Hermione Granger was crossing the barrier between platforms nine and ten to get to the Hogwarts Express. It was her last year at Hogwarts, and she had been made Head Girl. As soon as she had crossed the barrier, she saw the scarlet steam engine.
After walking some distance, she spotted two heads of flaming red hair, and a head with jet black hair. She smiled to herself, and making her way over to the three people.
"Ron! Harry! Ginny!" She yelled, waving her arms around.
They turned, and broke into smiles when they saw who was yelling out their names.
"Hermione!" Ginny squealed as she hugged her friend. "How was your summer?"
"It was quite boring, and you?" Hermione asked as she was pulled into a hug with Harry.
"I had to spend it with those two." Ginny whispered as she indicated Ron and Harry. "What do you think?"
"Hey!" Said Ron, pretending to be hurt. "We're not that bad are we?"
"Of course you're not," Said Hermione as she hugged Ron. "She was only joking."
"I know that!" Ron grinned.
"Shall we go get a compartment then?" Asked Harry.
Everybody nodded, and followed Harry into the Hogwarts Express.
They found an empty compartment and put their trunks away.
"So anything interesting happen to you three during summer?" Asked Hermione as she sat next to Ginny.
"We did buy a fellytone," Ron said importantly, "and I learned how to use it properly."
Hermione stifled a laugh. "You mean telephone, Ron?" Ron turned red and grumbled something about muggles and their devices.
"So where did you go for summer?" Harry asked Hermione.
"I went to St. Tropez, south of France. I was dead bored. I had no interest to go clubbing or anything of the sort. Thank goodness I had my copy of Hogwarts, A History."
It was Harry and Ron's turn to stifle their laughs. Hermione was about to retort to their behavior when somebody knocked on their compartment door.
"Yes?" Asked Ginny.
The compartment door opened, and Colin Creevy walked in. Harry made a face of annoyance.
"What is it Colin?" He asked in a bored voice.
"Erm, can I sit with you? All the other compartments are full." He asked nervously.
Harry looked at the others, and when nobody objected, he said, "I suppose so."
Colin's nervousness instantly vanished from his face, and he took a seat next to Harry, right across from Hermione. The train started moving shortly after Colin had sat down.
Hermione looked at Colin and noted a few things. He actually grew a few inches (considering he was now entering his sixth year), and he was a bit taller than her. He didn't have his camera dangling from his neck anymore, and although he was older, his voice was still oddly girl-like.
Hermione looked at him again. But this time, she noticed, he was staring at her as well. His eyes traveled from her long hair to her chest. But he stopped, and just shamelessly stared at her chest. Harry, happy that Colin didn't begin interrogating him, continued talking to Ginny and Ron, so he didn't notice Hermione's discomfort.
Hermione tried pulling up her shirt, but it still didn't stop Colin from staring at her chest.
Why, oh why did I have to wear a low top?? And why is he being really creepy?... What has gotten into him?? I thought he was obsessed with Harry!
"Hermione, did you get made Head Girl?" Ron's statement broke her from her thoughts. She was so thankful that Ron had given her an excuse to leave the compartment.
"I can't believe I forgot to tell you! I did!" She beamed. "And now that you mention it, I better go to the Head's compartment to meet the head boy, and talk to the prefects!"
"Congratulations!" Ginny said. "I wonder who the Head Boy is?"
"I guess I'll go find out myself, then." Hermione got up, but as soon as she go up, Colin did too.
"Let me take you there!" Colin offered. Harry and Ron looked at Colin in surprise.
"Er- no, thanks, I think I can get there alone..." Hermione stammered.
"No, let me take you!" He insisted.
"Well, I suppose.." she trailed off weakly. Colin, looking triumphant, walked out of the compartment. Harry raised his eyebrows at Hermione.
"I can take care of him," she wearily assured Harry. She went out of the compartment and found Colin waiting for her.
As soon as they began walking, he bombarded her with questions.
"What did you do over summer Hermione? Have you ever been to Germany? Do you like cats? I don't, they make me sneeze..."
Oh, gosh, what have I gotten myself into? Hes such a pest... Where is that darned compartment??
Heads compartment... Heads compartment... Bingo!
"Er Colin, we're here." She pointed at the compartment labeled:
This compartment is reserved for
the Head Boy and Head Girl
"Oh..." Colin trailed off sadly. "Well, can I sit next to you at the feast tonight Hermione? We can talk some more in the Gryffindor Common Room! We can-" Hermione cut him off sharply.
"I'm sorry Colin, but I don't have time to discuss this. I need to go meet the head boy." And with that she entered the compartment and shut the sliding door. She let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding.
"So has Creevy decided to follow you instead of Saint Potter? I must say, it isn't much of an improvement," A voice spat behind her. She turned to be face-to-face with Draco Malfoy.
"What are you doing here?" She snapped.
"What do you think Granger? For being the 'brightest witch of your age' you sure aren't showing it!" He sneered, then sat down.
Hermione then noticed the Shiny Head Boy badge pinned to his shirt.
You've got to be kidding...