Title: Vienna

Disclaimer: HSM and The Fray isn't mine.

Summary: OneShot. Troyella. There's really no way to reach me 'cause I'm already gone.

The day's last one-way ticket train pulls in

We smile for the casual closure capturing

There goes the downpour

There goes my fare thee well

Gabriella stood at the train station platform watching Troy handing over his bags to the trainman. The rain was pouring down that day, reflecting her heartbreaking mood. Troy, Gabriella's boyfriend of over 4 years, was leaving her. He was off to school in Europe for the last two years of school, but she knew deep down in her bones, he wasn't coming back. She loved him, oh how she loved him, but he just, didn't care she assumed.

Troy walked up to her, rain pouring down his face. His hand softly stoked Gabriella's cheek and she began to cry.

"Troy, don't go," Gabriella said softly.

"I'm sorry, I have to,"

"How will I reach you?" Gabriella asked, letting a few more tears fall.

There's really no way to reach me

There's really no way to reach me

There's really no way to reach me

'Cause I'm already gone

"Gabi, I'm sorry,"

There's so many words that we can say

Spoken upon long-distance melody

This is my hello

This is my goodness

She knew what that meant, he wasn't going to try to keep in touch with her. She was right all along, he wasn't coming back.

There's really no way to reach me

There's really no way to reach me

There's really no way to reach me

'Cause I'm already gone

"I gotta go," Troy gently kissed her cheek, "I'll see you sometime, Good bye Gabriella."

Maybe in five or ten yours and mine will meet again

Straighten this whole thing out

Maybe then honesty need not be feared as a friend or an enemy

But this is the distance

And this is my gameface

Troy walked onto the train and looked back at Gabriella's crying figure in the rain. He knew he loved her, but the school, the distance, he'd be back later.

There's really no way to reach me

There's really no way to reach me

Is there really no way to reach me?

Am I already gone?

Months later after the heartbreaking day of Troy leaving, Gabriella lay in the hospital.

"So Gabriella have you picked a name yet?" the doctor asked her.

So this is your maverick

And this is Vienna

"Vienna." Gabriella whispered, holding the gorgeous baby girl in her arms, with those precious blue eyes.