Modern Dynasty(Title maybe changed, couldn't think of a good one.)

Chapter 1 – I, Me, and Myself -Meet…Amanohara no Mitsukai/Katsumi.

AN: This is a story that I've bee wanting to write for awhile… but I never got the chance to lol… so here it is…. R&R!!!

Summary: Red Sand meets The Heavens; Scorpion meets Angel… or as others knows it, victorious beauty… Prince meets Princess? Or as others know it… people of our daily life! SASORIXOC, ITACHIXSAKURA , and other pairings

NOTE: bold italics song lyrics Italics thoughts bold AN or notes

arigatou iwanaiyo - Don't say "Thank you,"

zutto shimatte oku - keep it always in your chest.

sayonara ha kagerinai - Goodbyes aren't gloomy.

The girl sang to herself while doing the laundry outside. The light shone from the sun ever so brightly. The girl took another sheet from the laundry basket, and threw it over the laundry line, and started to straighten the sheet out. She smiled as a butterfly landed on her hair. It was a monarch butterfly ever so beautiful. The butterfly flew off her hand and danced gracefully around her. She started to prance around with the butterfly with her white sun dress flowing vibrantly. Her glossy black hair, elegantly flowing along with the breeze, and her bright blue eyes shimmering from the sun's rays. She pranced around the yard until she heard the voice of a maid.

"Mitsukai-Hime! What are you doing!? I'll do the laundry!" The brunette woman called out to her. She stopped and looked at the maid.

"It's alright! I can do it myself!" She waved to the maid and smiled. The maid sighed, and went back inside.

yume no ato shizuka ni oritatsu–After the dream, quietly step off

ryouteni ha furisosogu kakera wo-The fragments that rain into my hands,

itsumademo itsumademo daite-The strength to be smiling until the end;

saiko made waratteru tsuyosa wo-I will always hold close

mou shitteita - that, I have already known.

Mitsukai or also known as Katsumi was a "princess" of this time. She comes from a noble family, or so that's what they know it as. She has black hair, and blue eyes. She has pale skin. She's a 16 year old, and has a fit body. She has the curves of every man's desires, but her father doesn't appreciate the attention she gets from men when she goes out. She can be smart at times, but also clueless. She isn't the type of girl that likes to fight, but she could defend herself if she needed to though, learning martial arts was a big part of her life. She has always wanted to go to a normal High School, just like normal teenagers her age, but her father had always told her that there is too much bad influence there, so she stays home, and is tutored by the smartest of the city.

ohayou mezame ha - Good morning; waking is

mabushikute kanashii - blindingly bright sadness.

sayonara yurusenai - I cannot let you say goodbye,

bokutachi no yowasa ga yokatta - our weakness was good to have been.

She started to prance around in the yard again, but tripped over an uneven lump of soil in the yard and fell to her bottom.

"Ouch…" She whispered to herself, got up and patted her bottom off.

"Mitsukai-Hime!Your father wants to see you!" The maid called out to her, and signaled her to follow back in. She complied, and ran back inside. She followed the maid through the kitchen, and into the big hallway of their house… erhh mansion. They reached a tall and big door. The maid knocked three times in rhythm, and a deep voice came from the door.

"Ah… come in…" The maid opened the door for Mitsukai to enter, and she did. The maid bowed, and left the room closing the door lightly behind her. Mitsukai stood there in silence, and waited for her father to say something.

"Mitsukai-chan… I've been thinking…" He sighed, and turned his chair, so he'd be facing her.

"Yes Otou-chan? Is this about that Ming vase!?!? Cause that wasn't my fault!" She randomly blurted out.

"No… it's isn't about that…" Her father stated to her.

"What could it possibly be?!?! The only time when we needed to "talk" was when I got in BIG trouble." Mitsukai panicked, and thought.

"Your mother and I've been thinking and discussing this matter for awhile now…" He stated and rubbed his temples.

"Otaa-chan? But Otou-chan… you and mother never "discussed" a lot of things this much before…" She stated worriedly, and bit her lower lip.

"It's not as bad as you think Mitsukai-chan…" He assured her before she assumed anymore.

"Well… what is it then? Otou-chan?" She asked curiously, and gave her dad a small smile.

"Well… Mitsukai-chan, you've always wanted to go to a normal high school right? So your mother has convinced me to let you go, and I also agree that it's time for you to feel like everyone else, and not stick out… like the princess you are…" Her father explained.

Mitsukai's eyes were filling up with tears, and she started to cry. Not because she was unhappy, but because she was really happy.

"Thank-you soooo much Otou-chan!" She said with happiness in her voice, and embraced her father.

"You will be attending the high school tomorrow, Konoha Gateway High School… we'll get the limo to" but before he could finish, she frowned, and stated.

"I don't want to take the limo… I want to walk, and be like other teenagers instead of riding some fancy car to school, making everyone jealous, and everything." She smiled, when he nodded, and agreed for her decision.

"You're growing up so fast… it seemed like just yesterday you were in diapers…" Her father kept going on and on.

"Umm… Otou-chan... please…" She begged him to stop and he chuckled, and nodded.

"Mitsukai-chan… I think you should go shopping for whatever you need now…" Her father told her.

"Hai Otou-chan! Arigato!" She said before giving him a smile, and skipping out of the room. She ran into her humongous room and ran to the closet. She opened the door, and turned on the lights inside the room… erh closet. She looked through her sundresses, and picked out a white dress with a big red ribbon tied around her waist, ending with a bow at the back. She looked at herself in front of the mirror and smiled. She then picked out some red sandals and put them on. She ran to her vanity, and sat down. She opened a drawer, and picked out a red ribbon, and tied it into her hair leaving the back down (like Sakura's hair when she was younger, but Mitsukai left some bangs out.) She put on some lip gloss, and took her red Gucci purse. She walked out of her room, and into the limo waiting outside for her. She enjoyed the fresh air blowing in her face while driving through the place.

"Mitsukai-Hime… we're here… Konoha Central Mall…" The driver stated, and opened the door for her. She stepped out, and took a deep breath, and sighed.

"I'll be waiting for you Mitsukai-Hime." The driver stated, and drove away In the limo.

She walked into the mall, and saw a lot of people hanging around the mall. She saw a jewelry shop, and entered it. She looked at the white gold, and spotted a cherry blossom shaped necklace with pink gems as the petals. She pointed at the necklace.

"May I see that one please?" She asked the employee, and the employee nodded, and took out the necklace from the display glass. She stared in awe, and asked how much it was.

"It's nine hundred dollars… but we have a special on it… so it's eight hundred dollars. This is the last day of this special offer."

Mitsukai nodded, "I'll take it then…" She smiled and took out her Gucci wallet that matched her cute Gucci bag, but instead it was a red wallet. She took out the money, and paid the employee. The employee stared at the amount of money, and nearly drooled. The employee packaged the necklace and said. "I gave you some matching earrings in there miss… thank-you and come again."

Mitsukai walked out of the store, and into a clothing shop. She walked in, and was greeted by an employee with a polite "hello…" She kept walking, and arrived at a women's clothes section, and saw some beautiful sun hats. She put one on, but it covered her eyes, and she couldn't see. She walked backwards, and bumped into someone, causing both of them to fall. She had finally gotten the hat off.

"Gomen-nasai!" She apologized to the person she knocked over. She looked in wonder at the girl in front of her. She had luscious pink hair, and bright jade eyes. They both smiled at each other.

"Oh… don't be, it was my fault for not looking where I was going." Sakura stated.

"By the way I'm Haruno Sakura… you don't look familiar, and I haven't seen you around before." She said, with a smile.

"Oh… I don't get chance's to go out a lot… Well… I'mAmanohara no Mitsukai or Katsumi! Nice to meet you, say what school do you go to?" Mitsukai asked with curiosity.

"I go to Konoha Gateway High School…" Sakura replied.

"Really?! I'm going to attend there too! Maybe… we can be friends?" Mitsukai asked shyly while playing with her fingers.

"Yea! Sure! That'll be really nice!" Sakura said with excitement.

"Oh… since we're friends then… I want to give you something… it'll go nicely with you!" Mitsukai said and took out the small box, with the necklace and earrings out. She handed it to Sakura.

"No… I couldn't… It's from Konoha's finest jewelry shop! Those are expensive…" Sakura hesitated but took the gift anyways. She opened it and saw that it was shaped as cherry blossoms, and she smiled brightly.

"Thank-you sooo much…" She said and hugged Mitsukai.

"Your welcome…" Mitsukai said, and smiled at Sakura… "Do you want to walk to school together?.." Mitsukai asked, and Sakura thought about it.

"What street do you live on?" Sakura asked her.

"I live on Crystal lane… number 7…" Mitsukai replied.

"Really? That's only a street away from my place! I live on Ivory Boulevard " Sakura stated.

"Sakura…" A male's voice called her, from behind Mitsukai. She turned around and saw a male with long black hair, and an emotionless face.

"Itachi-kun!" Sakura smiled, and called out to him. She hugged him, and introduced Mitsukai to Itachi.

"He lives on my street…" Sakura said, and smiled up at him. Itachi just nodded.

"Wait a minute… I know you!" Mitsukai said, and thought back.

"You were on Konoha's weekly magazines… Uchiha Itachi…" Mitsukai remembered and stated. He nodded, and looked down at Sakura who just shrugged.

"So you're dating Sakura-chan?" Mitsukai asked with curiosity, and was replied to with an emotionless nod again.

"Awww… Sakura-chan… Kawaii!" Mitsukai said, and wrote some of her info down on paper for Sakura. She gave it to Sakura, and smiled.

"Want to shop with me? I need to get some stuff before tomorrow…?" Mitsukai asked Sakura.

"Is it okay with you Itachi-kun?" Sakura asked him, and he nodded. He held her hand, and they were about to walk. Mitsukai turned around and started walking, but before she could walk three steps, she bumped into a male's chest and fell onto her bottom with a THUD.

"Ouch…" She said, and started to pick up the things that fell out of her purse. The things were scattered everywhere.

"Sorry bout that…" She said while not looking at the person she bumped into.

"It's okay… I should be the one that's sorry." The red head apologized, and helped her pick up her things on the floor. She blushed, and thanked him quietly. He noticed the blush, and chuckled…

"What? Never seen a guy as hot as me?" He teased her, which caused her to blush even more…

"Uhm.. n-not r-really… no… in f-fact I n-never get t-to see a-a lot of g-guys…" She replied, and they gave her a weird look. She looked back up at Sakura, and just nervously smiled, still with the blush on her face. She didn't dare look back at him.

"Uhmm… Mitsukai-chan… this is Sasori-kun, Sasori-kun… Mitsukai-chan…" Sakura introduced them to each other. Mitsukai blushed even more when Sasori smiled at her. She turned to Sakura.

"Uhmm you don't have to go shopping with me if you don't want to anymore…" Mitsukai stated with the blush still.

"No way! I'll still go with you! From now on we're best friends!" Sakura said, and put an arm around Mitsukai's shoulder.

"Oh… okay!" Mitsukai smiled, and put her arm around Sakura's neck.

"Hey… what about me?" Sasori asked teasingly.

"Here… you can have her!" Sakura said, and pushed Mitsukai into Sasori's arms. Mitsukai blushed heavily while Sasori had a faint blush, but embraced her. She took in his scent, and admired it, this was the first time that she'd ever had such close contact to a guy. He had let go, and Mitsukai was blushing madly by now. Sakura smirked at that, and laughed to herself, saying how she was playing the role of cupid. Sasori took Mitsukai's hand, and she blushed bright pink. She lightly took his hand too, and smiled lightly. Sakura smirked at that, and took her Itachi-kun's hand. They went to the shops and helped her to get some school supplies she needed, and Sasori didn't let go of her hand the whole time. She was so happy, and on her first day meeting friend's she had finally got to feel the arrow of cupid pierce her heart. She had this funny feeling churning inside of her.

futari ni ha arifureta yasashisa -The gentleness that overflowed in us two,

hana no youni koi no youni utsurou-let be reflected, like flowers, like love.

hikui kumo kaze wo matsu shizukesa -The quietness of low clouds waiting for the winds...

mou kikoenai -I can no longer hear it.

"Do I love Sasori… kun? What is this feeling I have for him?" She asked herself and blushed.

Sasori chuckled at the blush on her cheeks that had been there for the whole time so far. She just smiled at him and she was happy.

"Do I love her?" Sasori asked himself.