Disclaimer: I do not own the Naruto story, or characters. Although I did come up with this story line. Please respect that.

Warnings: Nothing really. Not this chapter. Other chapters contain yaoi or boy on boy action. Read at your own discretion.

A/N: Once again, a long wait. I give you my sincerest apologies. A lot of things had happened. I got caught up in the roads of life. But all is well again, and I give you the next chapter of .H.

Naruto woke up on the cold tiled floor of Iruka's bathroom. There was a light sheen of sweat on his forehead. He felt dizzy, almost as if he had slept for too long. His body was warm, too warm, but not uncomfortable.

"I'm gonna be a daddy." Naruto sat on the ground, dumbfounded. But when Naruto thought about it, he wrinkled his nose up in disgust.

"Not a daddy. A mother!" It seemed as if all of the air rushed out of his lungs in one moment as the thought struck him hard in the gut. What would everybody think about him? Surely they would make fun of him for being a 'girl'. Hell, he would do the same to somebody if this would happen to someone else. But it wouldn't. No one else held a demon inside of them.

No one would be able to him. Except for Kyuubi. He wouldn't go to Tsunade unless something happened, or he started showing. Whichever happened first.

What would Iruka and Kakashi think? Iruka said he had loved him, he had said that they both truly loved him. If that was true they would love this. But Naruto wouldn't take the chance of making them fear him, for being something unbelievable. What was in him was impossible. It would make him seem like more of a monster than what he already was.

Naruto wanted someone to be there for him throughout the months that would follow, he wanted someone to confide in. But he was too afraid of being shunned by the ones he loved the most.

Ever since he had lost Sasuke, his world had been completely completely shattered. He thought that he had loved Sasuke for a long time, trying to hide that fact by annoying Sakura all of the time. But what he though was love surely was not. Naruto couldn't even get Sasuke to pay him one ounce of attention. Sasuke had obviously not loved him back. Ever since he had lost Sasuke at the Valley of the End, he refused to admit to himself that he loved the raven. Before he ever did that he would prove to himself that he could beat him!

Hard thumps against the door awakened Naruto from his reverie. The taps against the door seemed almost frantic, and Naruto noticed he was now cold, sitting on the floor naked.

"Naruto! Naruto, answer me! Are you ok?" Iruka continued to yell frantically, all the while continuing to pound on the door. Naruto sat there dumbfounded for a minute more before he realized that Iruka was calling out to him.

"I- I'm ok, Iruka. I was just caught up in thinking, that's all." Naruto got up slowly, willing the dizziness away.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror, it was paler than it normally was. It was most likely from the shock of the past half an hour. To him, his eyes looked somewhat haunted and spooked. Naruto tried to will the look away, tried to put on his mask so as to not worry Iruka than he already had.

Naruto had no reason to use the towel he had setting on the sink's counter, instead he was already dry and slipped on the clothes Iruka had left for him. A pair of plain tan pants that fell to his shin were worn along with a white t-shirt. Taking a deep breath and running his hand slowly through his hair, Naruto got ready to face Iruka.

He would lie. He didn't want to. But when the time was right, he would let them know the secret that would change their lives.

Naruto opened the door slowly, peering around the door to see Iruka standing there with a look of apprehension on his face. He didn't want to make the scarred man worried. But he looked absolutely terrified. Iruka, too, was pale as a ghost. He stood there unmoving, watching the door, waiting for Naruto to come out.

Pushing the door open all the way, Iruka suddenly came to life, rushing over to him like he was some school child who had fallen off a swing. In one sense he was, he was an injured child waiting for his savior to come, to help him up off the ground and wash off his skinned knee. But he wouldn't let Iruka see the injured knee, he would hide it till he had the scar to prove that he had taken care of it without the teacher's help.

Iruka's hands went straight to Naruto's forearms, gripping him firmly but not too tightly. Just enough to make sure he was still here, safe in his arm.

"There was this loud noise from the bathroom! I had no idea what had happened! You didn't answer me at all, Naruto. I didn't want to break the door down. I wanted you to have you're privacy. I'm sorry, I was so worried. I called Kakashi here. He left practice early. He should be here soon." Iruka said all of this so fast it was hard to catch all of it. The more he went on the redder his face had got. Naruto didn't want him to explode.

"It's ok! Iruka! It was my fault, I tripped and fell. I must have hit my head or something, I didn't even hear you at all. But I'm ok now, there's no need to worry." Naruto said this almost just as quickly, trying to placate the man in front of him. But why did he have to call Kakashi!? Iruka was more gullible, Kakashi could see through any misconception. It would be unreasonably hard to lie to the gray haired man.

"Naruto, I'm sorry. But are you sure you're alright? I could call Tsunade, have her come over here to check on you real quick." As he said this he was already moving out towards the living space and towards the phone.

Before he could get within ten feet of the phone, Naruto cut him off.

"No really! It's fine. I'm fine! I'm just hungry!"

The moment Naruto mentioned food, Iruka's face changed into one of relief. He sighed and gave a heartfelt chuckle.

"I should have realized. I'll go warm it up." He changed his direction to the kitchen, set on fixing up Naruto his breakfast. One that did not consist of ramen.

Naruto walked into the kitchen, taking his time and sat down at the chair closest to the wall. He watched Iruka move around the kitchen so smoothly, it was entrancing. He looked unperturbed in what he was doing. Paying so close attention to the task at hand that he paid no mind to anything else. Like the silver haired man that flew into the room, panting.

Obviously he had come as fast as he could. And this made Naruto feel guilty for making both men worry so much. Kakashi took one look at Naruto and let himself fall back against the kitchen's wall.

Naruto bit his lip and looked at the man with the mis matched eyes.

Now that he really looked at him, he was the fine definition of a shinobi. Chiseled muscles that you could easily see under his uniform. Surely he had women fawning over him every time he went into a new town on a mission. The man could easily capture the eyes of anyone.

That's what he had done to Naruto so early in the game. Naruto would be the best, to show him and everyone else he could and would be just as good as them. Better even!

He walked over to Naruto, and sat down in the chair across from him.

"What in the world happened?" One eyebrow raised as he said this.

"I uh, tripped in the bathroom is all. I must have hit my head, I was out for a few minutes. I didn't mean to worry you at all. I'm sorry." Naruto tried to not look him in the eye at all when he said this, hoping that it would not let Kakashi see the lie in his eyes.

"Naruto, maybe you should go and talk to Tsunade. Maybe there could be something wrong with your chakra. Just to be sure. I would like you to go." Kakashi looked sincere, like he truly wanted Naruto to go and get checked upon. Naruto didn't like that we wouldn't listen. He already knew he was a freak. He needed no one to remind him.

"I promise Kakashi, I'm fine. But if I feel weird at all, I'll go see Tsunade on my own. No need to worry." Naruto gave him a goof ball's grin.

"Here, Naruto. Eat." Iruka placed a steaming hot plate of food in front of him, and right away Naruto noticed how hungry he had been. He quickly started eating, quickly finishing off his plate. The table was silent, both of the older men just content watching Naruto eat in silence.

When he finished eating, he tried ending the akward silence, to no avail. He silently looked at his plate, not liking being stared at.

"Do you mind if I go lay down for a bit? I'm still a little tired." Iruka quickly shook his head, feeling apologetic for keeping the boy up. Leaving his plate on the table, Naruto quickly got up from the table and half ran to the bedroom.

Closing the door enough to leave a crack, Naruto walked to the middle of the room looking at it in detail for the first time. It was big. Even bigger than his own house! It was filled with pictures and furniture. He walked to each of the pictures to get a good look. The first one he saw was in a brown frame. There were only two people in the picture. One he guessed was an unmarred Iruka, with his father. He looked just like the older man, and they both looked unbelievably happy.

The next was Iruka and Kakashi. Someone must have snuck up on the happy couple, for they were both laying closely side by side on a couch, watching a movie it seemed. Kakashi was asleep, his head on Iruka's shoulder and his hand wrapped around Kakashi's. The Icha Icha book lay forgotten on the silver haired man's lap.

This picture made Naruto smile. They looked amazingly happy. He wanted to be with someone like that. He wouldn't admit it, but he wanted to cuddle up so someone on a cold winters night while they sat in front of a fireplace. It was a silly dream, he knew it. But to be so comfortable with someone, so at home with the one he loved, he would be happy with that.

On the next end table over, there was actually a picture of Team Seven. This surprised Naruto, but when he thought about it, it did have both of Iruka's precious people in it. He had liked that picture, maybe not like taking it, but he like the end result. It captured Team Seven very well. He scowled at Sasuke and Sasuke scowled back. Kakashi seemed genuinely happy to be there, and Sakura couldn't look happier, being next to Sasuke.

That had been over a year ago. Lot's of things had happened since then. Some good, some bad. They had grown much stronger as a team, completing all of their missions swiftly and without much injury. The pregnancy would slow the team down, but that couldn't be helped. Naruto wouldn't want to leave the team. He hated being on break! He would need to find a way around the baby in order to keep in good shape.

Naruto yawned suddenly and went to move closer to the bed. He stripped off his shirt first, and put it in a somewhat neat pile by the bed. Next came his pants, they were thrown haphazardly on the floor by his shirt. He pulled the covers back and slid himself towards the middle of the bed. I was a big bed. Easily big enough for about four grown people. He stretched out enough to get comfortable and lied his head back against the pillows.

This whole thing was just too much to think about so Naruto decided that after he talked to the stupid fox and got some answers, he would make a rationalized decision then.

Voices made his way to him from the kitchen unexpectedly. Kakashi's seemed unreasonably loud and Iruka's seemed somewhat frantic.

"I didn't mean to make you make you worry, Kakashi! I'm sorry." He could hear Kakashi chuckle at Iruka, and Naruto could imagine the poor man's face. He was always so easy to read.

"We all could have used today off anyway. Practice will start again tomorrow. I'll be training specifically with Naruto to find out what happened today." Naruto could picture Kakashi looking awfully smug.

"You don't believe Naruto?" Iruka probably looked stunned.

"Of course not. He's not one to fall over his own two feet in the shower, Iruka. Obviously he finds whatever it is bad enough that we shouldn't know what's wrong."

Naruto could only feel bad at this. Lying to Iruka hurt more than he thought it would, especially when Iruka actually believed him. Laying in the soft bed made Naruto feel drowsy, and before he knew it his eyes closed and he was dreaming.

"I- If you think so. I still don't think Naruto would lie to us. But I want to ask you something Kakashi. If you do think that there is something going on with Naruto, maybe he should move in with us. Don't you think?" Iruka sat next to Kakashi at the kitchen table. One hand holding onto his cup of tea and the other resting under his chin.

Kakashi's eyebrow rose, and he shook his head like he was about to chastise a young boy.

"Iruka, I really don't think that's a good idea. Naruto isn't ready for something like that, even if he is in someway injured. I think it would make him extremely uncomfortable, it would make our team unstable, and I think it would put a damper on our relationship. We just got him like we wanted, didn't we? I don't want to ruin it already. Do you?" Kakashi was always the most sane one in the coupling, he thought about things instead of making rash decisions.

Iruka shook his head after thinking about it.

"I guess I just don't want to loose him so quickly after finally having him with us. He loves us too Kakashi, he told me. I thought my heart would burst when he said it."

"Naruto is free to visit whenever he pleases. I will not stop him to do that but I think that the best thing to do now, is to make sure what we are doing now is the right now is the right thing. Make sure we all want this and that nothing will change." Somehow no matter what the situation, Kakashi always wound up changing Iruka's mind on the matter at hand.

"How long should we wait to ask him?" Iruka looked to Kakashi with hopeful eyes.

"We will wait till he either asks us first, or until he becomes Jounin. I don't want this relationship to undo all the training our team has gone through. I am still his superior, so it will stay that way." Kakshi's tone made it final and Iruka made no other questions on the subject.

"Let's watch a movie while he sleeps, Kakashi." Kakashi would have said no, but the cute smile on Iruka's face convinced him otherwise.

Both men got up and walked together to the living room, Kakashi sitting down and making Iruka pick out the movie. Once it was in and playing, Iruka sat down next to Kakashi and placed his head on the mans chest. Kakashi's arm was around him in an instant, making him feel safe and warm.

While the opening credits started, the brown haired man saw movement by his eye. When he looked over, he saw Kakashi trying to be stealthy and pick up the Icha Icha book.

"Kakashi! Please!" He smiled a crooked smile and shook his head as laughter filtered through his chest.

Kakashi had a small smile under his mask as he laughed at the reaction of his dolphin. He ran his hand over the smaller man's back as he apologized.

"Sorry, sorry, love. But you seemed to have picked another of your silly love movies again." Iruka smacked the muscular thigh of the man he was laying on. They both lied in content for the moment, waiting for their young blond lover to wake up.

Naruto's eyes opened slowly. He felt somewhat refreshed and awake, but obviously he hadn't slept as long as he had wanted. The TV was on in the living room, and he slowly rose from the bed to see what they were watching. After stepping out of bed, he put his pants back on, followed by his shirt and walked towards the door.

'Walking out here is just like walking into the picture in the bedroom. They look so good together. And I get to be a part of it.' Naruto thought.

He scratched his head as he made his way through the empty living space till he made his way to the couch. Once there he noticed that Iruka was asleep. It made him chuckle, and Kakashi look up at the welcomed intrusion. The masked man smiled and Naruto wondered that if he had smiled to anyone else, would that person even know him enough to notice?

Kakshi took the hand that was on Iruka's back and used it to pat the spot on the couch that was unoccupied. Naruto moved to sit there, and when he did Iruka woke and looked at him. He smiled, and looked like an idiot doing it. The poor man was half asleep! Iruka sat up and set his head against Kakashi's shoulder. One hand also going to grab Naruto's.

Naruto's face flushed crimson, his own hand tightening reflexively around the hand that trapped his smaller one. It felt right, and Kakashi could only reach him enough to run a hand through his hair. The action made him feel like a little kid. It was one that he didn't appreciate. So all he could do was stick his tongue out at the older man.

"If you keep doing that Naruto, I'll make you use it." Naruto didn't think his face could get any redder.

'How dare he use that on me! It's too unfair. Although, it isn't a bad punishment.'

Naruto 'hmphed' and turned all attention to the movie. Kakashi couldn't help but chuckle.

The rest of the movie went on in silence.

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to the tons of reviewers that told me to update. Really, if you all haven't been on my ass, I wouldn't have updated at all.

As I said before, I am very sorry this took so long to get out. I had gone through all my old notebooks and thrown out everything I had, including this one. At that time I had been very disappointed with how everything was turning out. I have redone this story and it is in the process of getting re-written. Updates will happen regularly since I now have my best friend on my ass getting me to spend all of my time writing.

Also take notice that this chapter is not beta'd at all. I have none. I will look at it later, but I really just wanted to get this chapter out to you all.

Let me know what you all think of this chapter, no matter how small the review is. Let me know if it's good or just plane sucks. I like to hear it all.