Makeover Edition: Tenten style

This is the start of my second story, hopefully this one goes better than my first one, which is not bad but not as good as I hoped it would be, if you have time read it. It's called Mission: Emorid, in the Final Fantasy VII section.

Disclaimer: I do not own any aspect of Naruto.


She fully blamed Lee and Gai-sensei for this. She was going to kill them for making her wear this "thing" the most hideous dress she's ever seen in her life, (the fact that she considered all dresses horrible didn't have anything to do with this) It was green, not a pretty emerald, but the color of Lee's tights. To add to the embarrassment she had shiny Dorothy shoes except green. She would have never done this willingly, but in desperate matters she had no other choice.


"WHAT! You CANNOT be serious!" Tenten screamed, which could be heard all the way from Suna. "What kind of mission is this?"

"Some of your comrades were worried about your "youth" and I tend to agree. I think this will be good for you," the Hokage said, but when she looked up there was nobody there. "THOSE UNGRATEFUL BRATS!!"

"Ouch!" poor Naruto who just happened to be at the wrong place at the right time got hit with a chair that fell from the sky. "Tsunade-baa-chan, that was mean! That's—"

CRASH a desk hit him. Luckily Hinata was walking and say Naruto in his poor condition and ran to get Sakura.

End Flashback


Tenten on the other hand had left when she had heard "youth" and knew who had been "worried" about her. "I'm so going to kill them with my bare hands…no I'll slice them slowly then rip them apart then I'll soushouryu their butt all the way to Suna! I'm freakin' ANBU and I'm given a mission to act girly and wear dresses for a WHOLE WEEK!!" But as you can probably tell this wasn't her day and as she was saying this she happened to run into two green clones (guess who).

"Our Youthful Flower-"And with that Gai-sensei and Lee became one with the sky.

"TAKE THAT YOU $#! &$#$#", geez who knew she had such bad language.

Let's say people could feel the dark cloud of hate hanging around her and oozing like slime onto the ground, so they generally avoided her like the plague, but not all people are that smart. Insert Sakura and Ino, either they chose to ignore the dark hanging cloud of doom or were just plain stupid. Though in this case, it looks like the second option, for they not just bothered TenTen when she was in her "mood," they said the worse possible thing to say, "We heard about your mission and it sounds so much fun," add injury to that they didn't say but more of screeched it in her ear and then started hugging her. Invading Tenten's bubble of anger, Tenten nearly skewered them except for the fact that she couldn't move.

"Let us help you with your mission! It'll be like a shopping party!" Sakura said.

"Yeah, but don't trust forehead-girl over here, she has the worst fashion sense." Ino said loftily.

"HEY, what's that suppose to mean, Ino-pig!" And thus another between the Forehead and Pig commenced.

While Tenten for the second time, that day, just left.


Thank you for reading. Please Review, any comment is fine, even if it is to tell me it's good or bad.