Here is the next me, there are gonna be a few. This series is getting more and more popular. LOL. Right, if this is the first one you've read, you have to read the other two, or at least the previous one, to understand what's going on. All right?

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the High School Musical characters. Any you do not recognize, have been made by my creative imagination. He he.

Waves lapped at the sand on the beach of Blue Water Bay. The houses lining the beach were dark, given the fact it was the middle of the night. One lone boy, though, sat by himself in the sand. Troy Bolton shifted his legs in the sand and sighed softly. He suddenly became aware of the fact that someone was walking towards him. He turned around and saw a petite girl beside him.

"Hey," he murmured to his girlfriend, Gabriella Montez.

"What are you doing out here, Troy? It's twelve-thirty," she yawned and collapsed on the grass beside him. He put his arm around her and went back to staring out over the ocean. Troy shrugged.

"Nothing much…thinking…" he trailed off. Gabriella was silent for a moment.

"You really don't like Simon, do you?" She asked after a moment. Simon Lester had arrived at Blue Water Bay with Gabriella's brother, Brand Montez, and Amanda Chantree yesterday. The gang at the Bay found out that Troy knew Simon, and it wasn't in a good way, even though neither of the boys told them why.

"No, no I don't," Troy agreed. He was staring at the water, but he knew that Gabriella's eyes were on him. "He was at Uni the same time as my sister and I knew a few of her friends and that. He got drunk at this party, and got this girl named Jeanette pregnant. When she told him, he dumped her then and there, no questions asked." He turned to Gabriella, who was looking at the sand beside her. "Her parents went berserk. Her dad wanted her to have an abortion and her mother wanted her to keep the baby. After the baby was born, the parents divorced. Basically, it was all his fault," Troy's voice was bitter.

"Have you thought about it from him point-of-view?" Gabriella asked softly. "He had just found out he was a father, he was likely to be completely freaked."

"You're saying what he did was right?" Troy asked in an unbelieving voice. Gabriella shook her head quickly.

"No. No way," Gabriella said firmly. "It's just…when I was about eleven; my friend who was fourteen got his girlfriend pregnant. He was sooo scared," she shook her head. "He was ready to drop out of school and skip town straight away, just to get away from her," she sighed heavily. "It took a lot of work, but we managed to get him to stay with her," Gabriella smiled finally. "They're now both seventeen and at Uni, the baby is two and absolutely gorgeous, they're both happy."

"And they lived happily ever after," Troy muttered. Gabriella gave him a nudge with her elbow.

"Troy, just give him a chance, hey? See if he's changed, people do change," Gabriella looked at her hands. "I mean, that's what you're counting on with your dad, right? For him to change?" Troy pursed his lips and nodded. "Which reminds me…you rung him, yet?" Troy shook his head.

"I will tomorrow," Troy murmured.

"Really?" Gabriella asked with a raised eyebrow. "You've had your cell-phone off for a few days now, he's going to be getting a bit worried." Troy shrugged. "Troy, he is still your dad and he still loves you. You need to give him a ring."

"Tomorrow, promise," Troy gave her a smile.

"Sealed with a kiss," Gabriella smiled back and leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Troy felt a shiver go down his back, something which happened every time Gabriella was near. "And right now, we better get back to the house, cause I've actually gotta get sometime tomorrow. Brand's taking me out for lunch and I want to go out swimming with Jesse tomorrow morning," Gabriella yawned again as Troy nodded. He stood up and put his hand out, helping her up.

She began walking up to the house, Troy trailing after her. He studied her with a small smile for a moment as her head drooped for tiredness and her hips lost their usual sway. Running up behind her, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her up the steps to the house.

"You're the best," Gabriella mumbled as he put her down at her door and she fell into bed. As she slipped into sleep, she realized that she hadn't heard Jeanette's last name, but she guessed it didn't matter.

Okay, I suppose the last bit was a little obvious...

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