A Whole New Charmed

Wyatt's First Summoning

Disclaimer: Ok peeps, I do NOT own Charmed or any of the characters. If I did…well, that would be interesting to say the very least… Enjoy! And please review or give me some feedback of any kind…be constructive please!

The following takes place after Forever Charmed, the final episode of the final season. This is what might have happened after that episode…

The manor was quiet. The only movement was in the attic where Piper was upstairs flipping through the Book of Shadows, trying to find another way to bring back her older sister, Prue. Piper knew that it was personal gain, knew it was against the rules, but screw the rules. The Charmed ones had kicked serious ass and deserved a break once and for all, the Powers That Be even knew that.

Just as Piper thought she was onto something, Wyatt orbed into the attic, clutching a teddy bear.

"Sweetie, what are you doing up here?" Piper asked soothingly. The poor kid had been having some sleepless nights lately. It was kind of ironic, since there had been no more demons attacking. Wyatt had always been able to sleep through an attack for some reason, like it was something normal to him. Well, it was kinda normal for him…being the twice blessed child and all…

Wyatt extended his hand to his mother and she took it, trying to lead him down the stairs, back to his bed. Wyatt blinked twice and appearing right in the middle of the room in a cluster of blue orbs was his late Aunt Prue, wearing the same clothes she had died in, but alive nonetheless. Alive and exactly how she looked on that day, 5 years ago.

"W-Wyatt!" Piper stammered softly, staring at her older sister.

"What's going Piper?" Prue asked. Apparently she had no clue how it had happened either.

"Um…your nephew just brought you back from the dead." Piper said as if she was in a dream-like state. She grabbed the nearest chair and fell into it.

"Me? Dead? What are you talking about Piper?" Prue enquired, " I was just downstairs with you, trying to hold off the press, you know, since we exposed good magic to the rest of the world on live TV. What do you mean nephew? I don't have a nephew."

"Oh boy." Piper replied, "Prue, maybe you might wanna sit down."

A/N: Only short, I know...but I promise more will come once I get reviews and know that people are interested!