A Whole New Charmed: Chapter 5

A/N: Thanks for the reviews for the previous chapter guys… I hope you enjoy this one too…

"Okay, I was not expecting that." Paige mumbled as she brushed off bits of plaster from her blouse. Wyatt had just finished healing her and was still clutching onto her hand as his Aunt got up slowly from the floor. "Thanks honey, go play with your brother now." He orbed across the room.

"Geez, you would think the kid didn't know how to walk." Piper frowned as Prue made her point after telekinetically sending their little sister through a wall. A wall which would now cost them money to repair. Once again.

"That wasn't very nice Prue."

"What? I'm just saying… just 'cause he can orb, doesn't mean that he should do it all the time ya know."

"I didn't mean that." Piper usually had patience, being a mother and all, but she wasn't going to let Prue run around the fact that she had almost seriously hurt Paige. "I'm talking about what you just did to Paige. Are you ok sweetie?" She turned to Paige and helped brush some dust out of her hair.

"Yeah, physically I am. Emotionally, maybe not so much. You never told me that Prue was such a bit-"

"Hey! Still alive and in the room here!" Prue yelled out. Just to remind them that they hadn't sent her back to wherever it was exactly that she had come from.

"Sorry," Paige apologised, "It's just… Piper and Phoebe didn't exactly give me that type of uh… greeting which you just blessed me with when they first met me."

"Well of course we didn't. Shax had that honour." Piper's attempt at a joke to lighten the situation was diffused with the mention of Prue's killer.

An awkward silence passed until Prue extended the olive branch.

"I'm sorry. I'm just in shock. First I find out I'm dead, then I find out I have a new sister… I'm Prue, by the way. It's nice to meet you Paige." She extended her hand slowly this time, with Paige accepting the gesture cautiously this time.

"It's nothing… really, if I could count the number of times Piper and Phoebe have turned evil and thrown me through a wall." Paige shrugged it off and the newly acquainted sisters exchanged smiles. Prue turned to Piper.

"You were right about her. I do like her so far."

"I told you so."

"So, can someone fill me in?" Paige really wanted to know what had happened. She was always the last to know. Except for this time they were still waiting on Phoebe.

"Well, I'll fill you in completely when Pheebs gets here." Piper was right on cue as the front door slammed shut and the sound of Phoebe's shoes striding through the front hall were heard.

"This better be good because I'm on a deadline with the paper AND my publisher. Oh my God, Prue." Phoebe looked like she would faint at any moment. Maybe because she was in the early stages of pregnancy and as of late she had been experiencing extreme morning sickness. Oh and the fact that her dead sister was standing right in front of her in corporeal form.

"Phoebe!" Prue rushed into the arms of the sister she used to feud the most with. She really loved her to pieces though.

"How?" Was all that Phoebe could say with a grin plastered over her glowing face. Piper cleared her throat and motioned towards the wicker chairs. The four sisters each took a place and didn't interrupt what Piper had to say.

"Well, I was up in the attic and I thought of maybe trying to summon Prue once again. I mean, I hadn't tried to do it since she had just died and I figured it had been a while, so maybe the Elders had lifted the ban on that… maybe as a reward for us overcoming the Ultimate Power and what not… anyway, I was obviously failing at my attempt when Wyatt decided to give me a little bit of help. Well, actually, a lot of help. He basically summoned her himself." Piper smiled as Wyatt orbed himself onto Phoebe's lap. He had a cute habit of doing that lately. He probably chose Phoebe at that moment because she hadn't been around as much as she used to be lately. He had missed her. They all had missed her.

"All by himself?" Phoebe squealed and clung onto the toddler, "You are sooooo smart mister Wyatt!"

"I still can't believe you're a mom Piper." Prue gave her a hug while the other sisters shared a secretive smile.

"Prue, while you're here and, well, alive… I'm pregnant too." Phoebe's glowing face said it all. She was extremely happy with Coop and couldn't wait til the arrival of their little bundle of joy.

"Guys! I'm an Aunt and alive! This has to be the best day of my life!" Prue's forehead wrinkled a bit with confusion, "Or is it after-life?"

"We'll figure that out another time, but right now I think I oughta start whipping up a fabulous reunion dinner." Piper clapped her hands together excitedly and kissed Prue on the cheek. "Will you be ok with the little ones?"

"Yeah, as long as they don't use their powers AGAINST me!"

"You know I was talking about the babies, not Phoebe and Paige, right…"

"Yeah I was talking about the kids, Piper." Prue poked her tongue out at – not two but three- sisters. "Go and have a Charmed one's meeting while I play with these cute guys." The three youngest siblings exchanged a glance.

"Are you sure it's ok?" Phoebe tentatively asked. Prue nodded back and shooed them out of the room so they could discuss things.

"I'll be fine. Now shoo! I have some major catching up to do!" Prue was already bent over the playpen, reaching for Chris, the younger of her two nephews.

"She's taking this extremely well." Paige murmured into Piper's ear. Piper nodded, not in agreement but to acknowledge that it was a worthy observation.

"It appears to be so. Let's go into the kitchen for a little bit… I have to tell you guys something." Piper led the way while Prue was preoccupied with the children.

A/N: To be continued my pretties… the next update won't be far away, I promise!!