Seven Minuets in Heaven

Ok so this is my first smut chapter EVER so I'm sorry if it's bad. :( Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Draco! I own zip, zilch, nada, nothing, squat, "Z" for zero, big fat goose egg! Need I go on? Ok well enjoy the chapter and please review!

"I'd prefer being in a closet alone with Draco for seven minuets then do the card." She said.

"Ok then." Said Draco standing and walking over to the staircase. Hermione followed.

Hermione and Draco started their way up the winding stairs when Hermione noticed the large mass of people fallowing.

"Why are they coming?"

"To time us…isn't it obvious?"

"Couldn't we just keep time?" Hermione was not keen on the idea of a large mass of not only peers, but also complete strangers listening to her and Draco do…stuff…as Ginny so politely put it.

"You've never done this before have you?"

"I thought that was apparent downstairs when I asked Ginny to explain the game." Hermione was annoyed and tiered and really just wanted to go home and Draco making fun of her naïveté was not making it any better.

They walked in silence the rest of the way up until they reached a long hallway at the top of the stairs.

"So…" said Hermione. "…which one's the closet?"

"That one." Draco was pointing to the second door on the left side of the hallway. He opened the door and walked in after her closing the door behind him.

"So," started Hermione, "this is what a closet looks like in the Malfoy Manor?"


Hermione looked confused. " I thought you'd be more comfortable in my room."

No response. She just walked over and sat down on the edge of the large bed before her. Draco followed suit.

He leaned over and kissed her gently on the neck, working his way up her jaw-line and eventually to her lips. He was nibbling on her bottom lip when she opened her mouth to moan. Draco inserted his tongue and began to explore but Hermione pulled away.

"What?" Draco was utterly confused.

"I don't know, that was just, gross, weird, I don't know."

"Hermione." Asked Draco with a serious tone. "How far have you gone? You know, in a relationship?"

"Uh…" Hermione was a deep scarlet and would not take her eyes off her feet.

"About this far…" she leaned over and kissed him square on the lips, lingering for around three seconds before pulling away, bringing her knees to her chest in embarrassment.



"Ok then," Draco was going to have to show her, well everything. "this is going to be interesting."

"Just," How was Draco supposed to explain snogging? "do what I do, I guess."

Draco walked over and pulled out his chair from his desk and sat down patting his lap. Hermione took that as where he wanted her to sit, so she sat facing him. Draco started again, and wound his hands around her waist. Hermione found it most comfortable to be entwined in his hair.

This time Hermione was expecting Draco's tongue and it wasn't as gross as it was the first time. Instead, it was wonderfully warm, and she wanted it all over her body. She couldn't imagine why she hadn't done this before. Draco slid his hands up her sides until he reached her bra.

"Mmm…" she moaned slightly into his mouth. He smirked into the kiss, sliding the tube top off with ease. Hermione fallowed suit unbuttoning Draco's long-sleeved shirt.

Bang Bang Bang!

"Times up you two!" shouted some unknown voice from the other side of the door.

"Damn…" started Draco.

"We don't have to stop…" suggested Hermione. Draco looked at her and locked the door.


Yeah! Another chapter in finally! Sorry it took so long but I hope it was worth the wait. I wasn't sure how graphic to make it so just review cause that's the only way things get done anyway!