And here we are, everybody. The epilogue of Fire and Rain.
I was originally going to try having it at the actual wedding of Takuto and Meroko, but then I realized that I know very little about weddings. So I decided to go for this instead. Hope you like it!
Dear Izumi,
Enclosed with this letter is an invitation to mine and Takuto's wedding.
…Wow, that was blunt. Let me try that again (that is, if I haven't chased you off).
I don't know if you wanted an invitation or not. I mean, you have been good, all things considered. But I've also noticed that you haven't gone out with anyone since me. (And no, I have not been following your every movement day and night. God
Still, if I were you, I would want the option of coming to the wedding or throwing the invitation into the nearest fire. I'd want the chance to do whichever.
I have to wonder which one you'll end up doing.
It's only been a year since all of that stuff with you and me and Takuto happened. Sometimes it feels like it's been so much longer, but sometimes it feels like it was only yesterday. Amazing how that is.
Okay…I didn't just write this letter to reminisce or remind you of your ability to throw an invitation into a fire. I also wanted to say thanks. You've been a great friend. I know this hasn't exactly been easy on you. You've probably wanted to kill Takuto a fair number of times. And maybe me, for all I know.
But you've been really great. I understand why you did what you did before, and I don't hold it against you. I'm so, so glad that I've gotten to be your friend.
Izumi, maybe…maybe this is the way things were supposed to be. I mean, I did have a great time when we were dating, and I really loved you back then. But maybe we were only ever meant to be friends.
I'm sorry, that sounds so fatalistic, doesn't it? Sorry.
Anyway, I should probably sign off—I'm meeting Eichi and Mitsuki for dinner. They're such a cute little married couple, aren't they? And also, I'm supposed to be helping Mitsuki pick a name for their baby. (Crap, I was supposed to be thinking about that the last week. Darn.)
Well, Izumi…like I said, the wedding invitation is in the envelope if you want it. I'd really appreciate it if you come, but I totally understand if you don't want to. It's your choice. Please don't come just to make me feel better.
Goodbye, Izumi. Take care.
Your friend,
P.S. - If you ever do decide to date someone else...remember that girl I work with, Rei? Yeah, don't go anywhere near her. She is such a jerk.
And there we have it. After almost a year, the story's finally over.
I've had a lot of fun writing this. I really have. It hasn't always been easy, but it's definitely been fun. Thank you all so much for your reviews and support. I've really appreciated it.
I originally didn't plan a trilogy for this, so the story is written in a way where this could be the end. But maybe there will be more? We'll see what the future brings. Keep checking my profile for updates on whether or not the trilogy thing will be happening.
And also, I have a bit of Fire and Rain-related material posted on my forum, nevermore199's House of Random Stuff. Do go check it out, yes?
Well, until next time, folks.