These are NOT my characters.I do not own Danny Phantom or the song 'Girlfriend' by Avril Lavigne.The song is really funny.I love it.I hope you enjoy my song fic.


Sam Manson sighed as she watched Danny Fenton walk past her with his new girlfriend.Paulina.That popular pretty girl had been hanging all over him since she had found out Danny was the Phantom.Danny of course couldn't see that she only wanted him because of that.Why couldn't he see that she was too stupid for him?He deserved better.Hell even she'd be better than Paulina because she's always loved him no matter what.With that thought an idea slowly grew in Sam's mind.Why not make him see?

-line break-

Danny watched Sam turn away from him and walk away.He didn't know why he missed her so much.At first he had thought it was because of them not talkign anymore but now...he didn't know.All he ever thought about was Sam no matter what.Not his girlfriend but his best friend.Well they weren't even that anymore because Paulina had forbidden him from talking to 'That freaky goth chick' and 'that computer nerd,' Tucker.He missed his friends so much it sucked.Now that everyone knew he was the Phantom-which was totally not his fault-he'd become so popular everyone knew who he was in minutes.He had no real friends anymore.The first few days Danny'd been dating Paulina, Sam and Tucker had tried to talk to him but after a few days they'd gave up.Danny didn't even like Paulina anymore after seeing what a slut and a bitch she could be.He'd do anything to get away from her she was so stupid and such a little 'princess.'It was sick.What had he really ever seen in her?

Danny looked over toward where Sam had her back to him while Paulina talked about her hair or something.He blinked as he finally noticed-how had he not seen it before?-that Sam's body wasn't that of a young girl anymore but curvacious and beautiful.And that ass!God it was perfect.The clothes she had always worn,the short skirt and black tank top with combat boots didn't look as out there on her anymore but sexy.And her once short black hair was now down to her perfect ass in length.Had he been blink till now?Suddenly Danny was brought back to the presence of his girlfriend as she pinched him on the arm and continued with what she was talking about.

"I can't wait till the talent show Danny.Its going to be perfect!Me singing,and so totally winning.And then you coming up and giving me my prize!I wish I knew what it was.Are you sure you can't tell me?I bet its a crown!Or money!"

Danny groaned.He had forgotten that he was one of the judges for the talent show thanks to Paulina.He wasn't supposed to know who was competing until the contest so he could be completely biased.Well looks like that was out the window.He did know what the prize was at least.A kiss if the winner was a girl and a trophey if it was a guy.He really didn't want Paulina to win.For some reason they had never kissed.He had just never been interested with it with her.That was sad considering she was his girlfriend."I can't tell you Paulina.I told you that.I gotta go home now.I'll see you."Danny broke off her tight grip on his arm and headed home.He had some serious thinking to do.And the topic of his thoughts was Sam like they'd been for weeks now.