A/N: Seifer and Quistis are from the not-too-incredible game FFVIII, which is a pity considering that it came from Square-Enix. Now you're probably wondering why I'm constantly churning out fanfiction about a not-too-incredible game in the first place. To answer this, I must first explain that FFVIII is not-too-incredible (in my opinion) simply because games like FFVII and FFIX are too awesome in comparison. Next, I tend to write fanfiction about characters who aren't already fully fleshed-out and developed in a series because there's a lot more room for speculation. Since FFVIII boasts characters with loads of physical detail and sadly next-to-none development wise... you get the idea.

Quistis and Seifer are two characters which had plenty of potential in-game, but somehow, the story dropped their progress as characters quite abruptly. Incidentally, I've always been able to see the two becoming a couple, and that explains this fic - my first attempt at imagining a romantic relationship between the two. Am I done yet? Yes. Enjoy the fic (it is set exactly post-game and can also be considered as a string of drabbles), and reviews are really welcome. (:

lessons in ineloquence

#01: m o d e r a t o

"Hello, Seifer. Become a SeeD yet?"

Seifer Almasy, who had been on the verge of walking past Quistis without so much as a glance, stopped in his tracks, a glass of cocktail in his hand.

"Last I heard, someone around here wasn't in authority anymore to be excused for using that damned tone on me."

Quistis smiled as Seifer finally turned around. She hadn't seen him in a long time, since that day she'd faced down with him with Squall and the rest in Galbadia Gardens; it felt refreshing, for some reason. "Oh, excuse me; you're part of the disciplinary committee and I'm only a SeeD cadet."


Seifer marched towards Quistis, spilling a little of his drink as he did so. He looked ready to hit her, but evidently thought better of it as he remembered the hundreds of SeeD students and cadets mingling around them, their voices and laughter rising to the tall ceiling. Abruptly, he turned and began to leave.

It occurred to Quistis that bickering with Seifer was probably not the nicest thing to do at a merry occasion, let alone an occasion that was meant to commemorate the saving of the world by herself and her friends; but she had been so pleased at seeing Seifer again, no matter how much he used to get on her nerves. Seifer was just one more bit of a past that had increasingly become more of a stranger as they all zoomed around the world.

And now here she was, back home, having come full circle.

"You look happier, Seifer."

He turned. He looked every bit as surprised as Quistis was for having said it.

"You too," Seifer said carefully, after a pause.

"I guess traveling through time and space did me a bit of good, then," Quistis mused, gazing at a point above Seifer's left ear.

"Yeah? Even with that couple as your companions?" Seifer jerked his chin nastily towards the romancing couple at the balcony some distance away. There Squall and Rinoa embraced, lost to the world.

This time Quistis barely managed to contain her surprise. After a while she lapsed into a tight, wry smile. "I guess everyone knows by now."

"You were kind of obvious," Seifer offered. "But I wouldn't say that everyone knows about how you've got the hots for Leonhart."

"That's a crude way of putting it, Seifer, but seeing as you seem to have become nicer lately, I'll refrain from remarking on your hypersensitivity to Squall's name. Especially where Rinoa's concerned."

Seifer's eyes darkened. "You done yet, you annoying killjoy?"

"Sorry if you're angry, I was just voicing my concern…" Quistis had no idea why she was mercilessly baiting him so. "Number one guideline in a SeeD handbook: read your enemy's motives accurately. Remember?"

Seifer lifted the glass to his lips and gulped the whole lot, throwing Quistis a dirty glance as he swaggered off. "One of these days, Quistis, I'm gonna cut out that nasty tongue of yours," he called over his shoulder. Quistis watched him until he was lost in the crowd, then returned to sipping her own drink, alone watching the masses, with her back to a pillar.

(at a moderate speed)