Standard Disclaimers Apply
Pairing: HP/OC also HP/DM later
Summary: HP/OC, HP/DM The shock of a sudden change in appearance tears a hole in the fabric of time, sending Harry back to 998 A.D. Upon discovering only 3 of the 4 Founders, Harry accidentally takes on the role of the 4th Founder.
Warning: Creature Harry, Time travel, eventual Slash and Mpreg,
Note: Dual-author fic.
The Founder
Chapter 7 - Hands On Wands
By gemroses
Salazar sighed and patiently waited out the whispered complaints, the annoying pleading looks and the begs from the girls he was trying to teach. They'd been complaining since he'd told them of their new topic. They hadn't complained nearly as much when he'd first introduced them using spells for duels, however that may have had something to do with how they had learnt defensive spells first.
"Are you quite finished?" Salazar asked them when they'd quietened down a little. The girls stared dumbly at him so Salazar took their silence as an affirmative. "Wonderful, now then, we shall start off with simple hexes etcetera…"
"Etcetera? What does that spell do sir?" Neara Kane asked, and again Salazar mentally applauded her for her boldness.
"Etcetera means and so on and so forth. It is a word yes but it is not a spell." Salazar explained.
"Oh." The girls nodded their heads in understanding.
"Now, we shall start with simple hexes and jinxes and yes we will cover the body bind spell and no, it is not a hard spell to master. First however, we shall practise the levitating charm."
"That's not a jinx sir, that's a charm." Salazar nodded to the girl who said that.
"Good girl for speaking your mind and yes you are quite correct. It isn't a duelling spell. However, a friend of mine once defeated a troll, it was not a cleaver troll, using this spell when he was only eleven. He levitated the troll's club and it flew into the air before it fell on the troll's head knocking him unconscious and thus he saved me and by truest friend Hermione, who as you all know was a girl."
"He really did that?!" Salazar smiled at the girls who looked awed and nodded.
"Yes he did. Now, I brought rocks for you to practise the charm with!" Salazar grinned and pulled handfuls of rocks out of his pockets. He placed them on the floor in a line and made the girls stand next to one. "Brilliant, now you all remember the incantation? Super. Only raise your rock to eye level. Ready? Begin!"
Salazar busied himself for the first ten minutes of class just correcting the girl's wrist movements and pronunciation until all of them got the spell correct. Once done, he pointed his wand at each rock and made them bigger and then made the girls repeat the exercise.
"Brilliant, well done. You all managed it congratulations. Oh! And just so you know, that spell will work regardless of how big the objects are. Heck, you can even levitate a person." Out of the corner of his eye he saw Neala get a cheeky grin on her face. Quickly he figured out the glint in her eye. "Neala if you use that spell on me I will hex you from here to kingdom come!"
"Where's that sir?"
"It's a metaphor…" Salazar trailed off knowing the class wouldn't know that word either. He sighed. "Never mind. But if you use it on me then I will personally make your lives a living hell!"
"Very well sir." All the girls bowed their heads and Salazar sighed in exasperation. Apparently joking with him only went so far.
"Brilliant. Now then. Another spell that isn't particularly defensive or offensive is the summoning charm."
"Why would you use one of those in a battle sir?"
"Well what easier way is there to disarm an opponent? The pronunciation is 'Accio' and you just point your stone at the thing you want to summon. For example. Accio Neala Kane's wand." Salazar quickly caught the wand flying towards him and then twiddled it with a cheeky look at Neala who was not happy about being wandless. "See? And thus your opponent is disarmed and you have the advantage. Now then, into pairs and one at a time you are going to summon each other's wands. Think carefully on what it is you want to summon and keep concentrating as you say the incantation. Neala, catch!"
"Thank you sir." Neala quipped before turning to her partner Elisbeth.
After a while of practising that Salazar decided he'd teach them the Expelliarmus charm. Midway through practise, when none of the girls were getting the pronunciation right Salazar spied Godric standing by the door.
"And how can I help you Godric?" The class froze what they were doing and all the girls quickly bowed their heads and clasped their hands before them, except a few scattered through the room. Salazar resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
"It is a waste of time to teach girls and women how to fight Salazar. It is unbecoming for them to even try. It is a pointless agenda. Women are meant for the home, men are meant for the battlefield."
"And I completely disagree with you."
"They are useless fighters anyway. Mark my words, those girls will never be able to win any match."
"And you mark my words Godric. It is my ambition that all women and girls in Wizarding society become equal to their male counterparts. And believe me when I say that these girls, with practise, will probably best anyone in your class in a duel."
"Your ambition is as far away as the stars are. You are doomed to failure and I will not be around this folly." Godric turned to leave and Salazar turned away from him giving a look at the girls in his class that clearly told them not to believe a word out of Godric's mouth.
"Right then, begin again please!" Salazar watched the girls raise their wands again and face their partners. As he looked around the room he noticed that Neala was blushing fiercely. He frowned and looked over his shoulder. There was Godric and his eyes were clearly fixed onto Neala. Salazar narrowed his eyes.
"I thought you were leaving Godric. Usually that implies you walking away from this room not standing in the doorway and ogling my students like a perverted old man." Godric didn't even get time to dignify that with a response for Salazar raised his wand and banished him from the room. By the sounds of things Salazar hadn't banished him that far away for his enraged voice could be heard down the corridors.
Salazar stormed through the corridors towards the room he'd be teaching the boys in. He was in a foul mood. Helga had been driving him absolutely insane! She seemed to be of the mind that because she was soon to be happily married that Salazar and Godric should find themselves wives too and settle down. Godric had immediately thrown off her pestering by claiming he was in pursuit of a woman at the moment. Thus Salazar had born the brunt of Helga's babbling.
First he had to endure her endless talking about the guest lists then the food followed by three very detailed descriptions about her wonderful black wedding dress. Salazar had made a rather foolish comment about thinking that brides were meant to wear white that had earned him an ear lashing. Apparently you only wore white to funerals for it was the colour of death whereas black was the colour of virgins.
Salazar made a very quick mental note to change the main colour of his attire and prompt Dartagnan to as well. He decided he'd go out and purchase some clothes in emerald greens and silvers, anything so that his clothes didn't advertise his virginity.
Following the ear lashing Salazar had been made to put up with Helga recommending several women to him. She said they were of noble birth, and born to very magical families. She also stated that many of them had heard of him and were looking forwards to meeting him at Helga's wedding. Helga, apparently, was dead set on the idea of him marrying soon and had convinced herself that her friends were perfect for him and that he merely had to chose.
He should marry, she had said. He wouldn't be happy should he live and die unloved and unmarried. Salazar had informed her he had no intention of marrying anyone soon because he was too young, yet she seemed inclined to think that those as young as fourteen were old enough to marry and that she'd already convinced three members of her house to find a significant other and arrange their own marriages. No matter what Salazar said though, no matter how angry he got and no matter how wild his magic became, she would not change her belief that he needed to get married.
"All of you find a partner, stand opposite each other and draw your wands!" Salazar yelled as soon as he'd slammed the door shut behind him. All the boys in the room quickly snapped to attention and did as Salazar had instructed. Salazar stalked to the front of the room and onto the very slightly raised platform there. As he walked he briefly wondered whether this was how Professor Snape felt with his classes, powerful as everyone did immediately as he said. Did he feel powerful when all his students snapped quickly to do as he'd ordered? Probably, he was sadistic like that.
"Today we are moving onto defensive spells. The first one we shall practise is the Protego, the shield charm. It is pronounced pro-TAY-go. Make sure your voice is strong and firm as usual. Now, you are each going to take it in turns to practise this spell while your partner casts jinxes at you. Only minor jinxes, nothing major. If anyone gets hurt the person who did it will find themselves seriously regretting it. Now…"
"I don't really see the point in this sir." Salazar gritted his teeth as Prince Usbeorn spoke. "With all those other spells you taught us, what need would we have to defend ourselves? We are far better equipped than any enemy we would face, they would never be able to defeat us!"
"Unless of course your enemy was also taught by me in which case they will also know all those spells and thus you will be at a disadvantage because they would have learnt their defensive spells and you never did this they would win. Now, shut up and get on with it. Repeat after me everybody! Pro-TAY-go!"
Salazar stood next to the window watching as the moon cast pale light over the trees of the forest, how the light shone and reflected off the lake and how the air seemed so still. He had never really appreciated the views before. Sure it was nice to look down from his dormitory window and look at the Quidditch field, see whether it had snowed or not and see whether anyone was around on the grounds but never before had he really and truly appreciated nature around him. He'd blame it on the nymphs of course for his sudden enjoyment in the natural world but for now he was quite happy just watching it. Besides, watching it gave him a certain distraction from Helga's babblings.
"Helga, I do believe that is quite enough." Salazar turned his head from the window and saw that Rowena was glaring at her companion. Helga seemed quite taken aback by the obvious anger in Rowena's eyes. "You have spoken non-stop since sundown and I for one have had enough. It is obvious that Salazar is completely uninterested in your plans to set him up with a young girl and I have had enough of your nagging of the subject."
"Aye, I find myself in agreement." Dartagnan raised his goblet of drink in toast to what Rowena said and inclined his head to her. Salazar wondered whether he was the only one who noticed the way Rowena's blue eyes pinned on Dartagnan before her cheeks flushed ever so slightly. It was barely noticeable of course but still there. "My charge has never confessed a wish to marry and should he wish to engage himself then it is assured he would seek my council. However, Salazar is rather busy at the moment and I fear his ambitions have no room for marriage in them."
"But surely Dartagnan you agree with me when I say that a man should have a wife! You are married so you should know the advantages having a wife gives one." Dartagnan offered her a smirk making sure to keep his fangs hidden for once.
"My dear Lady Hufflepuff I am a widower and my wife is long since dead. That as the case is though I can only think of two reasons why having a wife is so advantageous. The first is of course the heir to your name and power. I never bred an heir and Salazar has filled all my requirements of what an heir should be like. As for Salazar having an heir, he has plenty of life left in which to attain one and besides which, he obviously has no interest in having a child." Salazar was feeling vaguely nauseous at the very thought of having a child. He was only sixteen, though close approaching seventeen. He was far too young to have a child and while sex was an interesting idea there was no way he was even going to attempt it for that would mean he had to be married.
"The second advantage is of course companionship. I have no need for that as I have Salazar, Lady Ravenclaw, yourself Lady Hufflepuff and Lord Gryffindor. Salazar also has your delightful company so what need does he have for a wife."
Helga seemed at a loss for words at this point and just stared at Dartagnan before she closed her mouth and seemed to swell slightly with self righteousness.
"Then you are also in need of a wife, Sir. It is not proper for a man of your standing to be unmarried and residing in a castle full of young girls. Both you and Salazar must be married and since you will not search yourselves I find it my obligation to find you suitable matches."
"URGH! You are so infuriating woman! Are you deaf as well as ignorant? I have no wish to marry. When I want to marry I shall find someone I deem worthy and I shall certainly not seek your council." Salazar stood knocking his chair over backwards where it made an awful crash as it hit the stone floor. With one final angry glare he stalked out of the room completely aware of how his magic threw open all the doors in his path.
Needing to be anywhere but in the castle, where there were reminders of Helga everywhere, Salazar stomped down to the Entrance Hall and out into the grounds. Images of Hagrid's hut came to mind and some of his anger abated slightly. With the other members of the trio having turned on him Harry was on autopilot. He headed towards the giant's hut hoping Hagrid would have time for him and, if not, he could play with Fang.
He ran down the hill in a partial daze, his legs automatically speeding up to maintain his body's balance. At the bottom of the hill his eyes caught site of the edge of the forbidden forest and surrounding that all that met him was bare grass land. His mind was viciously ripped from his memories. Visions of Hagrid and Fang dissipated like leaves in a hurricane.
Cold swept through his form as he stared brokenly at the bare ground. No Hagrid. No hut, no Fang, no Hermione, no Ron. There was just the empty land of 998 AD.
Loneliness caught him sharply tearing at his heart. The cold that had raced through his body seeped into every muscle freezing them even as a feeling of being weightless came over him.
"Sir?" Salazar's head snapped to the direction the voice came from. There was a young lad standing to his right looking at him with worry. His yellow robes gave him away to be a Hufflepuff student and Salazar's mind provided that while daring was a strange trait, the kindness and worry the youth displayed suited the values of Helga's house.
"I'm alright. Sorry. Did you want something?" The youth shook his head in a negative.
"No sir, it's just you looked rather pale and I was wondering about your health." Salazar nodded and sighed.
"Thank you for your concern but I'm fine. I was just lost in memories."
"Very well sir. I'd best be getting back to the castle. Afternoon lessons start soon."
"Oh yeah, lessons. Damn I'd forgotten about that! Thanks for reminding me. Have a wonderful afternoon." Salazar turned and, disregarding politeness and etiquette, jogged up to the castle. His depression had seeped all the anger out of him so he was feeling a lot calmer and when he nearly bumped into Helga in the corridor he was capable of completely ignoring her.
Salazar grinned in his excitement. The day had finally come when his girls would fight his boys and they'd prove to themselves that girls could be as good as or, as the case may be, better than their male counterparts. Things were going a little differently to how he'd imagined it though and now they were situated in the great hall with a duelling platform ready for the duels to take place. The entire school would be watching.
"Are you ready everyone?" Salazar asked his class as they all stood around either end of the duelling platform. The girls were crowded around the left end of the platform while the boys were around the right. Rowena, Helga, Godric and Dartagnan were with the students seated where they could see all of the platform easily.
"Of course sir." The boy's answer came. Salazar turned to the girls and noticed that they were all whispering hurriedly in their nervous states.
"Girls?" No reply again but all the girls did turn to look at Salazar. He offered them a smile. "Are you ready? Can we start now?"
"Yes." Came their meek answer.
"Hah!" Godric's laugh boomed out and Salazar landed his bright green eyes on the smug Lord.
"Something you'd like to share with the class, Godric?" He asked raising one eyebrow.
"If I have told you once I have told you a hundred times and this just proves my point." Godric pointed over to the girls. "Girls are not made to fight."
"We've started the duel already?" Salazar faked astonishment. "Dear me, I thought we were still debating whether we were prepared or not. How could I have been so foolish to have missed the very important first battle of the day?! Oh woe me!" Salazar put a hand on his forehead and struck a dramatic pose earning him some giggles from the girls and some smirks from the boys. Godric flushed an angry red that somewhat clashed with his clothes.
"Now see here Salazar…"
"Right! Seriously people. Who is going first?" Salazar chirped over Godric's voice. Nobody moved. "What? No volunteers?!"
"How about we let his majesty the Prince decide since his rank is above our stations and it is his people who will be duelling." Salazar shrugged and looked at the Prince who was inspecting his robes.
"Come on then Usbeorn, who shall duel first?"
"I suppose I shall duel first." The Prince strode onto the platform and stood at one end practically radiating confidence.
"Ah! That is just what we like to see in our leaders!" Godric clapped and they all turned their gaze to the girls. The Prince cast his eyes over them and all the girls hurried into a low curtsy, their nerves overriding Salazar's rule of no rank. All the girls curtsied but one. Neara Kane stood with a bored look on her face. Her eyes pinned on the Prince obviously unimpressed with his superiority and her stance, with her arms crossed over her chest, showed her open defiance. Salazar barely withheld a proud smile.
"You!" The Prince raised a hand to point at the girl. Salazar idly wondered whether he should point out that pointing is rude. "I'll duel you and prove that you should know your place; in the home and off the battlefield."
Neala ascended the duelling platform and took up a stance opposite the Prince. She drew her wand and held it poised ready. Her eyes briefly flicked over to Salazar and smirked at the grin he gave her. The power just one look at Salazar gave her was enough to assure her that the battle was already won.
"On three!" Salazar said loudly. "One!" The Prince took up his own stance. He bent his legs and set himself in a pose that would be more suited to a sword fight. He was facing his opponent with his legs set apart to offer him more balance. He held his wand before him and gripped it hard.
"Two!" Neala changed her stance so she stood side on to her opponent making herself a smaller target by presenting less of her body to the Prince. Her legs were apart and bent at the knee and she had a loose grip on her wand with her wrist slightly relaxed so she'd have the flexibility there to make the correct wand movements. Her lips moved ready to announce her first spell.
"THREE!" The Prince immediately yelled his spell, one to disarm his opponent but Neala raised a shield that deflected the spell. Salazar was slightly shocked however that Neala didn't return the spell. She did however exploit the opening the Prince gave her and fired off two spells in quick succession. The first was a stinging hex and the second was a spell that made the victim speak with a high pitched voice. The Prince gave an undignified squeak from the stinging and sounded like a 2year old girl.
Salazar frowned as Neala continued to cast jinxes at the Prince who finally started using the shielding spells Salazar taught them. That was when curses started flying back and forth quite quickly. Neala, however, stopped using her shield spell and took to dodging gracefully using one step in either direction to avoid the spell. Salazar could see that the Prince was loosing his temper and Salazar was getting annoyed at Neala for dragging the duel out. Still, he supposed she had a reason too.
"Kneel!" Neala commanded with her wand pointed at Prince Usbeorn. Salazar blinked as a memory of Voldemort commanding him to bow assaulted him. That command had forced him to bow just as Neala's command was making the Prince kneel.
"Accio Usbeorn's wand!" Neala finally spelled and the wand sped from the Prince's hand into Neala's who took one look at it and dropped it on the floor making a show of wiping her hand clean on her robe.
"I think I won, Sir." Neala pointed out turning to Salazar. Salazar sighed before offering her a smile.
"Yes you did and I'm impressed with your ability to remember all the spells I taught you. Well done to you too Usbeorn, good spell use though you should have used the shielding spells earlier and we have to work on your duelling stance. Neala, next time you are duelling someone though try not to play with them. Just win the duel as quickly as you can. So, one nil to the girls!"
The girls cheered and Neala walked over to them and was embraced into a hug quickly. Godric, Salazar noticed was gaping slightly. Rowena was looking proud and approving, a look that was shared by Dartagnan who was smirking as well. Helga was wide eyed and her eyes were blank. Salazar briefly wondered whether he'd caused her to short circuit but quickly dismissed those thoughts as they were distracting. Prince Usbeorn walked defeated off the platform.
"Remember, one of the biggest rules of duelling. Never underestimate your opponent. Now, who's duelling next?"
Salazar flopped onto his bed that evening with a grin of satisfaction. The duels had lasted all day and had been a thoroughly enjoyable event. The whole school had enjoyed it, except for Helga and Godric. In fact, Godric was positively fuming by the end of the day and was 50galleons less wealthy. Everyone in Salazar's class who had won their duel had received an equal share of Salazar's winnings. When Neala had received her reward she had given Salazar a smile. That girl was exactly the type of girl Salazar had always wanted as a sister.
End Note: No questions and answers today. It seems like there were no loose ends in the last chapter. Only got 15 reviews anyway, hope you guys like this chapter more than you did the last! Both chapters 8 and 9 are half finished so it shouldn't be too lo0ng before they are out. Reviews inspire us so the more reviews we get, the faster the next chapter comes out.