Disclaimer: I do not own Back to the Future.

November 26, 1985
7:00 PM PST

Seventeen-year-old Marty McFly was in the living room of the Brown's house, as he was watching Jules and Verne Brown play Nintendo. Marty could hardly believe that he had taken his first time travel trip a month ago, now. As a result, he had several sets of memories to contend with.

It was also strange to think his best friend, Dr. Emmett Brown, was now married to Clara Clayton - who he met back in 1885 - and that they had two children now. Due to the help of Doc's good friend, Sabrina Palmer, they were able to manipulate time a little, so that everybody in Hill Valley would remember Doc meeting and marrying Clara in the year 1977.

Marty couldn't help but wonder what it might be like for Jules and Verne, to have two sets of memories - of growing up in two different time periods. He figured it might be even more confusing than it was for him, to have two sets of memories - of growing up with two different families. Even though his family life may be very different, now, at least everything else was mostly the same.

"Hey, Marty," Doc called out, as he stepped into the living room. "I was wondering if you would like to test something out with me."

"Yeah, okay, Doc," Marty replied. Marty found himself hoping that Doc's experiment didn't involve time travel. Marty felt as though he needed a little break, and that he needed to spend some time adjusting to the current timeline in 1985.

"All right, why don't we head out to the lab?" Doc suggested. He quietly added, "I realize you probably don't want to go on another trip, but we don't have to go far today. Let's just go one minute in the future, and see what happens."

"Why a minute, Doc?" Marty asked, with curiosity. "What's going on here? Have you made a few adjustments to your time machine? I have plans to go out with Jennifer tonight. I don't want to get be stuck in another time period for a week, again."

"Okay, well, remember when we sent Einstein one minute into the future?" asked Doc. "Then, after you returned from 1955, we headed off to 2015?"

"All right, Doc," Marty asked, confused, "what are you trying to get at here? I'm not sure I really understand what you're saying. I guess I'm a little stressed right now."

"Okay, well," Doc explained, "when we sent Einie one minute into the future - there weren't suddenly two Einsteins, right? Are you following me so far, Marty?"

"Right, there weren't," agreed Marty. "Einie just disappeared for that one minute. Oh, I think I get what you're saying now. I do wonder why my future self existed in 2015, when we skipped forward by about thirty years. So, did you have future self in 2015, too? Come to think of it, I never really thought of that before."

"Yeah, I did," replied Doc. "I'm wondering if intent could have something to do with it. I never did intend to stay in 2015 permanently, after all. What if something went haywire with the DeLorean, and I was hopelessly stuck in 2015 for awhile?"

"I am not sure what to say," Marty replied. "After all, you did tell Jennifer and I that our future wasn't written yet. I have to admit that I was rather confused. You know, back in 1955, when I saw your gravestone at Boot Hill Cemetery, you must've been a little freaked out. Hell, even I was freaked out by it."

"You know, Marty," Doc said, gently, "I don't remember that incident. The timeline I remember was how you decided to go back in time to get my anyway, because you could not bear to never see me again."

Marty was quiet for a minute, then he said, "Gee, Doc, I never really thought of that before. I guess I assumed that the you from that timeline would eventually become, well, you you - if you know what I mean."

"Yes, Marty, I understand," replied Doc. "Remember how I told you that the timeline would transform around Jennifer and Einie, after we had gone back to 1955 in order to retrieve the almanac from Biff. Well, the same thing happened to you, after I was sent back to 1885. Actually, it's also rather comparable to how the timeline changed around us - when we were in 2015, and Biff went back to 1955."

"I guess I never thought too much about that," Marty said, quietly. "After all, it really wasn't until we landed in Hell Valley, that we realized what had happened. So I never noticed the timeline in 2015 changing around us."

"Well, we really don't know what happened in the future of that timeline," pondered Doc. "Maybe, somewhere along the years, a group of people were able to conquer the Biff Tannen Empire - and then things started to return to their normal course."

"This really is a lot of stuff to think about, Doc," Marty breathed. "The whole concept of time travel and alternate realities can get very confusing, you know."

"I was thinking we should conduct a series of experiments," Doc explained. "We will start out with one minute. Then we'll probably move up to an hour, than a day, and then maybe a week. We can maybe then try to get to the bottom of this."

"Uh, Doc," Marty said, a bit nervously, "when you travelled to the future to get your train hover-converted, did you have an older self there?"

"Actually, I never really thought to check and find out," Doc replied. "We went to the year 2015, before travelling back to 1985 to get Einstein, and then to see you."

"Anyway, Doc, I have a rather bad feeling about this," Marty said, with a little bit of uncertainty. "Just think of what it would be like for my parents. If I was gone for a week, they would be worried sick about me. I don't want to risk it."

"Well, then," Doc said, sighing, "let's just start out with a minute, then - and then we will decide where to go from there. Let's head over to Hill Valley Park, and we could conduct our experiment there."

"All right, Doc," Marty replied. "I'm ready to head over there now. I must admit that I do feel a little nervous about this, though. I'm worried something may go wrong."

"Everything will be fine, Marty," Doc insisted. "Don't worry, Marty. We'll just see what happens once we go forward in time by a minute. I'm sure it'll be real simple."


"All right, Marty, are you about ready to go?" Doc asked, after he and Marty headed towards Hill Valley Park. "First of all, let's see if everything is ready."

"Well, the time circuits are on," Marty replied, smiling. As he glanced behind him, he added, "the flux capacitor is fluxing. And I really hope that the engine stays running."

"Yeah, I don't think we have that problem anymore," Doc replied. "Well, let's set the time to bring us forward a minute - and then we'll take off."

"Okay, I guess I'm about ready," Marty said, as he took a deep breath. "I can hardly believe that we're just going to travel through time by a minute."

Doc began to accelerate the DeLorean, until it reached 88 miles per hour. Suddenly, Marty could see a little ripple happening outside of the windshield.