come. The scene of either the Doctor or Jack smashing into a barrier and being rushed to hospital was not a happy thought to be floating around her head. She could just imagine the surprise of the doctors finding that the Time Lord had two hearts. How on earth was she supposed to explain that?

But at this moment in time the two men were acting like children and fighting over what they believed to be the best kart. It was a black vehicle with lightening bolts down the side whereas the other choice was a fluorescent pink one which they were both desperate not to be stuck in.

The Doctor currently had one long leg in the car and the other on the ground outside trying to balance himself because Jack was tugging on his elbow.

"No!" he yelped, "Its mine! I saw its first! Finder's keepers."

"What are you? Five?" the ex conman laughed and pulled the Time Lord again.

"Says you with the Barney the Dinosaur helmet," the Doctor retorted gesturing to the man's strange head gear choice.

"Hey, it was the only one that fitted and I happen to think it's quite cool."

"That's because you have a big head to go with your humungous ego. Now, move!" the Doctor said, giving Jack a shove so he sprawled onto the tarmac.

"Ouch, that was uncalled for Doc," the defeated man pouted and climbed into the last vacant go kart.

"You were the one who taught me you have to fight dirty to win."

"Oh, yeah, well, I'll thrash you on the track."

"Sure," the Doctor sniggered and then stuck a patronising tongue out at his friend before pulling his visor down.

One of the Mr Karting mechanic guys came round and yanked the starting pins so the engines would kick off in each of the karts and then he ordered them all to go round for a few practice laps with the instruction to 'take it easy'. Yeah, right, thought Rose as she watched her two companions zoom off already bumping into each other.

"Hey, guys, this is go-karting not dodgems!" she yelled over the roar of engines as she tried to catch up the boys.

"This is soo fun!" the Doctor whooped, "It's almost as manic as the TARDIS…oi! Watch it!" He directed the last furious comment at the driver of a red kart who had just spun round the corner on the inside of him, cutting him off and causing him to brake violently to avoid crashing. All he got in return for his cry of outrage was a finger from the offending driver. "What does that mean? I know its bad but I can never remember what all these signs in cultures mean. For instance, on Retrinos, sticking your middle finger up means, marry me."

"Mate, that doesn't mean he wants to marry you. In fact, he was flipping you off."

"And that means?" the Doctor asked, bewildered, to the friendly guy who had pulled up beside him.

"Um…it means he was telling you to 'fuck off'," the stranger replied, bemused.

"Oh, right, that's it. He asked for this," the Time Lord shook his head and set off after the red kart driver, his foot firmly on the accelerator pedal.

Swerving round the bend, the time travelling alien gained on the guy that had swore at him in such a rude fashion pretty quickly. He found, although he had been crap at driving an actual car, this go-karting business wasn't that hard, you just had to have quick reactions and perception; two things he used on a daily basis in the TARDIS.

Once the Doctor had made up the distance between him and his target he drew up alongside it and then overtook him performing the exact same manoeuvre he'd had done on him earlier.

"Ha-ha! Take that whoever you are!" the Time Lord whooped as he zipped past leaving the opposing driver in a cloud of exhaust fumes.

After the initial practice lap all the drivers had to come off the track for a final briefing before they went on for a proper race that would actually matter. Both Jack and the Doctor were hyper after Rose had reluctantly and now regrettably bought them Coca Colas from the vending machine. They were bouncing on the balls of their feet, impatient to get back in their vehicles and get moving again.

"Ok, guys, everyone remember what the red flag means? The green flag? The black flag?" When the supervisor received nods for all of these questions he clapped his hands together, "Alrighty then, lets get you to the starting line but don't forget this isn't Formula 1 and it doesn't matter if you win or lose so don't get too worked up."

Whilst the man had been announcing this to the audience the Doctor had wandered off to his abandoned kart and, seeing as there were no mechanics around, decided to do a bit of tinkering to give his motor a bit of a boost. What was the point in being genius in so many things and a whiz at engineering if you couldn't use it to your advantage? So, with a few buzzes of the trusty sonic screwdriver which he had recently recovered from the bottom of Rose's bag (and found a few other interesting things whilst he was at it) here and there, the kart was much more sophisticated.

"Everybody, drive to the starting line," the Mr Karting organiser ordered and watched as each of the drivers complied, "Watch for the chequered flag. Three….two….one….GO!"

The karts shot off the line like corks out of a bottle, jostling for prime position at the front of the group. Jack managed to battle his way passed several drivers and ended up in second place behind the red kart driver who was preventing any over-taking by weaving from side to side.

"Hey, get out the way, jackass!" the ex conman yelled, portraying some undiscovered road rage. In his time they didn't have half this trouble with jerk-drivers. If you drove like that you'd be chucked off the road quicker than you could say 'What the hell are you doing?'

Rose wasn't fairing too badly either, she was fourth, struggling to fend off the driver behind her which was threatening to come up her backside. Fortunately she held her own and managed to retain her position.

The Doctor was driving lazily at the back taking up a leisurely pace as if he hadn't a care in the world. Which, truth be told, at this moment in time, he certainly hadn't. Racing on this track in motorised buggies was nothing compared to battling Daleks and grappling with Slitheen. It was a walk in the park as far as he was concerned. He would just have to wait a littles longer, let the others get ahead, before he unleashed his secret weapon.

Finally though, at around the fourth lap, he decided he'd had enough of being last and wanted to shoot, quite literally, to first. Pressing down a slightly more aggressively on the pedal he gradually began to pick up speed passing a surprised fifth kart and Rose. He was now in fourth and loving the feeling of power beneath his long fingers.

It was like being twelve again when he and some friends had created a racing car with rockets on the back. They had come up with the crazy idea and built on it with their huge, creative and well educated brains to complete the monster of a machine which they had then taken to one of the flat plains of Gallifrey to test.

The Doctor remembered now that it had not gone quite to plan and they had had a very near escape from their first regeneration of their lives. Fortunately, one of the elders had followed them there and saved them from catastrophe at the last moment. Still, it had been fun to begin with.

He was feeling that same wave of exhilaration and adrenaline coursing through his body as the tempo of his beating hearts upped slightly. The Time Lord overtook the third go-kart and found himself level with an astonished Jack. He flashed his comrade a trade mark cheesy grin and accelerated to reach the leader.

As he caught the front kart the Doctor couldn't help but offer a double thumbs up at him, obviously mocking, as he drove passed. Unfortunately, he took both hands off the wheel and in that moment his turbo charged kart lurched out of control and, despite fighting to regain control, it spun off the track, hitting the wall of tyres at the edge. On impact, the vehicle's momentum caused it to ricochet violently off the rubber and flip several times through the air coming to land right in the centre of the pile of tyres.

Everyone came to an abrupt halt around the track, jaws hanging loosely open in absolute shock and horror. Rose felt her heart jump into her throat in fear. What had she done? It was all her fault! If she hadn't brought the Doctor on this stupid trip none of this would've happened.

Suddenly there was a grunt and the heavy metal kart trembled slightly before slipping side ward to reveal a slightly battered and bloodied but other than that alive Doctor.

"It's ok! I'm alright!" He beamed dazedly.

Haha, only the Doctor could say that after almost killing himself in such a dramatic way. Review! Next chapter, thinking about going to the funfair. What's your opinions?