Disclaimer: I am American, my name is American, and I'm more proud of my 1/16th of American Indian blood than you could ever imagine so, NO I'm not Takahashi Rumiko, the real owner of Inuyasha.

Note: This occurs… I guess I'm gonna put it as alternate everything for just after episode 101, The Snow of Seven Years Past. If you don't like Angst, I think that you'll still like this fic. I'm not very good at Angst. I'm a Romance authoress by habit. Knowledge of IY was slightly sketchy when I wrote this; be kind!

Son of a Miko

Kyuubi Tenshi

Chapter 1- The Worst Fight Yet

"I don't see why you have to go back again! You were just there a couple days back!"

"Correction, Inuyasha; try two weeks!"

"You shouldn't need to go back this soon! We need to find Naraku, and with you living it up in your time, we can't make any distance!"

"Living it up?! Where did you get your information?! I haven't had a decent break in ages! I go to school and study like mad, and then I come here to look for shards of the Sacred Jewel and get attacked by humans and youkai alike and end up having to run for my life, all to go back to my time and burn myself out studying again!"

The two shouted back and forth at each other, Kagome not willing to back down from her need to return home and Inuyasha not sparing himself any of a sailor's vocabulary. Typical fight between the two Shikon Jewel shard hunters. Sango sighed and perched herself on a grassy spot a few yards away to build a fire and make some ramen to calm down the hot-tempered hanyou. All was going per usual, but a single phrase caught Sango's attention at the end of the, now crying, miko's sentence. Half-breed.

Inuyasha stuttered. Half-breed? Kagome had never called him that before! The tears streamed down her face as he fell back onto the ground in shock. Then she ran off and disappeared behind the enormous trees of the forest. The haninu was too shocked and hurt to go after her. She… had… called him a half-breed; it seemed unbelievable. The words echoed through his ears:

"Shut up and leave me alone, half-breed!"

He felt like he was going to hurl. That comment… it used to never bother him, like water rolling off a duck's back, but now… he felt the full sting of the remark like he hadn't felt since he was a child.

Miroku, Shippou and Sango hadn't moved. Those words… they had uttered them before, but Kagome never had. That name had never once ever passed her lips. Not even in referral to Naraku, much less Inuyasha! They seemed frozen in time, unable to move. They each couldn't seem to throw the shock off of the very heart of their group calling the puppy-eared boy, that they all knew she loved, a half-breed.

Kagome sank under the water in the hot spring, trying to drown herself, but it was no use. She always came up for air. Her heart kept beating, and she kept crying. All the tears were for one person tonight. Inuyasha.

They had been hurtling insults at each other and everything, but neither one was winning any ground. The insult to her very era, she guessed, is what made her snap.

"Your whole time is screwed up!"

"So I guess you think I'm screwed up, too, huh?"

"Well that's a given!"

Then he had insulted her, which made things worse. She had lost control. He'd never trust her again.

The tears stopped flowing.

Kagome walked back into camp late that night. Sango and Miroku were asleep, as were Shippou and Kirara. She could feel Inuyasha's presence, wakeful and watching as always, but she knew, without looking at him, that he was refusing to look at her, too.

She dropped beneath the tree opposite him, not even bothering with her sleeping bag, and leaned against the hard bark, instantly falling into dark oblivion.

AN: Tada! The first chapter repost of "Son of a Miko"! (sigh) The first chapter isn't as impressive as some, and I know Kagome is OOC, but hey, I wrote this over a year ago! My writing still lacked finess back then... (sniffles). Either way, I hope you all enjoy! (I wanna see if I can beat the record for how many reviews this story recieved the last time it was posted!)
