Started 3O.O3.O8

Many thanks to (Patamon-Cutie-13, CyclonePhoenix, sasukesgirl89, Serenity984, AnimePinkCess, KoumiLoccness and Rewind Soldier) for supporting me for the past year!

Disclaimer: Standard disclaimer applies. If you recognize anything, I probably don't own it.


Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, but there's just no one that gets me like you
You are my only my only one

(Lyrics/music by Yellowcard)

She thought she lost him.

He had to fight for her.

This is about him.

And her.

Epilogue – Embrace Me (Sora)

As my best friend, Seth once said, nothing could be more boring than sitting in an assembly, among the hundreds of listless teenagers who don't even want to be here. Why should you bother to sit here and listen as some old fart talked about the children of our future when we could be asleep at home?

And I have to completely agree with him.

Sitting here in the back of the auditorium, watching as our principal, Mrs. Harper begin her speech could not bore me anymore than it already has. What was sadder was the fact that Yama couldn't sit with me because the band had to perform later on.

Looking back on the past five months made me feel insignificant, I know I sound somewhat like a whiny bitch but really, back in GC, I felt so superior, compared to the drunk whores around me but I realised I wasn't anything special when I came to Sydney. I mean, in the past five months, I have met A LOT of smart people, people like my boyfriend, Yamato Ishida and his cousin who was Janice.

Yeah, Janice may not seem very bright but she's a genius and you know why? She and T.K have always been there for me, almost every time I had an argument with Yama, T.K. and Janice would come along and be my fairy godmother/father by stepping in and giving me a slap of reality. They were always there for me by mending Yama and I's relationship after every fight, giving us advice or just sublimely (in T.K's case) supporting me when I needed someone most.

Plus, did I mention how the three of them all have the same pair of eyes? Blue and soulful and absolutely gorgeous sapphires for eyes. T.K and Janice are beautiful people and deserve to be treated with the best, unlike me, who for the past sixteen years have been behaving like a spoiled brat. I mean, I used to be so jealous every time Akira had a new girlfriend or anything and I was so shallow when I thought I had supposedly loved him yet I got over him in a matter of seconds but love is blind.

Also, while I contemplate on my life, I wonder, if I hadn't naturally fell in love with Matt, would T.K and Janice try to set us up but that would probably be wishful thinking. I also wonder how life would be if I never moved to Sydney in the first place, would I be as happy as I am now, would I still be single, what kind of life would I live without Yama? You know, questions like that run through my head everyday ever since I first met Yama in that quiet Physics class where I was a complete bitch to him.

But one thing for sure, I'm damn blissful right now.


"I would now like to introduce our valedictorian of the class of 2007: Joe Kido!"

I looked up and smiled. Joe looked so nervous up there, so small and frightened but he couldn't look any happier. He had that million-dollar smile on his face as he made his way up the stage. He spared them a shy smile before clearing his throat.

"I feel both privileged and proud to be standing here tonight, representing Davidson Academy's Class of 2007 and I am grateful that you could all be here this morning to share in our celebration. Together we have had quite the journey and as someone wise once said, a journey is best measured in friends rather than miles. I am pleased that the friendships that we have developed will forever reflect the incredible trip we have shared."

Wow... I was actually surprised by Joe's crisp voice. I barely recognized the man who stood on the stage before the hundreds of us. He was so confident, so happy and he looked like someone you could... rely on and just a week ago, he was panicking and worrying himself to death because of the exams and when he found out he was Valedictorian of 2007, he looked like he was willing to die any day because he was so happy.

In exactly a year's time, I will be graduating. I wonder who the Valedictorian of my class... I don't mean to sound cocky or anything but it has GOT to be either Yama or me. I will be torturing myself next year while Yama, with his eidetic memory, will be breezing through effortlessly.

Damn him.

Eidetic memories should not exist, it is unfair for the lesser mortals whom exist in this vile, populated land that God supposedly created miraculously. Okay, answer me this, God; if you ARE up there, where are you and why do you enjoy torturing me instead of helping me? Do you enjoy playing sadist or something or are you just too busy looking for rabid fan girls' brains?

Note: I'm Agnostic, meaning it is impossible for me to know whether God does exist or not. I prefer not to ponder on that and have a definite answer because one, I'm just a lesser mortal who will never find out in my living life. I mean, people are so sure that you go to heaven and hell after you die but how are they to know? I mean, no one knows unless they've died before. For all I know, our very existence or as some people put it, our souls may just vanish after we die or we just drift about in another plane OR we can become ghosts and watch as our relatives torture themselves with their seemingly useless lives.

Enough about my beliefs, Joe ended his speech with a red face. Soon enough Mrs. Harper made her way back to the stage and congratulated Joe and thanked him for his speech. The ceremony continued and I no longer paid attention to the rest of the duration.

"Yes, yes, I know it's early and I woke you but I just have to tell you... SCHOOL'S OUT, BABY!"

I heard Seth swear at me harshly through the phone. There wasn't anyone in the world who could screech that much profanity into my ear within seconds. As usual, Seth was either skipping school or... sleeping in class. The dumbass was almost as bad as Yama when it comes to sleeping and today, he decided to stay home instead of attending school so I conveniently woke him up. I had the biggest feeling he was asleep and I was right.

Imagine ringing him in class? The idiot never switches his phone on silent.

After ten minutes of listening to him yell the shit out of me, he yawned and said he was going back to back and then, the idiot hung up on me. I looked down at my phone and frowned, he just totally flipped me off.

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me into a cold embrace. I closed my eyes and inhaled the familiar scent while leaning back against my boyfriend's hard chest.

"You got quite an earful, didn't you?" He murmured sexily into my ear while kissing my neck. Oh god, I could get the shivers from the sound of his voice...

"Was it that obvious?" I mumbled while laying my arms on top of his.

I could feel his quiet laughter as he chuckled lightly, "Not really... but I knew that expression anywhere. It's the expression you have on your face when Janice is being a chatterbox."

I giggled at his comment.

I broke away from him before turning to face him, I immediately missed his embrace but I could always get hugged by him later.

"Sora?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

I shot him a grin before leaping into his arms and squealed, "We're year 12s now!"

He rolled his eyes at my childishness but hugged me back tightly. I could feel his form against my form evidently - even through my clothes I could feel all his muscles pressing against mine as humanely as possible.

We stood under the shade of the big school tree while watching as people filed out of the auditorium. It was pleasantly warm today and call me crazy but I still have my woollen sweater on.

Being wrapped up in my boyfriend's arms on a day light this was truly heaven. I could stay like this for an eternity without complaints and I knew he could as well, by the sound of his gentle breathing against my cheek. He invaded all my senses just like how he did when we first met and well...

I'm glad I fell for him.

TADA! That is it, folks. The end of Embrassez Moi, which took exactly a year to write! This was the first story, other than my one-shot to EVER be finished so this story is important!

FIRSTLY, I really, REALLY enjoyed writing this story and even though at times I wanted to give up, I kept going! This journey was an important one as I had my ups and downs of literacy while writing this. Thank you to everyone who reviewed or checked out my story and staying with me even when I decided to be a procrastinating whore. Without your help, I would've probably gave up and moved onto something else. This story signifies that I am DONE with Digimon and fanfiction. I have decided to take a hike to fictionpress . com. From now on, I would most likely be found in that site, writing my original novels.

SECONDLY, for a detailed entry on EM or if you want to ask questions or just comment in detail on this story, contact me on my LJ which is (without the spaces): http : / / malevolent-taro . livejournal . com /

THIRDLY, please check out my Fictionpress account at: http : / / www . fictionpress . com / u / 592462 /

AND LASTLY, THANK YOU TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO EVER READ THIS STORY AND ESPECIALLY: AnimePinkCess, Blondie121147, blue9989, CyclonePhoenix, deamrose10, Dragonfire411, guardian of vampires, Karush, kiaras-magical-melody, Kikiley, KoumiLoccness, kyoskitten89, little0maggie, LoVeSMiSTReSS89, mire013, Night Beauty, Patamon-Cutie-13, puasluoma, Rewind Soldier, Sarina Blade, sasukesgirl89, Serenity984 ,SORATOxLOVER, Xiaolindragonofenergy and Yamora Love n Friendship.

JOIN ME ON , I'll be waiting for you - yes, I'm hinting that you MUST go and check out my stories.