Disclaimer: I do not own Charmed.

Note: Okay well this is a sequel to The New Beginning. For those of you who have not read The New Beginning, all you really need to know is: Wyatt fell in love with Chris's best friend Bella, and she became pregnant with Wyatt's three sons. Before the pregnancy Chris went to the past to turn Wyatt from evil to good and after finding out she was pregnant Bella to went to the past a few months after Chris. Wyatt found out what Chris was doing and that Bella was pregnant so he when to the past to get Bella back and to stop Chris. However, just before Wyatt returned to the future with Bella and his younger self, he changed from is evil self to his good self. Anyway I think that's all you really need to know. (Oh and after arriving in the future Wyatt and Bella got married.) Well have fun reading and I hope you like it.


After returning to the future a lot had changed. The world that was once beat down and evil was no longer there. The world had been saved and so had Wyatt.

"Wyatt! WYATT!" Bella yelled from the kitchen in there new house. They had decided that if they were going to be having three kids then they need to have house.

Blue orbs filled the kitchen when Wyatt orbed in. "What's…" looking down Wyatt realized that he was standing in what looked to be a puddle of water. "You called me to help you clean up a puddle of water." He asked confused and a little angry.

"Yes," She said sarcastically "I called you just so you could come home and clean up a puddle of water…" He looked at her not sure if she was serious or not.

"So wait, did you or didn't you?" He asked really confused.

"No…I called you because my water you just broke you moron." She said half yelling. She really wasn't one to yell, but being pregnant make you very moody.

"Oh…right…so…um…" Wyatt said looking around, trying to figure out what to do next.

"Honey, relax and go get my overnight bag." She said calmly.

"Right….okay." he ran out of the kitchen and grabbed the overnight bag. Wail waiting Bella walked into the living room and sat down. However, she found that sitting was not very conferrable, so she stud back up. A minute later Wyatt came back with the bag in his hand.

"Give me your hand." He told her.

"No, we are driving." She replied.

"Why, orbing is so much faster." He argued.

"I don't care, I want to take a car like everyone else."

"Fine." Wyatt ran to the door and opened it. Bella walked out to the car and waited for Wyatt to lock the house up.

After about 20 minute of erratic driving they arrived at the hospital. Wyatt jumped out of the car and opened the door for his wife.

"Okay you stay here and I am going to go get someone to help." He said running towards the hospital. Bella did not even have time to answer before he was gone.

However she decided not to wait in the car, she got up and started walking towards the hospital as well. Moments before she reached the door she was greeted by her husband and a young nurse with a wheel chair.

"I thought I told you to wait in the car." He said helping her into the wheel chair.

"You did, but I didn't want to."

Three hours had passed and Bella was finally dilated enough. The nurse moved Bella into a different room and she told Wyatt to put on a gown if he wanted to be in the room. A few short minutes later the doctor had arrived.

"Okay Bella I'm going to need you to do every thing I tell you." The doctor said.

Bella shook her head and laughed when Wyatt did to.

"Alright now I need you to push really hard." He told her. Bella almost screamed as she pushed. "That's really good. I can see the head. Now I want you to take a deep breath and then push again." Bella did as the doctor said. This time the babies shoulders came out and the rest of the body fallowed. The doctor held the baby up, it had brown hair and emerald green eyes, he looked just like Chris when he was a baby.

"One down, two to go." Wyatt said.

The doctor had Bella repeat the same directions for the next baby. The doctor also held up baby number two. It had blond hair and crystal blue eyes, just like Wyatt.

"Okay, this is the last one…you can do it." The doctor told Bella.

"Come on sweetie." Wyatt said.

Bella pushed and pushed and finally that baby was out. Bella took a deep breath and started to relax. However, she quickly sat up when the doctor said, "Oh my gosh."

"What…what's wrong?" Wyatt and Bella said at the same time.

"Well, it seems…" the doctor said holding up the last baby. "It's a girl." She had the same blond hair as baby number two and the same emerald green eyes as baby number one and she was absolutely beautiful.

Bella and Wyatt looked at each other confused. "But the doctor told us we where going to have three boys…not that I am complaining." Wyatt said.

"Well sometimes if the babies hand is in a certain position then it looks like its is a boy." The doctor explained.

"What are there names?" the nurse asked.

"Um…well. For baby number one Kevin, baby number two Karter, and…" Bella stopped and looked at Wyatt.

"Katelin." Wyatt said after a moment.

"Yeah, Katelin." Bella repeated.

P.S. You know you want to review.