I had this idea while sitting in my dad's truck staring at the scenery around me… There was this tree right there in front of me, that made me think, what if?

I'm sorry that I haven't finished up 'Another Place to Fall,' yet, but my muse has been too busy making sure this idea continually bites me on the ass. I do almost have the last chapter written for that story though, and I will post it as soon as it's done.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the pretty little butterflies that swarm in my stomach every time I see Jensen and Jared on the screen, and the swoon that I have perfected at Jared's puppy dog expression.

So now without further ado… I do declare this as the first chapter of, 'End Justifies Nothing…'


"Dean would you shut up and pay attention." Sam growled at his brother, hoping desperately that his brother would heed his words for once in his life.

"Aww c'mon Sammy, have some fun little brother." Dean whined back at his Sam.

"I do have fun, just not while I'm hunting a damn Wendigo."

"Fine, don't get your panties in a bunch, Samantha." Dean said with a smirk.

Sam was about to make a sarcastic remark about Dean's own man-hood when he heard the snap of brush behinds him, and he set his mind back on the hunt. He turned, sending a hand signal to Dean, to follow him. Dean shook his head making his own signal for Sam to stay put, but Sam crouched low, and started to shift slowly towards where he had heard the snap.

"Sam!" Dean hissed, following behind his brother, when there was no acknowledgement.

Sam held his flare gun in front of him, his aim steady as he trekked through the brush quietly. There was another snap, a lot closer than the last one had been, to his right, and Sam swung his body and the gun in the direction of the sound, ready to fire and kill.

He never got the chance to shoot as a large, clawed hand swiped at him. The blow struck his stomach, and threw him back into a tree, about five feet off the ground. Pain seared through his lower abdomen, and Sam bit back a cry of pain.

He didn't look down, not wanting to see how badly he was actually hurt, when he had a hunt to finish. Looking up from where he had fallen at the base of the tree, Sam saw Dean take a swan dive just like he had, into the tree next to him. He winced as Dean hit the trunk of the tree, and slid down it, crumpling into a limp heap at the bottom.

Knowing that he was the only one that could take down the beast in front of him, now that Dean was down, Sam pulled himself up, until he was half standing, and half leaning against the tree he had been thrown into. He was glad at the moment for the training that their father had instilled into them, because even though he had been propelled into the tree, his gun was still in his hand.

Sam wrapped one arm around his stomach, grimacing at the pain that even that small movement produced. He turned when there was another snap of brush, and saw the Wendigo coming slowly, almost warily, towards him. It was almost as if the thing was amazed that Sam was still standing.

The fact that Dean was stirring not eight feet away, seemed not to matter to the hideous creature in front of him, only the fact that Sam was now standing in front of him, gun aimed at his chest.

"Die you fugly son of a bitch." Sam growled as he pulled the trigger. The flare shot out from the gun with a blast, and embedded itself into the stunned beast's chest, as Sam looked on in satisfaction of the kill.

Stumbling over to Dean, Sam grit his teeth at the pain that spiked through him. Now that the adrenaline and the 'thrill' of the hunt had worn off, it had come back with a vengeance.

Sam never made it to Dean's side, only making it about three steps before he fell to his knees, the wet ground below not bothering him at all, only the fact that it was starting to hurt every time he drew a breath, mattered.

The impact of his knees to the ground sent another wave of pain through him, and Sam cried out, effectively alerting Dean that something was wrong.


Dean turned towards his brother with unfocused eyes as he heard the cry of pain. Getting up as fast as he could without letting the vertigo take him down, Dean crawled his way over to Sam, knowing only that he had to get to his baby brother and make everything right again.

As Dean reached his side, Sam pitched forward, his strength leaving him. Dean caught him before he hit the ground, and his concern grew. "Sammy?" He asked, worry evident in his tone. "Sammy, c'mon little brother, tell me what's wrong."

Sam grunted out a mumbled response, and Dean helped him sit up, so he could see and hear Sam better. "Ah, God it hurts." Sam cried out as Dean lowered his hand on his back to help steady him.

Dean was about to ask Sam what he meant when his hand came in contact with a warm sticky liquid on Sam's lower back. He pulled his flashlight out of his pocket, because even though it was still twilight, it was hard to see.

"Oh shit, Sammy!" Dean said as he saw the branch that was impaled through Sam's back.

"It's Sam," his little brother breathed through the pain. "And what do you mean, oh shit?"

"Sam, there is a branch stuck into your back, and to tell you the truth, I have no idea how you are still conscious." Dean said softly, and as if on queue, Sam shuddered, and Dean felt more weight being added to his arms.

"Hey Dean?" Sam slurred.

"Yeah little brother?" Dean asked in concern as he helped Sam lay down on the ground, taking off his jacket and folding it up to let Sam's head rest on it.

"I don' fell s'good." Sam mumbled, and his eyes closed as his body and mind succumbed to unconsciousness.

"Sammy?" Dean asked, shaking his brother a little. "Sammy, c'mon wake up?" His brother remained unresponsive. "Ah shit, this is so not good."



So what did yah'all think? Can't believe this one bit me while sitting in a truck looking at a tree, can you?

Take care and review much.