DISCLAIMER! If I owned Harry Potter, I'd be rich. -hums 'If I had a million dollars'.-

A/n. Okay, this is weird, it's not a oneshot -gasps- It's probably not that good. I do not know where I'm going with this fic. All I know it's time travel. -ignores boos from readers.- Okay, read and please don't mind the rambles.

Draco Malfoy was sitting in the forest that was behind some Muggle's house. He felt panicked. Sure, he was a rich wizard, with a big respected reputation, but his home life was horrible. He was abused by his father, Lucius the Great! All hail Death Eater 101. He thought bitterly. His mother, she was a doll. Sure, she wasn't perfect, but she cared. Narcissa was a real mom. She was rough to strangers, but she was nice to her family, to the people she knew. He could tell her anything ... anything, that is, besides he didn't want to be abused anymore. She couldn't help. Lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear another person, another person sobbing.


'Stupid! Stupid! STUPID!' The watery voice of Hermione Granger cut through the trees, making rabbits jump out of the way. She pushed through fallen brush and went to sit on her favorite crying rock, to notice it was occupied.

'Who the...' She walked up, to see a young boy ... or ... man sitting there, silently sobbing. He had blonde-silver hair that glimmered in the moonlight. He looked vaguely familiar, but Hermione couldn't place him, until ...

'What are you doing here, Mudblood?' The person spat.

'Malfoy? Matter of fact, See that house? That's mine.' Hermione looked astounded, to see Draco Malfoy, sitting in her back yard, sitting on her cry rock. 'I'd leave if I were you. MY garden, MY cry rock. MY alone time from my annoying muggle parents.' Hermione was basically talking to herself, but Draco couldn't help admire the fury that wasn't to him.

'Well, mudblood, you can't expect more from muggles, can you?' Draco snorted.

'Well, if you hadn't made my teeth grow so big in fourth year, I wouldn't have gotten them reduced to a normal size, and my parents wouldn't be dumping on me about 'not keeping my natural beauty.' They just don't understand what it's like being called 'beaver face' by people like you' Hermione glared.

'That really hurt you? Well, how about 'Death Eater Deluxe!?' I hear that more from Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws than Gryffindors.' Malfoy looked genuinely hurt by the stereotype about his family name.

'Oh, Malfoy, that's horrible! I had no idea you were–'

'I don't need your pity, mudblood!' Draco noticed the hurt in her eyes by that word, his words. Mudblood. After about, five minutes of looking at each other, the ground started to shake. Hermione and Draco looked terrified. The ground started to crack and spilt. The two terrified teenagers fell into a black world unknown.

A/N: Chapter 2 coming soon! Yeah, 'cause I suck at updating. Expect it in a week or so. )
If you review, It'll be even faster, because I'd be motivated to update. Is that the word to use? Motivated? Anyway, I'll stop this A/N and do more of Chapter 2!

A/N2: Short because it is only the introduction. I'll try to make the chapters longer:D