Hi! This is my first story, so be nice when you review. And you will review. Oh, you will review. Or else. (insert scary music here)

Disclaimer-I don't own RENT or any of the characters, blah, blah, blah.


"Wouldn't it be great to raise a kid?" Angel exclaimed excitedly.

"Huh?" responded a bewildered Collins, caught off guard by Angel's random remark.

"You know, help a child grow up? I just think it would be such a rewarding experience to help a kid get through life."

"Uh, that's great baby, but how would we…..you know………"

"Oh honey," Angel giggled, "we'd adopt."

Collins just sat there.

He had just sat there. And now Angel was dead and Collins was on his way to a children's home.

Hope you like it! Iknow it's short, but it is just a prologue. The chapters will be longers. Reviews Puh-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaze.