Fic: Things Change, but life goes on
Title: Welcome to Neptune/intro (Orginal hey!)

Author: Me (Andy)
Pairing/Character: Veronica, Lilly, Duncan, Wevil, Casey, Dick
Word Count: 1792
Summary: Veronicas parents died in a car crash, months later she finds out from the will that Keith Mars wasn't her biologica father. Blah blah blah… totally AU


This story is totally AU, Lillys is alive is not sleeping with Wevill.

Most of the story in Veronica's POV

It's been three months since I found out my father wasn't my biological father.

June the 6th, that the day my parents Keith and Lieanne Mars were killed in a car accident involving two trucks. The doctors said that they died on the spot not pain. But who was he kidding? I had to struggle through the world by myself with no parents.

Luckily for me my parents just updated their will. If anything happened to them, I would go to my godfather Bills home.

The funny thing that was totally not expected is that there was a document form the hospital with birth results for me. By DNA my father was Jake Kane, who owned a Millon dollar computer software company, a man who lived in the 90909 zip code in Neptune, California. Who was this rich freak? Did he know about me? Would I have to move in with him? Did he have a family?

It was the law, I had to move in with my biological father and that's why I am today. Standing in the front porch of the Kane residence.

My blonde hair cut above my shoulders with arms filled with bags and suitcases at my feet. Where's the warm welcome?

I ring the doorbell and wait patiently all I know about this man is that he has two children my around my age and has a wife, I feel like I am going to be welcome here? Not, But the thing is I promised Bill that I will at least give it a try.

Also part of the deal because I am 16 I have to attend Neptune high school! How great! But at least theres one going thing right? I got to keep her LeBaron. Not that its going to look awesome in front of these rich people.

Waiting at the front door, until a tall figure came and answered the door.

"you must be Veronica?" he asks looking at me

Not knowing what to do I nod and walk inside dragging my bags in aswell.

"hi I am Jake" he introduces himself

"hi Mr Kane" I reply as he leads me into the living area not wanting to call him Jake.

God this place is massive I thought as I entered the room and a red head and a guy who looked around the same age as me were sitting there.

"hello there, you must be Veronica" the red haired said politely

I nodded once again

"I am Celeste, Jakes wife and this is Duncan our son, he is the same age as you, and Lilly… Duncan weres your sister" she hissed at him, as he just shrugged

"I'm hear mother dearest, don't worry Logan just dropped me off, and no I am not drunk", "yet" she added.

"Lilly, meet Veronica" Duncan said

Lilly just stared at me and nodded, then completely ignored me.

Jake walked in thank god this had been so awquard

"are you hungry Veronica?" Jake asked

"No thanks, I am just a bit tired"

"well, I will show up you up to your room, also remember you have school tomorrow, sorry you don't get a day off to settle in but we made agreements".

So far the Kanes are totally boring, caught up in the all the money they owned. I am counting down the days down to my 18thbirthday.

Chapter 2

As I get out of my car wearing jeans and a black Singlet with symbols on it in rainbow colours, ready for this long day to be over I start walking to the main building of the school but get interrupted by a shiny motor bike.

I've never seen one so well cared for. Back at home my best friend Sadie and I loved dirt riding, I actually nearly convinced my parents to let me drive a motorbike instead of a car.

I bent down, looking at the bike more closely looking at the features.

"Can I help you Miss?" the Mexican guy asks me

"Just checking it out" I comment looking at the bike as he lets out a laugh

" I ment the bike dude! XR50 right?"

"yea, why do know about bikes?"

"it was a hobby, me and my friend…"

She says but get interrupted by Duncan grabing her arm and pulling her away from the biker.


Duncan, Lilly and Logan were walking into school laughing at one of Logans lame jokes as Lilly stops laughing

"what the hell is she doing, flirting with Wevil?" Lilly asks her boyfriend, looking at Veronica and Wevill.

"does it matter?, do you even care?" Logan asked trying to hide the jealously in his voice.

"shes family, Logan she should know the losers from the non losers" Lilly says not knowing what she ment by that.

"I'll do it" Duncan says having enough of their bickering and walks over to Veronica and pulls her away from Wevil.
"what are you doing?" Veronica yells before realising its Duncan :oh, sorry its you, Duncan right?"

Duncan nods

"well can you please let go of my arm I am pretty sure its going to bruise"

"sorry" he apologises

"its alright, did you want to say something?" she asks him

"oh, yea stay away from Wevil his bad news"


I just got my timetable, looks out the Kanes choose my subjects for me, why thankyou,I didn't know they had peep squad in hell ? The places money will get you.

I found my locker lucky me a bottom locker again! What did I expect it's January, half way through the year.

I empty my books into the locker and get the lock and change the combination, classy.

"what the hell are you doing?" a brown haired boy asks me

"what?" I look at him "you talking to me?" I ask, he nodds

"changing the combination haven't you done it before?" I ask him as I shut my locker and stand up to look at him.

"no, the only person who knows how to do it around it around here is Logan Echolls, and he expects to be paid"

"jackass" I say underneath my breath

"listen, if you know anybody who wants theres change tell me the number and I'll unlock it, but don't give my name out

"putting, the Echolls out of business?" He jokes

"hes your mate?" I guess, then start walking to the closest door

"How do you know"

"It's a vibe, most girls are good at those things"

"Hey listen its nearly lunch, do you want to come and sit at a table with me, I ordered pizza"

"ok.." I stop in the middle of the hall way, I am having lunch with this dude and I don't know his your name "whats your name?" I ask him

"Casey" he replies politely.

It was Lunchtime Veronica was sitting over next to Casey talking and giggling.

Lilly and Shelly walk over to the 09er table joining Veronica and Casey.

"show me your timetable" Casey tells her.

Veronica gets out her folded piece of paper and gives it to him.

'Chemisty, English Studies, Yr 12 Maths, General Studies and Peep squad, Gee Veronica I didn't think you were the Peepy kinda gurl"

"I'm not" Veronica says as Lilly and some blond haired girl come and sit opposite them.

"hey Casey" Lilly says as she starts flirting with Casey

"hey Lil, wheres Logan and Dick?" he asks, while Veronica looking over where at Wevil was sitting

Lilly shrugs "made yourself at home already?" Lilly asks rudely, By this time a few more people including Meg and Duncan sit down at the table.

"what?" Veronica says pulling her attention away from Wevil

Lilly shakes her head. Veronica getting the feeling that she doesn't like her at all.

"whatever". "what were you guys talking about today?" Lilly asks as a few more ears come interested in the conversation.

"you mean Wevill? His bike actually, XR50, reliable engine" Veronica answer all eyes (from the table) on her.

They stare at her not saying anything

"what?" she asks them "My friend was into them, I kinda picked up a few things"

"so you have rode bikes before" A blond guy asks her

"yea, when I was younger a lot, until…." Veronica stops before she slips something out "things change"

The blond guy starts laughing with his mate who I am guessing is Lillys boyfriend.

"what?" Casey asks

"just a chick, riding a motor bike, just a funny" he says shakeing his head

" are you trying to say that because I am a girl, you think that I don't know a thing about engines?"

All they guys except Casey nod their heads.

Veronica didn't know what to do, so she just sat there, someday she will show Dick that she was right, one day, I hate that guy.

"hey Veronica, I was wondering because your doing peep squad, you wanna come shopping with us girls shopping tonight" says a friendly girl who seems like Duncans girlfriend.

Who the hell does shopping as a hobby, but then living in Neptune, not a surprise.

"oh shopping, shopping…. Actually" Veronica said speechless "actually sorry I am kinda busy tonight, I have to do… stuff, maybe next time" I say politely then smiles.

"she got here last night Meg, sorry for not telling you" Duncan says while the bells goes and the blond walks off from the table.

The school bells goes and I shut my locker close and start rushing to the entrance of the school, to the car park, nearly there reach my car.

"I see, you fit in well with those white kids" Wevil says as I pass him

"what?, no there… the Kanes are just my… Cusins, I'm here to stay with them until I am 18, sadly" Veronica says and looks down, then back up at him.

"if your ever up for a good time." He offers

"give me your phone" I demanded. Wevil looked at her strangely before getting his phone out. As he gives it to Veronica she types in her number then passes the phone back to him.

"see you around" she calls out, then walks off to her car.