A/N ; The story is officially over! I want to thank everyone who reviewed, good reviews or bad. I can't name them all, but thanks to everyone! I know that the beginning was a but ... not great, and the middle was rushed, but I didn't know what to do. Thanks to my best friend Dawn (Penname : A and O Negitive) for the Shane being Voldemort idea! I love all my reviewers! And I must stop this so you can read the fluff and stuff in the final chapter!

Disclaimer ; For the last time, I do not own it.

Hermione landed in her back yard, with Draco. Harry, Ron and Neville must've landed where they fell into the past.

'Draco! We're home!' Hermione exclaimed. Draco smiled broadly and nodded. Hermione put a hand on his pointed, strong jaw. 'We did it. Voldemort's gone!' she said, Draco took her hand and placed it in his. He looked down.

'Oh, my shoelace is untied!' he exclaimed. He bent down and put a hand in his pocket without Hermione noticing, he pulled out a velvet box.

'Hermione, I know we're only young, but I love you. I really do. And, I don't know how to say this, but, will you marry me?' Draco finished.
'Oh, Draco!' Hermione gasped. 'Of course! I love you too.' She smiled, and tears of joy tracked down her cheeks, and the newly engaged couple walked hand in hand to Hermione's house.


'Oh. Mya! You look so beautiful!' Mrs. Granger breathed two years later. Hermione was standing in front of a mirror, wearing a beautiful white dress covered with beads and sequains. Her hair was put in loose curls , which framed her face. Half of it was up with flowers. Her makeup was just a but of blush and a small bit of eyeliner. She was beautiful.
'Mum. I love you!' Hermione wrapped her arms lovingly around her Mother. Hermione took a deep breath, and walked down the aisle, looking into the eyes of a smiling Draco.


'Jasmine! If you don't stop picking on your brother, you'll be grounded!' Hermione exclaimed at her 8 year old daughter. Jasmine Mya Malfoy was poking her 6 year old brother on the arm, making him cry.

'Hermione, how you do it, I do not know!' Draco smiled at the woman. Hermione grinned and kissed him.

'Draco. I love you. I still don't know why you and Ron and Harry can't be friends. It's a silly old rival. When they come for supper tonight, talk to them. Please?' Hermione pouted. Draco chuckled and nodded.

'I'll do it.' Draco smiled. He looked at his two beautiful children, the little boy who looked like Hermione, and the little girl who looked like him. He knew, at this moment, that the fall into the past that long time ago was one fall he'd never forget. It was one fall he'd be thankful for forever.

Thanks for reading and staying faithful to Opposites Attract. Review it one last time! Loves you all! Peace.