Warnings: RAPE, Lot's of angst, strong language, Yaoi (obviously),
Bands: Dir en grey, Gazette, Miyavi,
Pairings/Characters: Kyo/Die, Toshiya/Shinya, Kaoru/Ruki, Miyavi/Kai, Reita/Aoi/Uruha,
Synopsis: When the members of Dir en Grey and Gazette, along with Miyavi, decide to hang out one night and play a crazy "Lovers" Game Miyavi bought, Kyo and Die are reminded of all the hardships they had faced to get where they are now.
Disclaimer: Well since it's says "Disclaimer" I obviously don't claim to own them... but if I did... shifty eyes
Comments: I'm glad everyone likes it so far. I hope you like this chapter as well. XD
Genkai Haretsu
Chapter 02
"I GET TO GO FIRST!" Miyavi squealed loudly, grabbing the dice from where they sat on top of the board, which had been placed in the middle of the now smaller circle, since everyone moved closer so they could reach it, with two piles of cards sat on either side.
No one argued with the hyperactive man, since none of them really cared, not having wanted to play in the first place. Happily, he tossed the dice onto the board, and everyone watched patiently as it skidded to a stop on a red block, which mean "Truth"
Miyavi pouted momentarily, but got over his disappointment rather quickly as he pulled a card off of the top of the pile and read it aloud, "Hmm… who is usually the dominant one in the relationship? And do you ever switch roles between submissive and dominant? If not, would you ever?"" Miyavi grinned, "Well I'm seme of course! We haven't tried switching yet…. Kai-kun is too short!"
Everyone laughed while Kai blushed, sending a mock glare in the direction of his lover. It wasn't his fault Miyavi decided to go against the rules of Japanese people being short. He was the odd one!
"Reita, Aoi and Uru are next!" Miyavi decided, and all eyes went towards the three-some.
"Eh! Why us?" Uruha complained. Even though he knew that they all knew he was the uke. But admitting that would be a blow to what little manliness he still had left. Which, obviously wasn't much.
Miyavi rolled his eyes, "Because we're going in a circle!"
"Well Die and chibi-chan could go next instead!" Uruha pointed out.
"What!-" Kyo bristled at the name, and was very much ready to rip the guitarists balls off for the comment, when he felt a hand wrap itself around his waist to keep him from getting up and doing just that. He glared to his right at the red-head, but the look was ignored as Uruha, who had completely missed the fact that Kyo was about to murder him, sighed loudly.
"Fine! I'm uke… and those two… well… they switch, but somehow I always end up on the bottom of someone." He grumbled. Aoi and Reita shared a grin and the promising looks they sent each other was not lost on anyone.
Everyone then looked to Shinya and Toshiya, the more feminine of the two blushing and staring at the ground to avoid the gazes. The bassist, on the other hand, was quick to answer, "Weelll, I'm seme. And I've been willing to switch roles once in a while with Shin-shin here, but he's just too uke-ish! He gets all shy and-"
"Toshiya!" Shinya whispered harshly in embarrassment, "I think that was more then they needed to know!"
"Aww… come on Shin-chan! Show him who's really in charge! Tie him up, and make him wish never to be seme again! I bet you'd leave him unable to walk for weeks!" Die cheered loudly, completely unaffected by the glare Shinya was aiming at him, which has lost it's touch under the power of the blush that adorned his cheeks.
Feeling slight pity for how easily embarrassed his lover was, Toshiya looked over to Ruki and Kaoru, "What about you two?"
"I'm seme," Kaoru states plainly.
"Not all the time!" Ruki said indignantly, "We switch a lot! We usually just fight for the top and one of us ends up giving up eventually."
"Our Leader-sama. Dominated? By a child? What is this world coming to!" Kyo cried dramatically, finding much amusement out of the fact that Kaoru actually allowed someone to top him. And Kyo knew that if he didn't really want it, it would never happen. It was just how their band leader worked.
"And you, Kyo?" Kaoru raised a questioning eyebrow at him.
Kyo snorted, "I'm seme of course! Die knows his place and he stays there!" And when Die made no move to deny that fact, nor did he seem insulted, everyone's eyes grew wide.
"Your kidding! The great Die doesn't fight for dominance! OUR Die?" Toshiya wailed, "How can our Die's manly manhood survive with such neglect like that!!!" It had been odd enough when they found out the two were together. Especially since well, Die the straightest man they had ever seen, being straighter then the straightest line!! They knew Kyo was very much the dominant type, and for him and Die, who also seemed very dominant, to be together made for some many issues, they had thought. And now to find out that Die was never seme, well, that was just crazy!
Die had actually blushed, however slight it may have been, at Toshiya's outburst. Kyo, on the other hand, simply smirked, "I'm just that good." He said arrogantly, to which Die sighed, deciding not to comment.
"Sharing is caring, Kyo." Toshiya stated in an oddly serious voice, then smirked, "Sharing is caring. And in this case, sacrificing a little pride and spreading your legs for those you love is very much caring!"
Miyavi flopped himself across Kai's lap as he laughed. And Uruha, Aoi and surprisingly even Reita were doubled over in laughter. Kaoru bit his lip, an awkward sound escaping him as he tried not to laugh, knowing it would only anger Kyo while Ruki was hiding his face in Kaoru's shirt.
Everyone was stunned into silenced when they heard Shinya's quiet, but amused voice speak up, "Well Die, It looks like it's you who needs to show someone who's in charge and take your own advice and tie Kyo up, and make him wish never to be Seme again."
All was silent for a moment, surprised that Shinya had actually spoken up, and thrown what Die had said right back at him. Then laughter erupted once again, and Die pouted, grabbing Kyo around the waist and burying his face into his shoulder, "Kyoo…. Their making fun of us!" He whined in an overly-annoying voice, "Go beat them up for me!"
"Really?" Kyo perked up.
Die chuckled and shook his head, removing his face from Kyo's shoulder and moving so that he was sitting behind the small vocalist, then placed his legs on either side of them, holding Kyo to his chest, and placing his chin on the same shoulder.
"What the fuck Die? I'm not your teddy bear!" Kyo grumbled, though he didn't really mind, since it was quite comfortable. He just complained out of habit.
"Okay!" Miyavi chuckled, "Reita, you get to go next!" He tossed the dice to the seemingly nose-less bassist, who easily caught it. Not wasting any time, he threw them onto the board, and Miyavi was once again found pouting as it landed on "Truth" again.
Reita lazily reached over and picked up a card, his eyes scanned over it, then his deep voice resounded throughout the silent room, "Where was the weirdest place that you and your partner did the deed."
Miyavi's eyes lit up, "OH!! In one of the kitchens during the PSC tour!"
Gazette's band members eyes widened dramatically.
"In the kitchen!?" Uruha cried, "How? WHY? Why would you want to defile our food so!!"
Kai blushed, "Well… I wanted to make everyone lunch and then Miyavi snuck up on me and… umm.. Yeah."
"I thought I heard weird noises!" Ruki said accusingly.
"Hey, how come you don't cook for us, Kao-sama-chan!?" Die asked, sending a pathetic look in Kaoru's direction, "You don't love us! You want us to starve don't you! You want us all to be anorexic like Shin-chan! I bet Kai makes all that food from scratch with love in every bite!"
"Love… right. I don't know about you, but I certainly don't want any of Kai's 'Love' in my food. And definitely not Miyavi's." Aoi grumbled, wrinkling his nose in disgust.
"Gross…." Ruki groaned, "Back to fast food for me."
"W-what! I didn't… I mean, the food was done and out of the way when he came in… that's why it was a little cold…" Kai mumbled weakly in his own defense.
Uruha decided to save Kai and said thoughtfully, "Where was the weirdest place we've done it, guys?" He glanced as Reita, then Aoi.
"I would have to say in our recording room." Aoi grinned, "I still have the audio."
Kai and Ruki looked disturbed, "Please tell me you didn't get anything on the microphone… I use that you know." Ruki cringed at the thought.
"Don't worry Ru-chan! We didn't" Uruha assured him, then glared at Aoi, "And you mean to tell me you had a copy all along and didn't share it with us!?"
"Well… I sort of forgot about it." Aoi smiled sheepishly.
Uruha sighed dramatically, "Do you know what we've been missing out on? I mean how awesome would it be to have sex, while listening to ourselves have sex!" Reita quickly agreed.
"I wanna try that now!" Miyavi said enthusiastically, grabbing Kai and hugging him, "And we can even have cheap porno music in the background! And then we could sell it! And we'd be famous!"
Kai raised an eyebrow, "If anything, I think we would lose what fame we already have from that."
Miyavi rolled his eyes, "Do you even know how many rabid Yaoi fan girls would kill to get a hold of it?"
Kai sighed, "Right… let's not and say we did."
Toshiya and Shinya were next, and as expected, Toshiya was the one to answer, "Oh! I know, on Shinya's Drum seat!"
"Shinya let you guys to it near his precious drums!?" Die gasped.
Toshiya laughed, "Yeah! You remember that time you guys came in for practice and Shinya was sitting on my lap in front of the drum set and I said I had something to tell him and we wouldn't move until you guys left for a few minutes?" He asked, ignoring Shinya who was attempting to cover his mouth with his hand, easily swatting it away.
Kaoru, Die and Kyo's eyes widened.
"Holy shit!" Kyo yelled, "You mean we walked in on you two fucking?"
Shinya squeaked in mortification and hid his face.
"I never thought Shinya would be the exhibitionist type!" Die grinned, "Way to go Shinya!"
Ruki answered this time, "The weirdest place for us would have to be during our first get together. Remember we were all sitting at the round table when Kai made lunch for us all? Before you guys knew we were together? Yeah… Kaoru decided it would be fun to give me a hand job right there and then." He said easily, not at all embarrassed by it since they didn't get caught.
Reita raised an eyebrow in amusement, "I was wondering why you kept squirming and making random squeaking noises.
"I thought it was weird you wanted to visit Gazette!" Toshiya said.
"Well I said I met one of the members and we got on well, I didn't lie, I just omitted certain things." Kaoru replied with a chuckle.
With that, everyone turned to the rhythm guitarist and vocalist of Dir en Grey, eager to here what they had to say. They both looked thoughtful for a minute, before Kyo said, "A Telephone Booth." Die let out a chuckle at the memory.
"A Telephone Booth?" Kaoru raised an eyebrow, "Those things are very much see-through, how did you manage that without getting caught?"
Kyo leaned back into Die and smirked, "Well you see, it was raining really fucking hard, so no one was around. We were using it for shelter from the rain, but you see, Die just looked so incredibly enticing all soaking and panting from running…" Kyo licked his lips as he just that.
"Hey… don't go having dirty thoughts about me here." Die grinned, "Because I won't be able to help you in front of everyone." He then glanced around and noticed the far-off looks everyone, save for Shinya, Ruki, and Reita had, "Hey! Stop mentally undressing me you freaks!" He laughed.
"Okaaayy, then!" Uruha said, trying to erase the image Kyo had put into his head. He tossed the dice he had been fiddling with for a while and he joined in with Miyavi's pouting as it landed on a red box, "This thing is cheating!" he huffed, grabbing a card.
"Describe your first time." He read.
Misao: XD Ha, this chapter was fun to write! Where would we be without perverse humor to brighten up our world? XD