Disclaimer: Stargate and its characters are not mine, I'm simply borrowing them for my own, and my readers', entertainment. No copyright infringement intended.

A/N: Okay…so here's the third and final installment of a trilogy that started out with 'A Familiar Face' as a stand alone. But people wanted a sequel…and they got two…I'm ahead by a chapter and a half so I'm hoping to be able to post once a week. Hope you all enjoy this newest adventure!

Spoilers: 703 "Fragile Balance"

Prologue –

The streets of Colorado Springs were quite busy for a Sunday morning. Sure it was spring, but it seemed rather early on a Sunday for so many people to be up and about. Jack glanced at his watch yet again. 0858. Two more minutes. With a quiet grumble about having to be up this early himself, Jack went back to his Sunday newspaper.

"I know it's been four years, but you've lost your touch Lieutenant." Jack said without looking up from his paper.

"Being stuck in the body of a teenager will do that to you Jack."

Jack had a smirk on his face when he finally looked up at the young man in front of him. "It's good to see you Jon." He said as he stuck his hand out. After shaking hands, he motioned to the chair across from him. "Have a seat." He waited for Jon to settle before speaking again. "So…" Jack folded his newspaper and motioned for the waiter. "What brings you to Colorado Springs?"

"I want a transfer Jack."

The waiter chose that moment to come over. Quickly placing their orders, the two men waited until they were alone again before picking the previous conversation back up.

"Transfer to where?" Jack asked, being purposefully obtuse.

"You know where Jack."

"Humor me."


"Why Peterson Jon?" Jack sighed.

"You know very well why." Jon almost snapped. Jack raised an eyebrow. "You're assembling special teams, I want in."


"Why the hell not?" Jon said between gritted teeth. "You know that I'm more qualified than just about everyone else you're assembling."

"How do you even know what's happening at Peterson, Jon?" Jack asked, while keeping an eye on their surroundings.

"You've recruited my roommate from the Academy."

"Look, Jon, I understand how frustrating the last four years must have been for you. But for reasons that I cannot disclose to you at present, I cannot give you that transfer."

"You have no idea how frustrating the last four years have been Jack. My life was taken away from me and I was forced to live out a life that wasn't mine."

"Hey, it was your choice to go back to high school."

"That's not what I'm talking about and you know it." Jon finally snapped.

"That's enough Lieutenant!" Jack barked.

Jon's mouth snapped shut as he glared across the table at Jack. The two sat in a tension filled silence until the food arrived.

"What about Cheyenne Mountain?" Jon finally broke the silence once the waiter was gone again.

"You won't get the team you want." Jack said without looking up from his paper that he had again picked up.

"Why not?"

"It already has five members, three of which know who you are, and two that don't. It would cause too many problems."

"You Son of a…"

"Watch it Lieutenant." Jack's voice was calm, but held a warning that Jon couldn't ignore.

"So I'm just supposed to stay in Kansas and ignore the fact that I know a lot more about what is happening than I can let on."

"I didn't say that." Jack said over his coffee mug.

"Then what are you saying Jack? You'll have to spell it out, 'cause I'm not as smart as Carter or Daniel."

Jack chuckled a little at that. When Jon glared at him again, he lowered his mug and cleared his throat.

"Ever since you graduated from the Academy I've been expecting to have this conversation. I'm just surprised you waited this long."

"What can I say? I wanted to do things on my own."

"Didn't want to come crawling to your uncle for a favor huh?" Jack smirked again.

"Something like that."

Jack nodded and slid a folder across the table that had CONFIDENTIAL stamped across the front. Jon looked up from the unopened folder in askance. Jack simply nodded at it, indicating that Jon was to open it. Taking the hint, Jon opened the file and read its contents. After a few minutes ticked by, Jon looked up from the file with confusion etched across his young features.

"Are you serious?"

Jack nodded. "Daniel will fill you in on the details in a briefing tomorrow. You'll leave for your new assignment in 48 hours."

"So soon?"

"It's a long trip and your only way there leaves in 48 hours."

"And my stuff?"

"Already on its way here."

"My transportation?"

"The F304."


"I don't care Sergeant. How many times do I have to tell you that?"

Jack smiled as he heard the voice coming through the door. Hesitating only a second, he rapped sharply on the office door.

"Enter." Came the gruff reply. "Sergeant, you make the decision, I don't want to hear about this again." Landry set the phone down a little harder than necessary as Jack entered his office.

"Having fun yet Hank?" Jack asked as he tried unsuccessfully to hide the smirk on his face.

"Remind me again, Jack, why we became Generals." Hank grumbled as he smiled and shook Jack's hand.

"So that we can have the honor of flying a desk and answering the top 100 dumbest questions." Jack laughed. "So what was this one? Commissary menu or paint color?"

Hank chuckled with Jack as they spent the next several minutes reminiscing about the good old days when they had been asking the dumb questions instead of answering them.

"Not that I'm not enjoying this trip down memory lane with you Jack, but I have to ask: what brings you down into the depths of Cheyenne Mountain?"

"Lt. Jonathan O'Neill has a briefing today with Daniel regarding his transfer to Atlantis. So I thought I would take the opportunity to personally update you on our progress at Peterson."


"Does SG1 know?" Hank asked as Jack finished his update.

"Not yet."

"Oh this should be fun."