Title: As Speech Disappears Into Silence

Author: LittleLottexoxEriksTrueAngel

Chapter 15: Undone


Chapter 15: Undone


Shiver cold

I stand alone

Feel the slow dissolve

Dark clouds rolling overhead

Part of me is gone


Meg watched in horror as Erik roughly pulled Christine out of an eerie black carriage, before dragging her forcefully into the house. She shiver ran up and down the maid's spine as she watched the pair. She had never seen someone as angry as Erik was in her entire life. In fact, she had never imagined that anyone could ever feel that angry. And Christine, she just looked hollow, like she had completely shut down – which was something Meg had learned about Christine in the short time she had known her, when she was sad or angry or mad, Christine shut down.

Nadir met the frightened blonde in the hallway. "Oh, Nadir!" she cried, throwing her arms around his neck. He wound his arms around her waist, running his fingers through her hair, trying to soothe her.

"Everything is going to be okay, Meg."

"Not it's not!" she moaned. "He is going to kill her!"

Nadir's grip instinctively tightened, "He wouldn't do that."

"You didn't see---"

"Meg…"he warned pulling away. He watched the woman he was in love with, and thought for a moment about what he would do if he were in Erik's position – if it had been Meg instead of Christine. Would he let her explain? Or would he do what Erik was doing?

"I'm going to go and check on them, and make sure Erik does not do something that he will regret."

Meg placed a kiss upon his lips. "Be careful."

"I love you."

She pulled him into her arms, "I love you, too."

Nadir pulled away and turned to go and find Erik when he heard Meg call, "Oh! And Nadir?"

"Yes, my dear?"

She hesitated for a moment, "Christine…she loves him. She is scared and unsure, but she loves him. She just won't admit it." She smiled sadly. "It is love of the most exquisite kind. It is the kind of love that one does not dare to admit even to oneself."


Like water now within my hands

You're nothing I can hold

As every second slips away

I've nothing left to show


Raoul de Chagny had always known he was not always exactly what people would consider bright, but he could not exactly be categorized as stupid either. So, when he decided not to wait to check up on the Daae's till morning he felt he had made the smartest move ever – well, maybe later he would not agree with that opinion, but at the moment he believed himself to be a smart man.

Christine was gone by the time he arrived at the small dwelling. Gustave Daae was lying motionless on the ground, and the last of Erik's men were riding off towards town.

Raoul charged into the room and rushed over to the older man. He appeared to be breathing regularly, and he had a pulse. Fortunately, Raoul did not have to wait long for it to be confirmed that Monsieur Daae was indeed okay, well except for the obvious facts that he had been attacked and his daughter taken by a strange masked man.

Gustave Daae's brown eyes opened and he said in a small voice, "He took her. She's gone."

Raoul's eyes widened. "Christine," he murmured under his breath before addressing Gustave. "Who took her?"

"He came for her."


"Deveraux," said Monsieur Daae. "He came back for her. He came with at least a dozen men. He dragged her out of here like she was a doll." The older men succumbed to the tears that had formed in his eyes. "Oh, my poor baby girl!"

Raoul knew then what he had to do. He had seen those men riding off into town, probably for a few drinks at the local pub, but had had no idea they were related to the Daae's or this mysterious masked man for that matter. However, now he knew what he needed to do. He would follow those men and find out where they were keeping Christine. He would kill this Deveraux person, this monster, and then he and Christine could come home and marry. But, he had to leave now.

As quickly as he could he helped the older man up off of the ground and dragged him into the bedroom. After settling him in bed, he assured Gustave, "I am going to find her and bring her home."

He walked out of the house, he promised himself, "I am going to find her and bring her home…"

"No matter what it takes…"


Porcelain white, the storm sets in

Unraveling my life


Christine and Erik sat together in the library. Christine sat in his lap, her leaning against his muscular chest, their naked bodies pressed together. A soft silken blanket was spread out over the pair, and Christine sighed as Erik began to run his fingers gently through her messy curls.

"Christine…" he whispered in his soft and angelic voice. "I--"

Then Christine remembered something and she cut him off, "Did you know that when I was little my father used to tell me all kinds of stories?"

Erik sighed, "I did not know that, love."

She twisted around in his arms to look at him, "And my favorite was the story of Little Lotte," she said quietly. "and the Angel of Music."

That seemed to peak Erik's interest, "The Angel of Music?" he questioned.

"Yes, the Angel of Music. He came to Lotte, and taught her how to sing. He was also her guardian angel. He was there with her, for her, no matter what she did. But, he was a jealous angel, and would not allow her to have any callers once it was time for her debut into society – he threatened to leave her if she ever gave her heart to another man, for then she was not devoted to her music or her angel." She explained. "And, she obeyed him, he was her mentor and her friend and she loved him very, very much. They made the most beautiful music, music that made Heaven's angel's weep - that brought the world to its knees. And then, when she grew older, Lotte learned that her Angel was really a man"

"That is a beautiful story, my love."

Christine settled herself, once again, comfortably in his arms. "No, what I love best Lotte said," she sang softly, seemingly far away. "Is when I'm asleep in my bed, and the Angel of Music sings songs in my head…the Angel of Music sings songs in my head…"

They fell into a comfortable silence.


"Yes, my love?"

She removed her self from her spot in his arms and moved to kneel before him. The blanket covering their bodies fell somewhere, forgotten.

"I believe you are my Angel of Music." She whispered before her lips met his.


Cut my hands on broken glass

Holding on too tight


Erik dragged Christine along. She was like a doll, helpless and limp in his arms. Deep down, he did not want to hurt her, but he could not stop himself. He who always hid his emotions, just like he hid his face, could not control his anger.

And it was fueled by betrayal.

He could not help what he was going to do…he had no control on his anger…

Why? Oh, why Christine….?


I'm barely held with tape and string

Am I'm still alive?
This heavy heart is caving

Under this goodbye


Christine was in a daze. Just as Meg had suspected, Christine had shut down, as she tended to do in these "types" of situations. She couldn't – didn't – want to feel. She did not want to see the hurt in his eyes…or the anger or the betrayal.

It hurt.

And it was all her fault. It was her own stupid fault but still…

She loved him…


I'm undone.
Without y
ou now

I'm in a million pieces


I'm not myself

If you say I am not yours
Without you now

Just echoes in the silence
I'm nowhere now

If you say I'm not yours



Nothing but silence filled the room in which I now resided. Silence reverberated off the walls of this dark room…reverberated in my soul. It seemed like the darkness would overcome and consume me at any moment.

It was the strangest sensation.

The barriers of trust had been broken after my one, stupid mistake.

And my body ached. I knew that he would punish me for my infidelity. For -whether I liked it or not – I belonged to him and nothing would ever change that. I was his and his alone.

I stared at him with eyes wide with fear yet he remained unmoving before me. His green eyes, staring with his piercing gaze, examined my shivering body. Nothing I could or would ever do would make up for what I had done tonight. The look in his eyes told me that much. Whatever punishment, and yes I knew that I would be punished, he had in store for me would not even begin to make up for my foolish actions.

And foolish my actions were. I had betrayed him because I loved him – how strange does that statement sound in this situation? – And yet, it was true. I did not understand my feelings…they frightened me beyond my wildest dreams. How could I love this man? I was sure I would never be able to love a man such as he, but I did. And I realized it at the worst possible moment. I realized it as I slid out of my hiding place and to the ground before him, tears spilling over the rims of my eyelids. I realized it when he yanked me off the ground by the hair, dragging me with him. I realized it as he threw me into the carriage that would take me back to what I believed would truly now become my prison. I loved him as he dragged me into his home and toward a room that I had never before entered. I loved him as he threw me into his room


Christine fell roughly to the ground on the soft Persian carpets that covered the floors of Erik's personal chambers. She had never been in his rooms before, there had never been a reason for her to venture there before, and she had never dared to try and find them. She shivered violently, and was not sure exactly why. Was it because she was afraid, or because Erik's room was unnaturally cold?

Erik entered, shutting and locking the door behind him. He moved to stand before her, and she watched him with wide eyes. His hands were clenched at his sides, and he had a look in his eyes, a look so intense that Christine had to look away. Instead of looking at her dark companion, Christine examined his room.

The walls were painted in lush reds and golds. There was a beautiful and large organ on the wall far back in the room. Staff paper was spread unceremoniously on the ground around it. There was also a bed, draped in luxurious red silk sheets, and it looked barley touched. Then, Christine saw why.

There, in the center of the room, was a coffin.


Why can't I just let go?
n't you leave my head alone?
Please now… now I can't take anymore
Going around… around
I'm going nowhere fast


Christine's eyes landed on the coffin, and she took a sharp intake of breath. She stared at the offensive box of wood, the minutes flying by as she stared out it.

"I am glad you find my bed so interesting," came Erik's eerily calm voice.

Christine gasped and tried to stand, but she found she could not. Her legs were like jelly, she was frozen – well, except for the shivering. "Bed?" she said in a dry voice. "Oh, Erik tell me you do not sleep in that…that thing!"

Erik chuckled darkly, "Oh, yes, my darling, that is where I sleep," he said, before adding coldly. "One has to get used to everything in life, my love, even eternity."


"Well, is it not true, my love?" He said, his tone ominous, stepping closer to his frightened beloved. "Won't we all end up there one day, Christine?"

"I…I guess so, Erik, but---" she began, her voice bordering on hysteria.

"There are no buts, mon ange!" He said, reaching down and coiling his fingers in her hair, pulling her up roughly against him, causing a shriek to escape Christine's pink lips.

"We all must get used to this, Christine." He hissed. "Especially, monsters like me."


"Is that all you can say!?!" He roared, shoving her backwards. Christine's back collided with the object in question and she screamed out in pain, falling to the ground.

"After what you did, that is all you can say!?"

Erik pulled her up, resting her against the coffin, one hand holding her firmly in place. She turned her face away from him, her eyes welling up with tears.

He grasped her chin roughly, "Look at me!"

She met his gaze sorrowfully, "What is it you want me to say?" She asked, a lone tear escaping from her doe like eyes.

He tilted his head, watching her thoughtfully, "Nothing." He said.

Then, he let go, pulling away from a stunned Christine. She tumbled backwards into the coffin, moaning softly in pain, and before she could respond, the lid snapped shut.


Here I am


Christine collided roughly with the soft cushioning lining the coffin. She let out a moan of pain as a sharp pain shot up and down her spine. Before she had a chance to react, the lid snapped shut above her.

Panic gripped her and she sat up as far as she could and pounded on the lid. "Erik! Let me out!! Erik…please!!!! Oh my God! Erik, please, I am sorry!! Let me OUT!!"

Christine continued on like that for a few moments, before becoming too tired to continue. Her voice faded, "Erik, please…" But, it was no use.

Oh God, oh God, oh God…I am going to die in here…

Christine curled up the best she could and began to sob, taking big, deep breaths of air.


"Erik," Nadir started uncertainly. "Where is Christine?"

The pair were standing directly outside Erik's chambers.

Erik chuckled darkly in response, "Why Nadir, she is resting."

Then, Nadir heard her pounding and screaming. "Erik! Let me out!! Erik…please!!!! Oh my God! Erik, please, I am sorry!! Let me OUT!!"

"Allah above." The Persian man muttered under his breath. "Erik, you didn't! Do you want to kill her?"

Erik ignored him, staring at a seemingly more interesting spot on the wall above his head. Nadir, by nature, was a patient man, but he could not stand this. He stepped up to Erik, who had a far off look on his face, and raised his hand. Then, he proceeded to slap the masked man across the face.

Erik's head snapped back and his eyes widened. He said nothing to Nadir, only nodded his head in his direction. He did not retaliate, but turned on his heal and walked back into his bedroom, slamming the door in Nadir's face.

"I will never understand you, my friend…"


"Angel of Music I denied you, turning from true beauty. Angel of Music my protector, come to me strange angel…" Christine sang softly to herself from within the confines of the coffin. She felt as if she had been in there forever, but it had only been mere minutes. And she knew that she should try to conserve her energy, as well as fresh air, but if Erik was going to leave her in here, she was going to die anyway, what did it matter when?

She started to sob again, beginning to hyperventilate. She was going to die. That was it. And it was all of her fault. She had to leave.

I never told him how much I love him.

"Don't give up…" She heard his voice distantly in her mind, as her sobs started to diminish and her eyes start to droop. "Hold on…"

Distantly, she heard a soft click and the lid opened.


Erik looked down at Christine sorrowfully. He had almost killed her. Of course, he had killed countless men before – that being a completely different story all together – and had felt no remorse. But, he had almost killed Christine…his angel…his love…his very heart…and he wanted to die for it. He didn't deserve her, and she did not deserve this, no matter what she had done. He could see that now, the fog of anger and betrayal clearing from his mind – if only temporarily.

A flood of fresh air clouded Christine's senses, and she took deep, gasping breaths of air. She had never felt gladder to see Erik's masked face in the entire time she had known him, but barley had time to think on it before losing consciousness altogether.


Erik lifted Christine out of the coffin as gently as one would handle porcelain, something that could easily break. He moved to make her comfortably in his arms, and carried her over to his bed. He laid her tenderly atop the luxurious silken sheets, before fleeing the room, closing and locking the door behind him.


Raoul had been correct, of course. Erik's men had stopped at the tavern for a few drinks before heading back to their master. He followed them, only a few feet behind until the large manor came into view…


Without you now…


Erik slid down to the ground, his back against the door of his bedroom. He buried his face in his hands, If I had left her in there any longer she could be dieing right now…could be dead right now. Oh, Christine…

Hearing footsteps nearing, Erik raised his head to find Nadir walking towards him, something grasp tightly in his fist. He stopped directly in front of Erik and said in a tone that was very much atypical to the way he normally addressed his masked companion, "Here is the captain's report from this evenings escapades." He spat the last word in disgust and threw the papers at him, then turned on his heel and went back the way he had com, leaving Erik to wallow alone.

The masked man, wanting to concentrate on something other then the conniving beauty in his bedroom, began to read the report. One paragraph in particular caught his eye,

On the way back, I had a sense that we were being followed. I ignored the feeling for a while, passing it off was paranoia and maybe a delusion brought on by my consumption of rum but an hour before, but soon sent men back to check. They found nothing, relieving me of my fears. Soon after, we stopped to rest; we heard the galloping of hooves nearby. It was the sound of only one horse, and I believe that may be the one who was/is following us…

Erik's lips raised into a cold grin, De Chagny. That foolish boy wants to play, well than I'll set up the board…

He chuckled darkly and rose. Entering his chambers once more, he went directly to the fireplace at lit a fire; he did not want Christine to freeze.

He stood over the bed, a million thoughts running through his head, and watched his sleeping angel. Did she love him? Some part of him believed that maybe she did, but another was unsure. For who could ever love someone who had done what he had to her? A monster?

The fog was settling over his mind again, but he could not help stop himself from leaning over and touching his fingers to her tearstained cheek. He stroked it lovingly and much to Erik's surprise and pleasure, Christine leaned into his touch.

"Erik…" Christine breathed longingly in her sleep, as if she had known he was there. Erik's heart swelled with love, passion, and…betrayal. It was then when all the pieces fit together…then that he knew…

Erik forced himself to pull away from her, and pulled the covers over Christine's tiny frame, before once again leaving his room and locking the door behind him.

Let the games begin…


…I'm in A Million Pieces…


A/N: I know that it has been forever since I've updated and for that I am terribly sorry! Everything just all happened at once, and it kept me from updating…you all know how life just gets in the way. : )

On another note, this is my LONGEST UPDATE EVER! Eleven pages on microsoft word, and I hope you all enjoyed it, and are continuing to enjoy the story.

Also. I just posted a new one shot, which I hope you all will have a chance to read. I really love it and I hope you all do to…REVIEW!

Please, Review! This story is on so many alerts and in some favorites (which means so much to me, by the way) but not nearly that many people review. Also, a special thanks to Jen and the few of you who PMed me. A BIG thanks to all have reviewed and to those who are even bothering to read this for sticking with me this long!