Disclaimer: I do not own TSL nor do I own its characters. And as much as I want to own Lashley (especially Lucas), I don't. Some original characters are of my creation. Lucas Grabeel's character here is named Dustin McCarthy, just to avoid confusion, and is technically of my invention.

Chapter 1: The News

London entered the hotel and rushed towards Maddie who was busy fixing the candy counter. London was so excited, as soon as she got to Maddie's counter; she knocked over a whole display of candy.

"Maddie! Maddie!" London practically yelled at Maddie.

"So this is what you do to poor girls. Knock over their whole display of candy." Maddie said in her usual sarcastic tone.

"Oh those candy bars usually have calories in 'em", London shrugged as Maddie turned her back on London again and picked up dropped sweets from the floor.

"Anyway, have you heard? A celebrity's coming to the hotel!" London exclaimed. As soon as Maddie heard this, she stood up again in front of London and smiled excitedly.

"Apparently not! Tell me more", Maddie demanded.

"Superstar Dustin McCarthy is arriving for a show here in the Tipton! Yay!" London clapped. Maddie shifted emotion and the smile faded as she heard the news. Dustin McCarthy, why the heck does that name sound familiar? she thought. Her expression immediately turned faint and blank as she remembered.

"Uh, London, how does this Dustin McCarthy exactly look like?" Maddie tried to ask nonchalantly. "Oh, you are poor!" London exclaimed in a tone that was between disgust and astonishment. "Here!" London squealed as she showed the poster-sized photo of Dustin.

Maddie could not believe what she saw. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped in shock. "Eew! You're getting your icky drool all over my poster!" London said as she got the poster away from Maddie. "So, now you know who he is. Isn't he cute?" London added with delight. "Uh, yeah, he sure is", Maddie answered with a blank expression. "Which is why I need your help. Gloss me", London ordered.

"Uh, why? I mean, when is he arriving?" Maddie asked who was just done arranging the candy. "About four, three, two, one", London counted as she looked from her watch.

So, is the story alright? I'll do my best to make this story great while it still lasts, and please read and review. Thanks!