Title: The Best Way to Die
Manga: Bleach
Pairing: Ichigo x Orihime
Rating: PG-13
He was shouting above her. She pondered vaguely how he could still look so heroically handsome after such a brutal fight. Her ears had long stopped working, but she thought his lips seemed to mouth her name. Not her first name, she thought sadly to herself. They had never gotten that close after all…
A sudden metallic taste filled her mouth, and she coughed. Numbly, she felt the blood trickle thickly down to her chin, only to be hastily wiped away by another blood-stained hand.
His hand.
He was still shouting, so loudly and yet so silent. Her ears remained conveniently deaf as the arms around her shook in desperation. He always tries so hard… She smiled to herself, gazing at him fondly. Even when it was no use… Even when he knew it was no use…
A misty fog clouded over her eyes, and she dearly hoped it wasn't because of tears. A blurry mop of orange was all she could recognise now, as well as the pair of red lips still moving soundlessly. Her eyes fluttered, as consciousness began dissipating into nothing.
Was it time to go now? She asked herself. Before anything could be done? Or said? Films always gave the hero or heroine plenty of time to say their goodbyes? Or was death really so quick and easy? She sighed to herself. He never even knew she loved him.
Gathering her remaining strength, she strained her eyes and looked up. Her vision cleared slightly; but now she wished she hadn't.
Tears were falling from brown eyes as thick and fast as the blood dripping from his head. They landed on her cheek but she realised she could no longer feel them. Through the rain of tears, he was still calling her name, calling… calling…
She knew he wanted to apologize. She knew that look, too well perhaps. He wanted to say that he was sorry to let her be taken, that he was sorry to take so long, that he was sorry to fail his promise… and most of all; sorry that she had taken the fall that was meant for him.
She inhaled deeply, knowing fully well that this will be her last breath. A knot tightened around her midriff, and she knew blood was oozing faster than ever. The hole impaled by Ichimaru Gin's zanpakuto, the hole that was intended for him. She laughed at herself. Her body had moved before she even understood what was happening.
And now they were here. Her dying wordlessly in his arms; and him, crying and screaming for there was nothing else he could do.
She began to release the breath she had been holding, slowly, quietly. He must've sensed her reiatsu beginning to fade, for his eyes became more desperate, and expression more frantic. But nevertheless her eyes dropped all the same; it was time.
There was no remorse, there were no regrets. She had protected him at last. And now, as the final smudge of orange filtered out of her vision, Inoue Orihime quietly whispered her 'thank you's. To her friends, to her nakamas, and to the boy before her. This was, after all, the best way to die.
Author's Notes
Another sad story. Gosh, I really do enjoy killing Orihime, don't I? I don't think I brought out the meaning of 'the best way to die' very well but I can't be bothered to rewrite the whole thing. Hope you liked it!