Yu-chan-HI ALL! I'm Yuuri Uchiha. This is my first fic. Please be kind

Wolfram- Please read and review.

Yu-chan- it yaoi YAY! Pairing Yuuram

Yuuri S.- there's what?!


My love

'Ok no matter what I will tell him' Wolfram thought to himself. Yuuri Walked in to their bedroom seeing Wolfram waiting for him on their bed. "Yuuri…" Wolfram said a blush starting to apear on his face. "What is it?" Yuuri asked sitting next to his fiancé on the bed. Wolfram looked into Yuuri's eyes searching for the right words to say. "I-I love you"

The black haired maou just stood there in shock. Wolfram bit his bottom lip holding back tears. After a few minutes of silence the young blond prince crawled under the sheets of the bed and pulled them above his head.

He couldn't hold it in any longer he was going to cry. Just then he felt a warm body join him under the covers and wrap its arms around the young boys' waist. Wolfram turned around to see his beloved fiancé. "Yuuri" he said "you don-"he was stopped in mid sentence when Yuuri placed his finger on Wolframs lips. "shhhh…" Yuuri said kissing his beautiful blond fiancé.

"Yuuri" Wolfram said as their lips parted. "I love you too, Wolf" the maou said pushing away some golden hairs out of Wolframs face. "Do you really love me?" the young prince asked.

"Yes I do" the young maou said "Let me prove it to you"

Yuuri place him self on top of Wolfram and started to kiss him passionately. Yuuri brushed the bottom of wolframs lips with his tongue asking for permission to enter. Wolfram accepted by opening his mouth. Yuuri ravished the young prince's mouth as he took off his shirt and Wolfram helped with the pants careful not to break the kiss. They finally parted looking into each others eyes seeing lust and wanting in each others eyes. Yuuri carefully took off Wolframs pick night gown off and tossing it to the side as they began their night of pure loving. They had both waited for this moment forever and it was finally here.

Wolfram woke up with him and Yuuri holding each other close naked under the blankets. Remembering their long night of loving as he tried to awaken his naked lover. "Yuuri" he whispered shaking the maou gently "Mmmnn" the maou moaned pulling his lover back down into a hug. "What is it, love" he asked. "Nothing, I was just remembering last night" he responded. "Oh" the maou said "I love you, Wolf" "I love you too, wimp" he responded as they cuddled together and went back to sleep.

The door flew open as Gunter walked in saying in a happy voice "Your Majesty, I thought that today we should study a little before breakf-"he stopped when he saw the young couple cuddling, and asleep, on the bed with their clothes on the floor. "Your Majesty!" Gunter yelled fainting in the middle of the room.

Yu-chan: I hope you enjoyed my first fic please review

Wolfram: /////

Yuuri S. - Wolfram?

Wolfram: we did that? ////

Yuuri S. - yes we did

Wolfram: IM SO HAPPY ///

Yuuri S. - wanna do it again

Wolfram- nod

Yuuri S. - Picks up wolfram and takes to room

Yu-chan I think we should give them some privacy well please read and review.