I'm standing here until you make me move – Updated!

Hello everyone! I wrote this story in 2007, and forgot all about it without finishing it. I'm sorry about that and I hope that I will be able to give you all a satisfying ending. My English five years ago weren't that great, so I will fix up the spelling and grammar errors in the first seven chapters before publishing chapter eight and nine (which I also wrote back in 2007) before starting on a new chapter. So yeah, this is a story about Kakashi and Sakura from Naruto, since I don't really read Naruto anymore, I won't take any regard to what has happened in the real story during the past few years. I hope that you will enjoy this love story!


It has been nearly 7 years since team 7 became a team. But now the team just remained as a memory and nothing more. Sasuke lost himself when he decided to leave, how many years has it been? Far too many anyway. Naruto is still dreaming about being the future Hokage, and he still goes on journeys whit Jiraiya times to times. And in the past three years, Sakura has been working as a med-nin with Tsunade.

Now how about their team leader, Kakashi? No one has seen him in the past year because of a mission. And one person who is bothered by this is Sakura. But finally, he got home and the day Sakura turned nineteen, everything started to clear up between them.

Chapter 1 – I'm living for the only thing I know

He tried to keep his eyes open, his whole world was spinning and he tried to collect his thoughts and focus them on his bed. Light leaked in between the curtains and Kakashi Hatake felt really helpless. He asked himself the same question as most people do when they realize they have ingested too much alcohol.I just wantit to stop. Why had he allowed Jiraiya invite him to all that sake? His eyes flickered past the clock on the wall, just after four in the morning. Somewhere in the back of his head, a picture of Sakura's face passed by. Sakura, the reason he let Jiraiya, and anyone who was up to it treat him sake and god knows what. It willcalm yournerves, they said. But they did not, but he couldn't focus on any of that right now, all he could think of that he would meet her in less than five hours, and that he must try to get its act together by then. He let his body fall onto the bed, and said a silent prayer that it would all work out before he passed out.

She opened her eyes and turned her head to the side. 08.00am, she turned off the alarm and sat up in her bed. She didn't feel her body or mind, she just started to move like some kind of machine. And what she did under the time between waking up and locking her front door behind her was all in a blur. Her head was just filled whit the last years feelings and before she knew it, she were standing on the bridge. The morning mist lay in the air, creating an unreal atmosphere. She sat down on the rail and let her legs start to dangle.

This is kind of nostalgic she thought. How long has it been? Over a year.

They were standing on the bridge, looking at each other.

She had known for some weeks that he was leaving. But she hadn't had the curage to face reality, she didn't want to. But that day, standing in the mist it all come clear to her. He was going to leave. He didn't have a choice.

"I am so sorry Sakura." He looked at her whit his uncovered eye.

"They just can't force you to go, they just can't!"

"I have done everything I can, but Tsunade has made her decision. I must go on this mission, we both know what it means to be a ninja Sakura. We have to follow our orders, no matter how hard it can be."

Silence followed his words and whit hesitation she opened her mouth.

"I'm in this darkness and there is no light to guide me trough" she whispered out to the emptiness.

"I will be here for you when I return, you know that right?" he let his right hand stroke her cheek softly.

"But I won't be able see you, to feel you or to touch you. I can't go on whiteout you by my side." Her voice faded away as she turned her head to the side. Her cheeks where wet of the tears that were zippering out of her deep dark eyes. She knew that she was childish and that she sounded like a cliché, but none of that mattered tight now.

"All I want in this world is to have you by my side. But you must give us time. This is all so new to me, and maybe we need a year to, grow?" He finally said, he was trying to convince her just as much as he was trying to convince himself. He hated the fact that he was the one doing this to her, but it made it a little bit easier knowing that he already had done everything in his power to get out of the mission. But he was a ninja in the end, they both were, and they both knew what it meant.

"You mean that I'm too young for this relationship!" She said whit a shivering voice. He hadn't thought that his heart could hurt anymore than it already did, but hearing her words and the doubt in them took the pain to a new level.

"No Sakura, I don't care about our age difference! I am talking about both of us! We need, no I need to think about this whole thing." He needed to keep his act together, he needed to be the bad guy right now, anything that would make it easier for her.

"You need to think a whole year? It sounds to me that you are running away from the problem instead of dealing whit it!" She couldn't hide her anger any longer.

Good, anger is better than he just felt torn up inside. He hated himself for what he was doing to her. But he didn't have a choice, even if it meant losing her forever. He had to go. He couldn't be so selfish to sacrifice the whole village future for just his own happiness. He knew that by doing this, she was out of danger. And that itself was worth everything.

"I'm not running Sakura. And I must go now, they are expecting me."

"So this is goodbye?"

"It looks like it."

"I will wait for you, and when you come back. We will talk about everything right here, right on this spot."

"I will be here."

She smiled and the anger that she had felt a moment ago was gone. They couldn't part on bad terms.

He let his arms embrace her and their lips softly touched each other. Their last kiss ended too soon, but it couldn't be helped. He had to go.

"Promise me that you will come back to me. Don't play a hero, just survive. Okay?" She couldn't help the tears and her harsh voice.

"I promise you." Still holding his head close to hears. Her lips close to his ear.

"I love you." Neither of them had spoken out those words before, but she had to tell him how she felt. And it wasn't just because that he could potentially be killed, but because it was what she really felt, what they both felt. He took one last deep breath, and whispered :

"I love you too." And one second he was holding her so close that there was no space left for air between them. And the next second he was gone.

She got of the bridge's railing and looked up at the sky. The mist was long time gone and he was late, too late. She knew that he had come home last night. It had been the big gossip all over town about the return of his team. The mission had been a success and all team members had return alive. But still he wasn't here.

She had missed him so much. Her friends had support her every single day knowing that something was wrong, but they didn't know what it was, and it had made her feel so lonely.

Every night when she looked up at the sky she had wondered if he looked at it as well, thinking of her. What if he has realized under their separation that it couldn't be them? She couldn't force him to feel like she did about him when he thought about her. But he could at least come down here and talk to her!

In a flash, she was of the bridge heading home. She had never felt this way before, so hurt, so sad, so lonely and, to her surprise angry.

"No no no!" He said to himself trying to find some clothes. He had overslept, even for being him he was late. The only thought in his mind right now were to find Sakura and talk to her. Why did he necessary have to drink so much the day before? He knew the answer, he was scared and on top of that he also had a bad hangover. What if she didn't feel the same anymore? Maybe she even hated him for leaving. How could he be so stupid that he had listen to Jiraiyas advice:

"Take some sake Kakashi, it will help your nerves." Thanks old man he thought when he closed the door of his apartment and started to run.

When he got to the bridge he wasn't surprised that she wasn't there. But he couldn't help that he had had some hope. It would have been so much easier. But he didn't give up, the next stop was her place. He knocked on the door for ten minutes without any response. He locked around to find an empty street and with help of a quick jutsu, he unlocked the door and entered her house.

He soon realized that the house was empty and when he just was about to leave. A picture caught his interest. It was the team 7 picture. He looked at them all, just standing there. They looked so happy, and so innocent. He grabbed the frame and lifted it up for a closer look when he felt something on the back. He turned the frame and saw the back of a picture. He turned the picture around and saw himself with a arm around her, both smiling back at him.

"Sakura." He placed the picture back on the frame and put it back down on the table where it belonged. He left the house and locked the door before leaving. He continued searching but he couldn't find her anywhere. She was hiding, and she has become pretty good at it, he admitted to himself.

The clock had seen long past midnight when he decided to give up for the night. She is probably lying asleep somewhere by now he thought. It didn't take long to return to his own apartment and he let out a light sigh as he turned the key. He found out to his own surprise that the door wasn't looked. With his whole body reedy to attack any one that could be inside he opened the door without a sound. He went through the apartment pretty fast and he didn't find anyone or anything looking suspicious. The last room that remained was his bedroom. Fast and quiet he opened his bedroom door, nothing.

He started to take of his shirt and mask and with only a pair of boxers on he went to bed. Just when he was going to lie down he saw something lying on the bed. A note.

I'm glad that you are okay. Nothing more, but he could feel her anger.

"I'm so sorry Sakura." He whispered out in the night.

Not far away a dark figure was sitting on a rooftop, alone and starring up at the sky.

"Hey Sakura, come in before you catch a cold." Ino said with a worried voice.

"Just a second Ino." She answered.

"Come on, its past midnight. It is a whole new day. And not just an ordinary day, this is going to be your best birthday yet!" Ino smiled and looked at her friend.

"Okay, but promise that it won't be a big party and that the whole village isn't invited."

Her best friend just smiled back at her and Sakura looked whit big eyes on her. There will definitely be a party she thought before getting inside. What will I do and feel when I see you?

The next morning, the two girls was walking down the street looking after a restaurant to get some lunch from.

"Happy Birthday Sakura-chan!" Naruto yelled from behind.

"Naruto!" She smiled seeing one of her best friends running towards her.

"Here you go Sakura-chan!" He said handing over a really bad wrapped present.

"Oh, thank you. I didn't expect you to remember." She laugh and started to unwrap the present.

"Sakura don't be so mean." Ino laughed like never before but Naruto didn't care.

"Do you like it?" He just said looking whit expectation at her.

"I love it!" She said holding up a light blue braided bracelet between her fingers.

"I obtained it on my last mission. It gets its color from some rare kick ass flower that only grows at some weird named mountain. The villagers makes them and I thought of you when I saw it."

"Hey Naruto, you have really surpassed yourself this time." Ino said with big eyes looking down on the beautiful bracelet.

Naruto smiled and put his right hand on the back of his head just like he use to do.

"Do you like to join us for lunch?" Sakura asked as she put on the bracelet.

"Sorry, I can't. Jirayia would be so mad if I skipped practice. But I will see you two tonight!" He held up his arm in a farewell gesture and then he was gone.

"No party ey?" Sakura looked at her friend with a raised eyebrow, but Ino had already started to run in the opposite direction.

"Ino! Stop right there!" She yelled after her friend before she took off after her.

"Haha no way!" She answered and started to run faster.

The night came faster than Sakura thought it would. And she was surprised over how little her thoughts had slipped away to him.

But still, he was the only thing on her mind.

"Wow Sakura you look out standing!" Ino said when she entered the room.

"But it reveals too much, Ino!" Sakura said poling down the short white dress.

"You are nineteen not ninety. Come on, every man on the party will stare at you."

But I don't want every man, I just want him, she thought starring at herself in the mirror.


"Fine. But just so you know. There won't be any flirting for my part to night."


Sakura ignored her friends comment and started to put some make up on.

He felt no desire on going to the party. He didn't feel for anything. He had spent the whole day looking after her but she masked her chakra well. She had really trained a lot the past year.

But he knew that she still were in town after talking to Naruto.

He had been glad to see his old student and Naruto seemed glad having his old sensei back in town. So she hadn't told him anything. Then maybe no one knows? But that doesn't matter anymore. They are both adults and if it was okay with her. He would gladly tell everyone about them. If there ever were going to be them again.

He didn't do anything special about his look. Just his ordinary Kakashi style with a black shirt, dark pants and his mask. The hair looked as always and his left eye was covered.

"Time to do something about this whole thing." He said looking himself in the mirror.

A knock on the door surprised him.

Who could that be? He wondered and started to walk towards the door.

"Hey Kakashi!" Jiraiya said smiling.


"I haven't seen you since our night out. What have you been up to?"

"Nothing really. Catching up with life."


"Yeah, really."

"Fine then, let's go to that party then."

"I don't think that I will go." He surprised himself for saying that. Didn't he want to see Sakura?

"Come on now, let's go. I can see that you have put some extra effort on your looks today." How could he say that? He hadn't done anything special with his looks, not on purpose anyway. When he didn't answer, Jiriya continued.

"Haha I knew it, who is she?" His friend said with a goofy looking face.

"Who is who?" Kakashi answered in his normal natural way.

"Fine, be that way but you are coming and you will introduce me to this woman of yours."

He gave up, when Jiraiya starts with this type of things. He doesn't stop until he gets what he wants.

"Let's go then." He said and walked passed him in the hallway.

"Hey wait for me Kakashi." And when he came up to his friend side he opened his mouth.

"So who is she?"

Kakashi just smiled at his friend.

"Sakura you look amazing!" Tenten said the same time she walked through the door.


"And happy birthday, how have your day been so far?"

"I will tell you everything but first, can't we all get a room in the back? I just want to spend this night with my friends." She said smiling softly at the group.

"Fine with me Sakura-chan!" Naruto said already walking towards the restaurant owner to ask for a room.

"It's your birthday." Shikamaru said and started to walk after Naruto

Tenten and Ino just looked surprised at her but didn't say a single word.

When the whole group were sitting in the soft lighted room and everyone were holding a cup of sake they all found it the perfect time to sing for her.

"Haha stop it!" She laughed and she discovered that the sake had a pleasant effect on her.

"Hey Sakura, what do you want to do next?" Kiba said holding up a bottle of sake.

"I don't know, hm Ino?" She looked at her best friend for some help.

"How about truth or dare?" Everyone laugh about this.

"Just like you Ino!" Someone said.

"Haha I like it, let's play." Sakura said with a big smile on her face. It was the sake acting.

"Okay Sakura, it's your birthday so you can start."

"Hm, okay. Naruto, truth or dare?"

"Dare of curse!" He said.

"Okay, Kiss Hinata!" She should had felt bad for poor shy Hinata but the sake made her ignore the other girls feelings.

"Oy Sakura, nice." Ino said poking her friend in the side.

"Hey that hurts."

But before Ino had a chance to response with more poking they both froze when they say Naruto and Hinata, they had started making out over in the corner.

"Oh my god!" Ino said and ever one started to laugh.

"Okay since lover boy is too busy, its' my turn." Ino said.

"Hey how do you play this game?" Neji jelled at her.

"Haha take it easy."

"So birthday girl, I will be nice and say what you are going to do or tell us and then you can choose."

"Fine Ino, spit it out." But instead of saying it out loud she lender towards Sakura and whispered.

"Who is it that you are thinking of when you are looking up at the stars? Or kiss Nenji in front of everyone, including the people outside."

"I don't want to." She said with a low voice. Ino looked at her friend.

"If you are playing the game you must follow the rules." Ino whispered.

"Please Ino, I don't want to." If she had been a little bit more sober she had been able to take the easy way out and just kiss him, but she was emotionally exhausted after running away from Kakashi the last couple of days.

She didn't hear anything else than her own heartbeat. She didn't see anything else than her friends face looking at her.

All sudden both Ino and Sakura felt all sober.

"Do you want to go somewhere to talk?" Ino asked her friend.

"Y-yeah." They both stood up and Ino took a bottle of sake whit her.

"Hey, what's going on?" Tenten said.

"Sakura feels that she needs to throw up."

"And what is the sake for?" Neji asked.

"If I'm going to clean up after her, I think I want to be drunk." It was in situations like this that Sakura where glad that her best friend had a sharp tongue.

Just before Ino were going to open the door Sakura realized something.


"What is it? You are not really going to throw up are you?" Ino said.

"No I, but I can feel his chakra. He is in the other room." She said and den she started to feel a weird feeling.

"Oh let me see who it is!"


"Fine, it was just a joke anyway. Let's go out the window then…"

"Mm, and don't forget to hide your chakra."

After a long and slow walk, they finally stood outside the restaurant where the party was held.

"Are you coming Kakashi?"

He nodded at his friend and the both men walked in. The restaurant were crowded and everyone's chakra was mixing up. But he didn't have a problem to find her. She was sitting in a room in the back with her friends. He started to walk towards the room. He didn't have a plan, he didn't know what to say, he just needed her. He needed to talk to her, to feel her, he needed her more than anything.

He walked through the crowd and just when he had less than a meter from the door an arm grabbed his.

"Heey gorgeous! Want to have some fun?" A blond, big breasted woman stood in front of him dressed in a minimal red dress, not leaving anything to the imagination.

"Let go of me."

"No way, you're way to hot!" She laughed and looked him in the eye.

Sakura. He felt how she stood up in the room and then, she was gone.

"I'm already taken, miss." He said and without waiting for an answer he shook her off and opened the door.

There they all sat, drinking sake and laughing. But Sakura weren't there anymore.

"Hey sensei, have some sake whit us!" The drunken Naruto said.

"He is not your sensei idiot!" Tenten filled in.

"Where is Sakura?" Kakashi asked ignoring his old student.

"Em she is…" Naruto looked around.

"She was here a minuet ago." He ended his sentence.

She must have jumped out the window, he looked around one last time. Ino was missing to. Then they must be headed back to Inos place by now.

"Sorry for interrupting." He said with a smile ant then he was gone.

Ino and Sakura sat close to each other on her roof, looking up at the stars.

"So Sakura, are you going to tell me what's on your hart now?"

"Ino, it's not that simple. I don't think that you will understand."

"Try me."

Sakura hesitated before opening her moth. But before she manage to say a word, she felt his presence and turned around.

"Kakashi." She barely managed to whisper.

"Sakura." He responded with a pale voice.

Ino just looked from her friend to Kakashi and then back to her friend. What was going on?

"Ino, can you please give us a moment of privacy?" He finally said.

"No stay Ino, I think that it is you that should leave Kakashi." Her voice was shivering. She felt trapped. She knew that she didn't have a choice. She had to deal with this now, it couldn't wait. But she could at least try to make him and all her problems disappear.

"Ino, just go." He said one more time.

"Fine, I don't want to be in your way." She said and stood up. Sakura grabbed her arm and looked at her friend in the eyes. She could see that Ino was thinking, realizing stuff and that she knew that she was the third wheel out here. So she left and they were alone at last.

Sakura turned her head away refusing to face him.

"You never came." The tears weren't far away now, but she wouldn't cry in front of him.

"I know, but I'm here now." He answered.

"I have been waiting over a year and you didn't show up!" There was no use, the first tear went down her cheek and she couldn't hold it much longer. All her sadness from the past year wanted to come out at once and it didn't matter how hard she tried. She couldn't hold it back.

"I know, I know." He sat down besides her and pulled her against his body.

"Let go of me!" She cried out loud trying to get loose.

"I will never let you go again." He said, and even if he seemed calm he wasn't. He felt torn up inside seeing her like this. He blamed himself for making her go through everything that she has gone through the last year.

"Let go." Her voice faded away and the tears were zippering down her face.

"I won't." He loosened his grip around her only to allow her arms to embrace him as well.

They just sat there for a while, holding each other.

"Do you want to come over to my place and talk?"

"No." She swallowed some tears and continued.

"I think we just need to start over. You have changed so much. We both have. And I just feel that this is the easiest way…" The words just disappeared out in the night and she didn't say anything else.

He nodded at her. He would gladly wait for her. Even if it took an eternity, he would wait.

"Okay, I will give you all the time that you'll need."

She looked up at him with a pale smile on her face, no longer having tears in her eyes.

"So, do you want to do something tomorrow?"

"I must practice." She answered.

"Let me help you then."

"Hm, okay but Naruto will be there too."

He was glad that she wanted him to come but little disappointed over that they wouldn't be alone whit each other.

"Meet us at the bridge around 9am. And this time Kakashi, don't be late!"

When Sakura woke up the next morning, she couldn't help being nervous. She opened her closet and just stared, what was she going to wear? After countless of outfit testing, she finally decided to wear a dark outfit in grey hues and some yellow details. This will do just fine she thought and started to put on her forehead protector. She turned around the key and started to walk down the street. The sun had just started to rise and the sunbeams warmed up Sakuras frozen body.

She saw a blond man walking in front of her.


"Ah, Sakura-chan!"

She walked up next to him and they started to walk.

"Hey Naruto, Is it okay with you that Kakashi will train with us today?" She said without looking at him.

"Hell yeah! I have been dying to show him this new technique I've been working on!" Naruto said with an exited voice.

He started to talk about the technique but Sakura didn't really listen to him. But all of a sudden his voice changed and he became all serious.

"Where did you disappear last night? I was worried about you. You just left without saying a single word." He looked at her with a worried look on his face.

But before she had the time to answer him, they both noticed that they were standing on the bridge and that Kakashi already was standing there waiting for them.

Naruto just stared at him and was about to drop his chin to the ground. He had never been in this situation, the copy-nin was actually in time, waiting for them!

"Yo." Kakashi said and took out his Icha Icha from his pocket.

"So you decided to show up today." Sakura said and they all started to walk down the road.

Naruto just looked like a big question mark and walked on Sakuras left side.

Kakashi ignored them both and walked a couple of meters behind them. And Naruto started to talk about the night before again and what Sakura had missed.

She laughed when she heard that Kiva and Neji had been running around kissing everyone of the opposite sex in the party because of a bet.

"So why didn't you run along with them?" She asked between the laughs.

"I was busy with Hinata." Naruto smiled and blushed.

Sakura just opened her mouth and stared at him. She closed her mouth and opened it again a second later. The both friends started to laugh at each other.

Meanwhile Kakashi was reading his book, more or less anyway.

"Now Sakura, you must tell me about last night. I don't believe Inos drunk story." He became serious once more and looked at her,

Kakashi looked up from his book and waited for her answer. Sakura just laugh nervously and started to talk about his new technique. Naruto did answer her questions but didn't let go of the fact that she didn't want to talk about the night before. But he gave up on the subject for the moment and turned around.

"Kakashi, please tell us about your mission now!"

"Naruto, you know that I'm not allowed to tell you anything." He answers without looking up from his book.

"Come on, I heard that it was a really important political mission in the land of water!"

"Naruto." He said with the same strict voice he had used when he still were their sensei.

"Oh, you are so boring. You could at least tell us about something that happened during the mission."

"Okay, I will tell you if you can beat me in some thjiutso combat fighting."

"Haha I have some new tricks that you'll never figure out." Naruto said with a lot of self-confidence.

"Hey Sakura, we have been training together this past year when Kakashi has been gone. I can beat him, right?" Sakura knew that he really had improved his skills but she didn't really think that he would win over the famous copy-nin.

"Naruto, don't talk rubbish." She said with a sarcastic voice and smiled at both of them.

"You can fight if you like but I am going to train." She finished up and started to walk over to a tree.

Kakashi thought that he really wanted to skip the fight and just sit under the tree next to her. But he couldn't just ignore Naruto.

"Sakura." He said after her.

"Do your best, both of you." She said and sat down and started to gather up her chakra.

When she closed her eyes, she started to remember something that had happen some years ago, just under this tree.

She looked at him just lying there next to her. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow and rhythmic. A soft breeze made the hair block her face. Suddenly he turned his head and opened his eyes. Without saying a word, he reached out his hand and removed the hair from her face. He let his hand slip down to her cheek and looked deep into her jade colored eyes. He took his other hand and laid it on his own face and started to pull down his mask.

"What are you doing?" She said with a low nervous voice. She has known him for four years now but she had never seen his face. Now when she thinks about it, they had actually never kissed. Well lips to mask kissing but not a real kiss.

"You will eventually see it anyway, and I really feeling like kissing you right now." He said with a smile.

He continued to pull down his mask and when he got to the tip of the nose she just closed her eyes.

Why she couldn't understand, she just did.

The next second she felt his lips against hers and she passionately responded to his kiss. Their tongues met and the most pleasant feeling started to spread through her body. This was her first real kiss. Eventually the kiss ended and Sakura licked her lips, she could still taste him.

"Open your eyes Sakura."

Why did I close them from the start? She thought, I really want to see his face!

Slowly she started to open her eyes. He had already covered his face.

"Okay I am ready to see you now."

"Too late, you had your chance and you blew it!" He said laughing and smiling at her.

Back to reality, Sakura witnessed how Naruto just loosed. She really didn't expect that Kakashi would, but he could at least been little nicer to him. She started to shake her head and smiled to herself. The both men walked over to the three and sat down next to her.

"Come on Kakashi, tell something from your mission now." Naruto nagged and looked at the white haired man.

Kakashi just leaned his back against the tree and opened his book and started to read.

Naruto just ignored the fact that Kakashi were ignoring him end turned his head towards Sakura.

"Sakura-chan, do you want to run some laps around the area with me?"

"I'm sorry Naruto, but I want to finish up whit my chakra training."

"Fine, I will run all by myself then." He muttered and stood up and started to jog.

After some minuets she lay down in the grass and looked up at the sky.

"Do you remember the day when we were lying just like this, under this tree?" She asked him.

He looked up from his book and looked at her. She continued without waiting for a response.

"I wish that everything could be this easy. Just lying down and look at the clouds."

He stood up and walked over to her and sat down beside her.

"If we didn't have to fight for anything, we would soon lose our interest in life."

He said without looking at her.

"So you like fighting for everything?"

"Not everything, but some things yes."

"What do you not like fighting for then?" She asked.

He lay down and laid both of his hands under his head and looked up at the clouds.

"You." He answered her whit a low voice. And rolled over to the side so that they came face to face. "I mean, I don't mind fighting for you. But nothing would make me happier than having you in my arms, knowing that it is the place where you want to be."

Sakura looked at him and felt how much she wanted to touch him. She wanted, more than anything to have his arms around her again.

"Hey, you are not working out!" Naruto interrupted the moment when he came running.

Sakura sat up and looked at the blond man. The moment was gone.

"Haha, don't say anything Mr. take a break every fifth minute!"

Naruto just laugh and reached out his hand to help her up.

"Let's go to Ichiraku and have some ramen for lunch!"

"Fine." She answered and started to walk with him. When they noticed that Kakashi wasn't following them they stooped and turned around.

"Are you coming Kakashi?" Naruto yelled.

"I have some things to take care of. You can go without me." He answered without looking up from his book.

"Okay." Naruto started to walk.

"Sakura, are you coming?" Naruto said.

"Yeah." She looked at the man that lay the grass with a wondering look on her face. He didn't face her even if he was well aware of her standing there looking at him.

"Do you want something Sakura?" He asked whiteout looking at her.

I just want to be with you. She thought.

"Not really, see you later Kakashi?"


Naruto and Sakura started to walk.

What the hell was that about Naruto thought while looking at his friend.

"So what are you going to order?" She said with a smile on her lips. A fake smile.

A/N: One chapter done! I did rewrite some parts, man how lame my story telling was five years ago! Haha, anyway, please review and tell me what you think! I will try to fix chapter two and three tomorrow. Until next time.