Disclaimer: See Prologue…

A/N:Sorry it took me so long to get this up. I had to find the Latin phrase I wanted to use at the end. I hope you guys have enjoyed this story.

Chapter 20Epilogue

"You're doing great Sam." Janet smiled up at her friend. "Okay, one final push and…"

Wailing filled the room as Sam slumped back against her husband. Jack kissed the top of Sam's head as he wrapped his arms protectively around her tired body.

"You did great Sam, just great." Jack kissed the top of her head again. "I love you."

Sam nestled back into Jack and sighed in contentment to be surrounded by her family. "I love you too Jack.

Janet smiled at the two from across the room where she was checking the new baby. After Jack had told her about her life before, about her dying, and about the quest and its numerous events, Janet's memory had slowly but surely come back. Of course, coming back to the SGC and being reunited with Cassie had helped the process a lot. It was a couple short weeks before Janet remembered her medical training and began working closely with Carolyn Lam.

Daniel and Janet had spent a lot of time discussing the two times that he had died and come back thanks to Oma Desala. Those times had meant a lot to Janet as she struggled to fill in the still missing pieces of her memory. It came as a surprise when Janet showed up in Daniel's office with Jack in tow, to announce that she remembered why she'd been sent back. Both Jack and Daniel had of course guessed as to the reason, but were still surprised that the Ancients would allow Janet to remember it. The three had decided that it would be best if the truth was kept between the three of them.

Now, seven months since returning, Janet was thriving and fully loving being alive again. She turned her attention back to the baby in front of her and silently blessed her decision to go against the rules and intercede so that this baby would have a father.

"I should probably go get the others, they'll be anxious to know that everything is alright." Jack said as he carefully slipped out from behind Sam.

A few short minutes later, all of SG1 plus Jon were lined up outside the privacy curtain that was hiding Sam, with their backs facing the curtain.

"Is this really necessary Jack?" Daniel complained.

"Yes." Jack simply replied. Silently, Jack moved the curtain to reveal his family, a smile spreading across his face at the sight. Walking over to Sam he took their daughter from her arms and walked over to the others. "All of you have already met adult Jackie, but I would like to introduce you to Jacquelyn Danielle O'Neill." Jack announced as he moved so that his surrogate family could see the baby without turning around just yet.

Because Daniel was the closest, Jack handed the baby to him, and the others crowded around him to greet the new arrival. Without the others noticing, Jack slipped back to Sam's side quickly before returning to the rest of the group. Clearing his throat, Jack pulled everyone's attention away from Jackie momentarily.

"I'd also like to introduce Jacob Teal'c O'Neill, Jackie's little brother. J.T. this is your family."

"Twins?!" Vala squealed as she reached out for J.T.

Jack once again slipped back to Sam's side, this time to stay and watch as their family admired the newest arrivals. Janet slipped over to Sam's bedside to check her vitals before joining the others in admiring the babies.

"Thank you Janet." Jack said as she turned to join the others.

Janet looked up at Jack with a ready smile and retort that it was Sam who did all the work, but the words died on her lips as she saw the look in Jack's eyes.

"For everything."


"You going to miss commanding the Sirius Jack?" Daniel asked as he and Teal'c walked with Jack down the halls of the SGC.

"Of course Daniel." Jack replied. "But I have to say my excitement at being a dad again and watching my kids grow up far outweighs any misgivings about leaving the Sirius." Jack continued as he stopped in the middle of the hallway. Suddenly, a look of pure glee spread across Jack's face.

"O'Neill to the Sirius."

"Jack, don't." Daniel grew serious as he recognized the look on Jack's face.

"Mackenzie here, go ahead General."


"Me transmitte sursum, caledoni!"

As the white light of an Asgard beam enveloped Jack and disappeared, Daniel shook his head.

"That poor kid must be so glad Jack is handing over command today."

"I do not understand Daniel Jackson. What is it that O'Neill just said?"

"Beam me up, Scotty."