Title: Tears
Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon.
Theme: Miracle
Genre: General
Version: Anime
Rating: PG
Serenity cried tears by moonlight and from them came the Mystic Silver Crystal. She cried upon the moon and sprouts shot forth and mystic palaces rose from the stone.
Serenity cried tears in blood and the rainbow crystals reformed into the Silver Crystal to heal Endymion. She cried tears upon ice and the ice fell away and crystal rose into a shining city.
Serenity cried tears across time and united the Silver Crystal of past and future. She cried tears on a crystal coffin and made the city live.
"What are you going to name her?" her husband Helios asked as she held her newborn daughter in her arms.
"Not Serenity. There's been too much of that."