Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha.
Chapter 11- Move On
(A/N: I know I skip a lot of time but I couldn't think of anything else to happen whil Kagome and the others were at school. So I'll shut up now so you can read.)
"I can't beleive our first year at college is over."
"Me either."
Kagome looked up at the sky. She wasn't really listening to what Miroku and Sango were saying. Inuyasha could see something was troubling her.
"What do you mean 'what'?"
"What are you thinking about?"
"Yeah, Kags you haven't said anything all day."
"I'm not coming back to school next year."
"Where are you going?"
"Lady Morio asked me to take her place at the temple and I can't see myself ever doing any thing else. I'll be moving there after the summer is over."
"What? You can't do that!"
"Sango, when you and Miroku and Inuyasha graduate I'd love it if you'd come help me there, but you guys actually wanted to be here. I never really did."
"I'm going with you."
"Inuyasha, what about the business and school?"
"Feh, who cares. I'd rather go help you. More exciting. I hate school."
"I can't let you do that."
"It's my own choice I do what I want. You can't stop me."
"I can't?"
"No, I'm going and there is nothing you can say that'll change that."
"You think both of you are going to abandon us?"
"Yeah, we're going too."
"You guys are going to quit too? Just to help me?"
"Yeah, you'll need some help."
"As if you could ever pull it off alone."
Kagome laughed. "Thanks, all of you."
"Does Rin know?" Inuyasha asked looking at her.
"No, not yet."
"You need to tell her. Sooner rather than later."
Kagome bowed her head. "I know, but she'll be so disappointed in me."
"No she won't. She'll be proud, but she will miss you that's all."
Kagome wasn't so sure about that. Rin was very proud that Kagome was in college. But even if Rin was disappointed Kagome would go. She knew it was where her and her friends belonged. Lady Morio knew it too. And Morio was growing old. She needed Kagome to come so she could teach her how to help students.
Kagome came home a around five that night. She took a deep breath.
'I have to tell her. Then we will have two months to spend together before I leave. And she can always come visit me right?'
Kagome wasn't able to convence herself, but got out of the car and went inside. RIn was cooking dinner and had been waiting for her.
"Hey Kags I'm glad you are home. I thought you might miss dinner."
"I would never dream of it."
"Good, sit down. It'll just be a minute."
"Okay, take your time."
Kagome sat down and watched Rin with a smile on her face. Rin knew Kagome's mom would make dinner for them every night. She had tried very hard since Kagome found out the truth to make things as normal to her old life as possible.
Rin sat a plate down in front of her. They ate in mostly silence only talking about school and Kagome giving compliments on the food. When they were done Rin was about to get up, but Kagome put her hand gently over Rin's.
"I have to talk to you about something."
"Oh, no you're not pregnant are you? The parenting book doesn't say what to do in tha situation." Kagome laughed as Rin pulled a small book out of her pocket.
"Don't worry that's not it. Just sit and calm down."
Rin relaxed a lot and sat down. "What is it?"
"Rin, I know that you are very happy with me making it to college and everything, but I think it's time for me to move on to what I want to do. What I think I was meant to do."
"I don't understand."
"After this summer I'm going to take Lady Morio's place at the temple. All of my firends are going to go help me too."
Rin's eyes weld up with tears. "Morio asked you to take her place?"
"Yeah and I know you won't really want me too but I-" Rin went and hugged Kagome.
"Are you kidding? I am very proud of you."
"Thanks, I just can't see myself doing anything else."
"I can't either. Now I am sorry to say that I have to go."
"Yeah, we hang out everyonce in awhile."
"Good, and maybe-"
"Don't, I'm real proud of you but I'm not an idiot either. You can't persuade me to have a realtionship with Sesshomaru."
"I was only going to say maybe you could pick me up some ice cream while you were out."
'Damn it I can't beleive he's late! I knew I could never rely on him to meet me at this time of day. I can't believe I've waited here for a half an hour. Maybe I should just leave and forget about it.'
She began leaving the park bench and going to her car when Sesshomaru came out in front of her.
"You realize how late you are?"
"Yeah, but I had a few business arrangments to handle."
"Of course you did."
"Just sit down please and let me explain?"
Rin sat down beside Sesshomaru.
"I hired a new employee today. One that would run the business for me."
"Yeah, we're also going to move the main office a little closer to the temple Kagome is going to be head of. I'll be moving there and I don't see how I could possibly go without my fiancee."
"You're getting married?"
"If you say yes I am."
Rin looked at him in shock. "You did all this for me?"
"Yeah, I did."
She hugged him. "How could I possibly say no? Kagome will be so glad to here."
"Actually I already knew about it." Kagome said coming out of the bushes. Followed by Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku.
"All that stuff you said was an act?"
"No, Sesshomaru called me few minutes after you left."
"I can't beleive it! We're all going to be together."
"Yeah, but we have to make our last summer here an awsome one."
Rin watched from Kagome's bedroom window as the movers out all of their stuff in the back of the truck. Kagome came up beside her and out her arm around her shoulders.
"Feels good doesn't it Kags?"
"Being happy."
"Yeah it does feel good."
"I still wish I would have told you from the beginning."
"I wouldn't have had it any other way. If you had things would have been different. You have to go through hard times to end up happy."
"You think the hard times are over?"
"No, but we'll all be together to face them."
"Good I can't do it without you."
"I can't do it without you. So what do you say we blow this joint?"
"You got it."
well there it is. i couldnt think of what to put in the epilouge so i just decided to end it here. thanks for the revies they were awsome.