Hey! I just wanted to point out a mistake I did. Remember when I said 'If you don't want me to update sooner, review!' well, It's supposed to be 'If you want me to update sooner, review!' okay? Here's the fifth chapter.

Chapter Five


After singing that lullaby that our mother sang to us, I felt so happy and cheerful inside. Despite the coldness in the air, I feel warm. But when my mind was pulled away, I felt cold again.

"Where is Hadley with those damn blankets?" I heard Haley shout. I guess she didn't feel cheerful after the song. I sighed at that thought.

"They just stepped out a second ago. Be patient."

It felt like we were in the train forever. Or is it just that time goes so slowly? We only realize it when we're dull. We don't know how much time is so precious. It really is. My goodness! What am I talking about? The dullness must be taking over my mind.

I kept squirming with no reason. Right and left. I had a feeling that someone was getting irritated by that.

After I stopped squirming, Haley started poking me. "Do you mind?" I asked.

"No, I don't." she replied as she continued poking my right arm.




A small giggled escaped from my mouth which encouraged Haley to poke harder. "Haley, stop!"

"Now you know how irritating it is!"

I was about to hex her until Hadley came back with a stack of white woolen blankets. "A little help would be nice."

"What about Lana?" Haley asked looking straightly at the person she was talking about sitting down.

"She won; I carry. Now help!" Hadley replied.

"What did she win?" I asked curiously. I knew that would make Hadley even angrier but…I'm a curious person. I need to know.

"What did she win?" Haley repeated for me.

"I swear to god if you don't he-" Before Hadley could finish her sentence, the blankets fell on the floor. Hadley stood frozen looking at the blankets in fury. I could almost see steam coming out from her ears.

Haley, Lana and I quickly took blankets for ourselves. Hadley cooled down and took hers.

I covered my cold body with the warm, soft woolen blanket. I felt much better. The door opened to reveal a woman with a tray full of cups. "Take some cups of hot chocolate, dearies. It'll make your body warm."

Haley, who was closest to the woman took two cups and passed them and took two other cups and gave the person beside her; me. Then, she said thank you.

After two hours, the rain turned into a small drizzle and sun was setting. When are we going to get off?!?!

I thought Lana read my mind because she said "I think we're getting off in a few more minutes."

Minutes. That was wonderful. I no longer need to hear 'hours'. I have waited months to go where I'm heading now and I don't want hours to get in the way.

The train stopped three minutes after nighttime fell. I was relieved. I mean, imagine yourself waiting in an uninteresting train. Well, it wasn't all uninteresting. Yes, you know what I'm talking about. I sighed dreamily at that thought.

We all stood up and took our luggage. Carefully, I opened the door to see the hallway filled with people just like the first time we stepped in the train.

We all got off the train in a hurry and Hadley had to say goodbye to Lana. We took a boat to a majestic old castle. Feraid. It looked so beautiful in the moonlight. I was so excited. I didn't know what was waiting for me there but I knew something must be waiting for me and my sisters there. It's the start of something new.

We stepped in the castle filled by a chorus of 'ooh's and 'aah's. I was one of them who said 'ooh'.

A woman wearing a brown cloak and a pointy witch hat was waiting for us all. She was looking at us like we were all ants and she was one big grasshopper. "Good evening children and welcome to Feraid School of Magic. My name is Professor Exalmar."

"Follow me." she said again.

She led us in front of two humungous wooden doors. While Professor Exalmar was explaining the school's history, I found out that the snobby girl was standing beside me. "Hello. I'm Hazelina." I said. I was trying to be kind.

The girl snorted. "My name is Celeste Angelica Herena Leanlet. Isn't my name beautiful?"

I couldn't mask my disgusted face. The next thing I knew, Hadley held my hand and pulled me as the doors opened to reveal a big ballroom.

It had floating candles at the ceiling, portraits of famous magicians and witches, marbled floors, a stand and other teachers. The room started filling in very quickly. The seniors went to the far left side while the first-years were in the middle of the room. The room was very noisy.

An old woman went up the stand and clapped her hands once. The whole room was silent. "Welcome," she said as her voice echoed around the room "dear children to Feraid and welcome back to the senior students."

The seniors cheered and applaud..

"I am Headmistress Avelta. I've been in this school for over fifty years, now. It is a new year and time."

The headmistress gave a long speech which bored everyone. Except for Haley who was listening quietly. I looked around the room and saw Kyle. I smiled at him and he smiled back.