White. That is all he could see. Was it a void? Was it the afterlife? It couldn't be because he would end up in some sort of hell. He didn't believe in hell nor an afterlife but he deserved a hell. Why was it so white? What was the word the people of her world said. No, the other strange world. He was a computer programme. It mean he was in some sort of box and wasn't real. Was this what happens when we're deleted?

"No" he said out loud, just so he could hear his voice.

His pain was real. His thoughts were real. As much as he hated emotions he had to admit they were real. His feeling of love: real. Pain:real. Anger: definitely real. Hatred: completely real. He may have expressed negative emotions but they were still real emotions something humans possessed.

He was real.

His eyes blinked for a moment to awaken himself from this existentialist state. His vision from pure white light blurred into a world that was dull and grey. Metal surrounded him while the sounds and lights were either blinking. There were towers of what they called servers but not a human who served food - a machine. He darted around to gather his surroundings. Strangely enough, everything looked familiar.

"Isabelle" He reminded himself what he was doing.

"Uncle Nox." The little one spoke, grabbing unto his claw for guidance.

A machine that lifted you up and carried you to floors that were high. An elevator. He raced for it almost dragging Isabelle with him. He marched down the hallway and towards a sea of people on computers. They were typing away with characters on their screens one per every millisecond. Their eyes were almost dead as they were fixated on the letters their fingers created. He continued his journey to one of these men around the same age as him with glasses. Tapping his shoulder, the young lad swung around and looked at the pair.

"Albel!" How have you been? "Welcome back to 4D!"

It seemed that white light Sophia emitted must have sent them to 4D. Instead of causing them to fall, she used her powers of connection. That blue haired woman must have altered the child's body in case something were to happen. However, now that he was meeting his maker, he drew his sword and placed it a millimetre from the man's Adam's apple. Normally, someone would jump, but in order to ensure safety he held his hands up as if he were surrendering.

"Cure her disease." He demanded. Starring down his opponent and ready to slice at a given notice.

To his surprise, the entire room was unfazed. Still typing away and oblivious to the fact someone was being threatened.

"Now, hold on. I can't go around curing-"

These words made him move his sword upwards, just gracing his chin.

"Okay okay." He gave up. "I'll reprogram her to be healthy."

After studying his honest expression, the sword was placed neatly back inside its sheath, allowing the gentleman to go on his computer and type away. Another "window" popped up and scrolling of numbers all the way down to what he saw her "Sophia Esteed and Isabelle." after a couple of clicks and removing text and rewriting. He glanced at the child. Who knows what was going on and this world was so confusion. However, solid proof was what he could trust and the colour of her skin started to have more pigmentation. She started to look alive like a normal child. Albel noticed an "X" that the man was about to click but Albel halted him.

"Who is this child's father" He asked, digging his claw into this shoulder. The motion was not to get the answer out, but because he was so fixated at the screen and curious.

The man sighed and scrolled around the window a little longer.

"Glou Nox." He answered, as if he was reading. "Oh, your dad. She's your sister."

However, the response made him want to pop his head right off his head from the stupidity but he had to restrain himself.

"He has been dead for years. Don't give me that Bullshit."

"But it's here!" He confirmed, pointing at the screen.

A family tree showed up with his. However, when it came to his sister, it branched out to reveal two mothers his and Sophia Esteed and two names: Sophie Nox and Isabelle Esteed.

"Da hell?"

A double click on the name revealed another window with a photo of Isabelle. However, the text was something he couldn't read.

"She's a glitch."

His eyes darted to the man as his head titled.

"Sometimes, when people die their data is still present. Like a ghost but fixated to a position. However, when a woman comes into contact this data, which has to be female data, who is ovulating with a genetic background almost the same the data is reborn. That explains why she had the same cancer. Some cultures call it a fertility ritual but in this world -"

"That bear?"

It all started to make sense. Sophia wouldn't have get herself pregnant at a young age intentionally. In her world, older women who were almost infertile had children not young women. She was pure and didn't believe in sex without having love attached to it. He never forced himself on her and he didn't think that Fayt boy would either.

"Wait," he forgot the real answer. "genetic background"

"Oh ya, it looks like you and the Sophia have the same ancestor."

His eyes blinked. The white light he saw earlier was less baffling than what this man said. His heart stopped for a moment while his knees almost caved to the floor.

"It seems this ancestor had identical twin daughters." He spoke, fascinated by his findings. However, the enthusiasm made him want to punch him in the face. "One went to Elicoor II while the other stayed on Earth but their maternal line of descendants stayed very similar. That would make you and this child eighth cousins twice removed but she is also your sister! Isn't that amazing!"

If he hadn't tuned him out halfway through he would have really sliced him in the throat and turned his skin inside out. Typing noises and the occasional cough were still the only noises in the room. The sterile environment was ironically making it hard to breath in the room. All he could do was grab Isabelle's hand and drag her out of the room and figure out how to get home.

"Where are you going?" The man asked, in a high pitch.

There was no turning back as his speed quicken almost sprinting away from the room. It had been awhile and he took a couple of wrong turns but he ended up back in his own world and his own country.

It was as if someone had sewn his lips together but for the entire two days he couldn't utter a word. All of his emotions seemed to seep out of him as if he had no soul. Sophia screamed at him the moment they reconnected, yanking Isabelle away, and all he could do was just stare into her tear filled eyes. She emitted all the emotion that was needed. He wanted to feel empathy but her daughter was cured. She will find out that her daughter is no longer sick but his mouth was glued shut. Deep down she knew Isabelle was okay but he couldn't tell her she was cured without explaining the ordeal.

When the people of the sky left and said their goodbyes, he didn't reciprocate. Standing in a corner and viewing the cracks on the wall were his new hobby. Everyone kept telling him how to feel and what to do but all he could do was just stand like someone who was just living in a coma but able to eat, breath, sleep and have sex. Telling his mother she was marrying a relative would be something he would have loved to have thrown in her face; however, he would be a hypocrite. After they left, he chuckled at his situation and continued to laugh for at least ten minutes. Claire could only monitor him to see if his health was well and for fear he would drop dead any moment. There was no chance Sophia would be his and she was destined to be with Fayt. A word he loathed because he refused to believe it yet it took a huge shit on him. Maybe it was because he deserved it from all the years of murder but he was a human being or whatever humanoid they called him. If that as he was inside a computer. However, he believed he was just a man who did terrible things and was far from perfect. However, who wasn't perfect or hadn't done anything wrong? Although, without this fate or destiny his sister wouldn't have had a second chance at life. She wouldn't have lived in a world where the strong pick on the weak and she wouldn't have a psychotic older brother. Her parents loved each other and put her first. Eventually, a smile was on his face as he wiped away some tears from his laughter. Claire put her hands around him for support but he batted away then grabbed that hand and gave a squeeze, not letting her go. He could have told people the truth and maybe one day he could. However, how could he explain it to them? For now he would let them live in a fairy tale with maidens and knights and happy endings.

The End.

Finally! I finished this after ten long years! I didn't forget about this and it has been years since it needed an update! Thank you all for the support. I was at a time ten years ago to write a lot and I really wanted to finish this. It's complete! :) I hope you enjoyed it. I forget most of SO3 and the story but I tried to make the ended I wanted from all those years ago. (It was still in my brain trying to leap out and come to life)